Wars and conflicts feature heavily in Nostradamus prophecies. Below are the key locations and categories identified within Century 1 with supporting links to the specific books by Lux Nova in where they are collated. You can also view alternat Centuries below to view a list of the verses where conflicts are identified between specific countries, each verse linked to the original French and English translations by Lux Nova where appropriate.e can compare this to political events and influences throughout those periods and understand the influences of the then and now.
Century 1 (24)Century 2 (41)Century 3 (51)Century 4 (41)Century 5 (44)Century 6 (25)Century 7 (16)Century 8 (46)Century 9 (47)Century 10 (30)Century 11 (2)Century 12 (6)
Wars and Conflicts Prophesised by Nostradamus in Century 1
Nostradamus identifies 24 wars and/or conflicts in Century 1. If we look at the occurence of these conflicts as they are listed in each century we can see the pattern of occurence thought Nostradmus works as his focus changes.
The collection of verses below are those identified within Century 1 where wars and/or conflicts are suggested, each has a link to the supporting verse in French and English Translation by Lux Nova
- Century 1, Verse 5: Unrest in France [C1, V5 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 6: France making assaults on the Italian areas of Piedmont, Emilia Romagna [C1, V6 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 9: Barbarian Libyan fleet, raiding Italian coastline, Malta in mortal fear [C1, V9 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 11: Naples, Leon (Spain) Sicily, in alliance attacks Rome [C1, V11 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 18: The Mohamad-a fleet attack Siena (Italy) war on sea and coast, then attack France via Marseille [C1, V18 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 20: Foreign army attacking in France all along the length of the Loire river [C1, V20 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 26: Conflict at Reims (France) and London [C1, V26 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 31: Long lasting war in France [C1, V31 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 34: France prepares for war [C1, V34 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 49: The East attacks and conquers much of Northern Europe [C1, V49 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 70: War in Persia, that started in France [C1, V70 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 71: Spain, the Barbarians and Ligurians to attack Marine tower, attacks on the France coast by Italy [C1, V71 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 72: Marseille attacked, spreading inland [C1, V72 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 73: France attacked on three sides, top, bottom and Med [C1, V73 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 74: War in sea and land of Turkey [C1, V74 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 75: Civil war in Italy [C1, V75 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 78: France threatens Britain? [C1, V78 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 79: Civil war in France [C1, V79 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 83: Italy attacked on Med side, the Greeks involved [C1, V83 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 87: war between Italy and France [C1, V87 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 89: Spain attacks France [C1, V89 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 90: Civil war in France, one side aided by Italy [C1, V90 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 93: War in Italy near the Alps, by France, Spain and Germany calm [C1, V93 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 99: Civil war in France [C1, V99 French to English by Lux Nova ]