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Wars and Conflicts identified in Nostradamus Prophecies in Century 4

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Wars and conflicts feature heavily in Nostradamus prophecies. Below are the key locations and categories identified within Century 4 with supporting links to the specific books by Lux Nova in where they are collated. You can also view alternat Centuries below to view a list of the verses where conflicts are identified between specific countries, each verse linked to the original French and English translations by Lux Nova where appropriate.e can compare this to political events and influences throughout those periods and understand the influences of the then and now.

Century 1 (24)Century 2 (41)Century 3 (51)Century 4 (41)Century 5 (44)Century 6 (25)Century 7 (16)Century 8 (46)Century 9 (47)Century 10 (30)Century 11 (2)Century 12 (6)

Wars and Conflicts Prophesised by Nostradamus in Century 4

Nostradamus identifies 41 wars and/or conflicts in Century 4. If we look at the occurence of these conflicts as they are listed in each century we can see the pattern of occurence thought Nostradmus works as his focus changes.

The collection of verses below are those identified within Century 4 where wars and/or conflicts are suggested, each has a link to the supporting verse in French and English Translation by Lux Nova

  1. Century 4, Verse 2: war between France and Spain, France victorious [C4, V2 French to English by Lux Nova ]
  2. Century 4, Verse 3: War in France between the France and Spanish [C4, V3 French to English by Lux Nova ]
  3. Century 4, Verse 4: War between those from Africa, France, Italy, and Germany [C4, V4 French to English by Lux Nova ]
  4. Century 4, Verse 5: Spain and France allied, about to take on the world [C4, V5 French to English by Lux Nova ]
  5. Century 4, Verse 8: Conflict in France [C4, V8 French to English by Lux Nova ]
  6. Century 4, Verse 9: Bitter conflict in Swiss regions [C4, V9 French to English by Lux Nova ]
  7. Century 4, Verse 12: Barbarian army defeated and chased out of France [C4, V12 French to English by Lux Nova ]
  8. Century 4, Verse 19: Italy at war in France, Belgium misled, and ravaged [C4, V19 French to English by Lux Nova ]
  9. Century 4, Verse 23: Conflict along the Ligurian coast and Monaco [C4, V23 French to English by Lux Nova ]
  10. Century 4, Verse 27: Conflict in France [C4, V27 French to English by Lux Nova ]
  11. Century 4, Verse 34: Wars in Italy, top, Piedmont region [C4, V34 French to English by Lux Nova ]
  12. Century 4, Verse 35: Conflict at Etruria and Corsica [C4, V35 French to English by Lux Nova ]
  13. Century 4, Verse 36: France victory, Italian forces defeated, Rome and Spain trembling [C4, V36 French to English by Lux Nova ]
  14. Century 4, Verse 37: France to attack Italy via the Alps, to occupy Piedmont, Lombardy, but Genoa and Monaco will drive back the Red Fleet [C4, V37 French to English by Lux Nova ]
  15. Century 4, Verse 39: Conflict in the islands and sea between Greece and Turkey [C4, V39 French to English by Lux Nova ]
  16. Century 4, Verse 42: Conflict in France, through Swiss and France alliances [C4, V42 French to English by Lux Nova ]
  17. Century 4, Verse 44: Internal conflict in France [C4, V44 French to English by Lux Nova ]
  18. Century 4, Verse 46: Conflict in France, those of London allied with those of Nantes, defence at Reims, Tours soon broken [C4, V46 French to English by Lux Nova ]
  19. Century 4, Verse 58: Tuscany in Italy attacked by the Barbarians [C4, V58 French to English by Lux Nova ]
  20. Century 4, Verse 63: The Celts attacking the mountaineers of Spain, ambushed by the whistling of birds [C4, V63 French to English by Lux Nova ]
  21. Century 4, Verse 66: Wells and fountains poisoned by enemy spies in Italy, in and around the Piedmont area, cannibals in Genoa [C4, V66 French to English by Lux Nova ]
  22. Century 4, Verse 68: Asia and Africa, sending forces and fleets into the Med, Ligurian coast and Malta, targeted [C4, V68 French to English by Lux Nova ]
  23. Century 4, Verse 69: Civil unrest in Italy [C4, V69 French to English by Lux Nova ]
  24. Century 4, Verse 70: War on both sides of the Pyrenees, the Eagle chased [C4, V70 French to English by Lux Nova ]
  25. Century 4, Verse 72: Civil war in France [C4, V72 French to English by Lux Nova ]
  26. Century 4, Verse 73: Duke at war in Italy [C4, V73 French to English by Lux Nova ]
  27. Century 4, Verse 74: The Germans and Swiss in mortal conflict with the France from Nouvelle Aquitaine [C4, V74 French to English by Lux Nova ]
  28. Century 4, Verse 74: Defeated army retreating through snow covered lands [C4, V74 French to English by Lux Nova ]
  29. Century 4, Verse 76: Civil war in France [C4, V76 French to English by Lux Nova ]
  30. Century 4, Verse 78: Civil war in Italy [C4, V78 French to English by Lux Nova ]
  31. Century 4, Verse 79: War near the Pyrenees in France, especially in the regions of Aquitaine [C4, V79 French to English by Lux Nova ]
  32. Century 4, Verse 80: Conflict around and in the city of Rome [C4, V80 French to English by Lux Nova ]
  33. Century 4, Verse 81: War in Belgium and Brussels [C4, V81 French to English by Lux Nova ]
  34. Century 4, Verse 82: Army from Slavonia to attack and burn Rome [C4, V82 French to English by Lux Nova ]
  35. Century 4, Verse 86: King anointed at Reims goes out to conquer [C4, V86 French to English by Lux Nova ]
  36. Century 4, Verse 90: Armies, conflict, top left of Italy [C4, V90 French to English by Lux Nova ]
  37. Century 4, Verse 94: War in Spain, defeat of one, near the Pyrenees, another chased far, conflict along the Rhone Germans defeated at Lake Geneva [C4, V94 French to English by Lux Nova ]
  38. Century 4, Verse 95: Civil war in France, stirred up between two brothers [C4, V95 French to English by Lux Nova ]
  39. Century 4, Verse 98: The Albanois to cause bloody conflict in Rome [C4, V98 French to English by Lux Nova ]
  40. Century 4, Verse 99: War to drive back the Celts, rockets fired deep into the West (or, Spain) [C4, V99 French to English by Lux Nova ]
  41. Century 4, Verse 100: bloodthirsty war in France for 7 months [C4, V100 French to English by Lux Nova ]