Wars and conflicts feature heavily in Nostradamus prophecies. Below are the key locations and categories identified within Century 5 with supporting links to the specific books by Lux Nova in where they are collated. You can also view alternat Centuries below to view a list of the verses where conflicts are identified between specific countries, each verse linked to the original French and English translations by Lux Nova where appropriate.e can compare this to political events and influences throughout those periods and understand the influences of the then and now.
Century 1 (24)Century 2 (41)Century 3 (51)Century 4 (41)Century 5 (44)Century 6 (25)Century 7 (16)Century 8 (46)Century 9 (47)Century 10 (30)Century 11 (2)Century 12 (6)
Wars and Conflicts Prophesised by Nostradamus in Century 5
Nostradamus identifies 44 wars and/or conflicts in Century 5. If we look at the occurence of these conflicts as they are listed in each century we can see the pattern of occurence thought Nostradmus works as his focus changes.
The collection of verses below are those identified within Century 5 where wars and/or conflicts are suggested, each has a link to the supporting verse in French and English Translation by Lux Nova
- Century 5, Verse 3: France in Florence (Italy) [C5, V3 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 10: Celts attacked [C5, V10 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 12: Conflict as Germans from along the Rhine attack near Lake Geneva [C5, V12 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 13: King to attack the Barbarians, chasing them out of Hungry, and beyond [C5, V13 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 14: Spain overthrown by Barbarians, the Cock to strike Rome [C5, V14 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 16: Brutal combat in and around the Greek Isles as far as Rhodes [C5, V16 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 18: A powerful Queen defeats her enemy, death in celebration [C5, V18 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 19: A young royal starts a war, land tainted with Libyan-Barbarian blood [C5, V19 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 20: Army passing over the Alps into Italy [C5, V20 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 22: Army ambushed and routed near Parma in Italy [C5, V22 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 25: Persia invades Byzantium and Egypt [C5, V25 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 27: The Persian army attacks and occupies the Turkish city of Trabzon (Trebizond), the Greek islands tremble, the Adriatic Sea red [C5, V27 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 29: Venice assaulted by the Barbarian Hister [C5, V29 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 30: Soldiers camped around Paris, to attack at Rome's command [C5, V30 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 33: Rebellion in Nantes (France) [C5, V33 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 34: Fleet from Blois to enter the Gironde Estuary, internal conflict in that part of France? [C5, V34 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 42: War between France and the region of Lombardy in Italy, they will be repulsed, great terror [C5, V42 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 43: Civil conflict, if France, Italy and Germany [C5, V43 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 45: An Empire (France) desolated, transferred into the Ardennes region [C5, V45 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 46: Rome assaulted by those of Alba [C5, V46 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 47: War in the Aegean between Greeks, Arabs, and Hungarians Sea tainted with Arab blood [C5, V47 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 48: Hungarians attack by Barbarian fleet, terrible battles on sea and land [C5, V48 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 50: Alliance to attack Armenia [C5, V50 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 51: A Western alliance to make war on the Spanish and Italy [C5, V51 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 54: From the Black sea and Crimea, a king will come to conquer France, he will strike the Ukraine, Armenia and Byzantium on the way [C5, V54 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 55: A great Arab, will come to trouble Spain, conquer Grenada, and devastate the Italian Ligurian coast [C5, V55 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 62: War near Orgon France, evils at Rome, Fleet destroyed [C5, V62 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 64: Civil conflict in Italy, in the regions containing Genoa and Nice [C5, V64 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 68: Deadly conflict along the Danube and the Rhine through the great camel (Arab), those along the Rhone and Loire rivers quake, but the Cock attack near the Alps [C5, V68 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 69: Africa attacked and utterly devastated, by the great one who sleeps [C5, V69 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 70: Great war in the mountains by those of the balance, Byzantium captured [C5, V70 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 71: Murder of nobles of France [C5, V71 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 73: Arabs and Poles allied together to attack Europe, especially the people and churches of God [C5, V73 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 74: German to rise high in power, will chase out the Arabs from Germany [C5, V74 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 80: War at Byzantium to drive out the Barbarians, by ogmois, see Chyren [C5, V80 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 81: Rome to fall [C5, V81 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 82: War in NE France, Jura mts [C5, V82 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 84: King at war in France [C5, V84 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 85: In and around Switzerland war [C5, V85 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 86: Byzantium attacked by Persia [C5, V86 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 89: Within Hungary, through Bohemia and Navarre (Spain) sedition, to go against Orleans in France [C5, V89 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 91: Europe and Greece attacked by Albanois [C5, V91 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 94: The Duke of Armenia, to absorb most of Belgium and Boulogne into his growing German empire, then to attack Vienna and Cologne [C5, V94 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 99: The Celts to attack Italy, Lion and Eagle [C5, V99 French to English by Lux Nova ]