Wars and conflicts feature heavily in Nostradamus prophecies. Below are the key locations and categories identified within Century 2 with supporting links to the specific books by Lux Nova in where they are collated. You can also view alternat Centuries below to view a list of the verses where conflicts are identified between specific countries, each verse linked to the original French and English translations by Lux Nova where appropriate.e can compare this to political events and influences throughout those periods and understand the influences of the then and now.
Century 1 (24)Century 2 (41)Century 3 (51)Century 4 (41)Century 5 (44)Century 6 (25)Century 7 (16)Century 8 (46)Century 9 (47)Century 10 (30)Century 11 (2)Century 12 (6)
Wars and Conflicts Prophesised by Nostradamus in Century 2
Nostradamus identifies 41 wars and/or conflicts in Century 2. If we look at the occurence of these conflicts as they are listed in each century we can see the pattern of occurence thought Nostradmus works as his focus changes.
The collection of verses below are those identified within Century 2 where wars and/or conflicts are suggested, each has a link to the supporting verse in French and English Translation by Lux Nova
- Century 2, Verse 1: Britain attacks France [C2, V1 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 4: Barbarians attack and ransack the entire coast of Italy, from Monaco to Sicily [C2, V4 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 5: Fleet attacks Italy [C2, V5 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 14: All powerful Queen attacks France [C2, V14 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 16: New tyrants, in Naples (Italy) Sicily; allied forces from London, Belgium, Brussel and Susa (Italy?) to attack and win, but it is not obvious, whether it is Spain, France, or parts of Italy the force is attacking [C2, V16 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 21: Great hostilities in the areas of Greece and Turkey and between [C2, V21 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 24: War in Europe [C2, V24 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 25: War in France [C2, V25 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 26: War top left Italy [C2, V26 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 29: France attacked by a powerful Easterner [C2, V29 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 32: Conflict from Dalmatia, in Italy and Slavonia [C2, V32 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 33: Civil war in top half of Italy [C2, V33 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 34: Civil war about to erupt in France [C2, V34 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 39: Italy one year from war, EU to collapse [C2, V39 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 40: Land wars, Naval wars the worse [C2, V40 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 43: 3 brothers about to start a horrendous war [C2, V43 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 44: war in France [C2, V44 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 49: War in Med, from east [C2, V49 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 50: Belgians with Brussels surrounded by war, especially in France [C2, V50 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 52: War around Greece [C2, V52 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 54: Rome besieged [C2, V54 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 55: War in Italy [C2, V55 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 59: France fleet attack Italy, conflict at Narbonne (France) [C2, V59 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 60: East defeated [C2, V60 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 61: People from the Thames, Gironde, La Rochelle (France) allied and attack those allied to the Trojan blood [C2, V61 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 63: France to fail in Italy [C2, V63 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 68: Armies from Northern Europe, England restored, but London to tremble [C2, V68 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 72: Celts vexed in Italy, the Romans flee, France repelled, great battle near Rome [C2, V72 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 78: Raids on the British Isles [C2, V78 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 81: Sardinia attacked by barbarian ships [C2, V81 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 83: Conflict from Lyon to Switzerland [C2, V83 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 84: Dalmatia attacked, and overthrown [C2, V84 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 85: Ariel warfare top Med side of Italy [C2, V85 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 86: France fleet wrecked Power of Mohammad increases, Egypt trembles in fear [C2, V86 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 90: Hungary defeated, overrun, subjugated by the Barbarians [C2, V90 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 91: War in northern Europe [C2, V91 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 93: Italy, especially Rome, utterly defeated [C2, V93 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 94: France attacking in top of Italy [C2, V94 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 96: Persia invades Greece [C2, V96 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 99: Prediction of France constantly attacking Italy, and loss of a vast France Fleet [C2, V99 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 100: Great raids on the England, will cause them to form a great alliance [C2, V100 French to English by Lux Nova ]