Wars and conflicts feature heavily in Nostradamus prophecies, in this section we have collated the verses which identify those conflicts and identified the frequency at which specific countries and categories occur.
Below are the key locations and categories identified with a link to the specific books by Lux Nova in where they are collated. You can also access the centuries below to view a list of the verses where conflicts are identified between specific countries, each verse linked to the original French and English translations by Lux Nova where appropriate. As we have discussed in other works, the centuries are a collection of Nostradamus works but they are not in sequence. It is up to us to comprehend the message as a whole and identify the strings that provide a cohesive formula from which to identify the patterns of his prophecies and predictions. The frequency and trend here allow us to see how his focus on specific themes shifted throughout his writing. In turn we can compare this to political events and influences throughout those periods and understand the influences of the then and now.
Century 1 (24)Century 2 (41)Century 3 (51)Century 4 (41)Century 5 (44)Century 6 (25)Century 7 (16)Century 8 (46)Century 9 (47)Century 10 (30)Century 11 (2)Century 12 (6)
Wars and Conflicts Prophesised by Nostradamus in Century 1
Nostradamus identifies 24 wars and/or conflicts in Century 1. If we look at the occurence of these conflicts as they are listed in each century we can see the pattern of occurence thought Nostradmus works as his focus changes.
The collection of verses below are those identified within Century 1 where wars and/or conflicts are suggested, each has a link to the supporting verse in French and English Translation by Lux Nova
- Century 1, Verse 5: Unrest in France [C1, V5 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 6: France making assaults on the Italian areas of Piedmont, Emilia Romagna [C1, V6 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 9: Barbarian Libyan fleet, raiding Italian coastline, Malta in mortal fear [C1, V9 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 11: Naples, Leon (Spain) Sicily, in alliance attacks Rome [C1, V11 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 18: The Mohamad-a fleet attack Siena (Italy) war on sea and coast, then attack France via Marseille [C1, V18 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 20: Foreign army attacking in France all along the length of the Loire river [C1, V20 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 26: Conflict at Reims (France) and London [C1, V26 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 31: Long lasting war in France [C1, V31 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 34: France prepares for war [C1, V34 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 49: The East attacks and conquers much of Northern Europe [C1, V49 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 70: War in Persia, that started in France [C1, V70 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 71: Spain, the Barbarians and Ligurians to attack Marine tower, attacks on the France coast by Italy [C1, V71 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 72: Marseille attacked, spreading inland [C1, V72 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 73: France attacked on three sides, top, bottom and Med [C1, V73 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 74: War in sea and land of Turkey [C1, V74 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 75: Civil war in Italy [C1, V75 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 78: France threatens Britain? [C1, V78 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 79: Civil war in France [C1, V79 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 83: Italy attacked on Med side, the Greeks involved [C1, V83 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 87: war between Italy and France [C1, V87 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 89: Spain attacks France [C1, V89 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 90: Civil war in France, one side aided by Italy [C1, V90 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 93: War in Italy near the Alps, by France, Spain and Germany calm [C1, V93 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 1, Verse 99: Civil war in France [C1, V99 French to English by Lux Nova ]
Wars and Conflicts Prophesised by Nostradamus in Century 2
Nostradamus identifies 41 wars and/or conflicts in Century 2. If we look at the occurence of these conflicts as they are listed in each century we can see the pattern of occurence thought Nostradmus works as his focus changes.
The collection of verses below are those identified within Century 2 where wars and/or conflicts are suggested, each has a link to the supporting verse in French and English Translation by Lux Nova
- Century 2, Verse 1: Britain attacks France [C2, V1 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 4: Barbarians attack and ransack the entire coast of Italy, from Monaco to Sicily [C2, V4 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 5: Fleet attacks Italy [C2, V5 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 14: All powerful Queen attacks France [C2, V14 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 16: New tyrants, in Naples (Italy) Sicily; allied forces from London, Belgium, Brussel and Susa (Italy?) to attack and win, but it is not obvious, whether it is Spain, France, or parts of Italy the force is attacking [C2, V16 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 21: Great hostilities in the areas of Greece and Turkey and between [C2, V21 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 24: War in Europe [C2, V24 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 25: War in France [C2, V25 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 26: War top left Italy [C2, V26 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 29: France attacked by a powerful Easterner [C2, V29 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 32: Conflict from Dalmatia, in Italy and Slavonia [C2, V32 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 33: Civil war in top half of Italy [C2, V33 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 34: Civil war about to erupt in France [C2, V34 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 39: Italy one year from war, EU to collapse [C2, V39 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 40: Land wars, Naval wars the worse [C2, V40 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 43: 3 brothers about to start a horrendous war [C2, V43 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 44: war in France [C2, V44 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 49: War in Med, from east [C2, V49 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 50: Belgians with Brussels surrounded by war, especially in France [C2, V50 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 52: War around Greece [C2, V52 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 54: Rome besieged [C2, V54 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 55: War in Italy [C2, V55 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 59: France fleet attack Italy, conflict at Narbonne (France) [C2, V59 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 60: East defeated [C2, V60 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 61: People from the Thames, Gironde, La Rochelle (France) allied and attack those allied to the Trojan blood [C2, V61 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 63: France to fail in Italy [C2, V63 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 68: Armies from Northern Europe, England restored, but London to tremble [C2, V68 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 72: Celts vexed in Italy, the Romans flee, France repelled, great battle near Rome [C2, V72 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 78: Raids on the British Isles [C2, V78 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 81: Sardinia attacked by barbarian ships [C2, V81 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 83: Conflict from Lyon to Switzerland [C2, V83 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 84: Dalmatia attacked, and overthrown [C2, V84 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 85: Ariel warfare top Med side of Italy [C2, V85 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 86: France fleet wrecked Power of Mohammad increases, Egypt trembles in fear [C2, V86 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 90: Hungary defeated, overrun, subjugated by the Barbarians [C2, V90 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 91: War in northern Europe [C2, V91 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 93: Italy, especially Rome, utterly defeated [C2, V93 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 94: France attacking in top of Italy [C2, V94 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 96: Persia invades Greece [C2, V96 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 99: Prediction of France constantly attacking Italy, and loss of a vast France Fleet [C2, V99 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 2, Verse 100: Great raids on the England, will cause them to form a great alliance [C2, V100 French to English by Lux Nova ]
Wars and Conflicts Prophesised by Nostradamus in Century 3
Nostradamus identifies 51 wars and/or conflicts in Century 3. If we look at the occurence of these conflicts as they are listed in each century we can see the pattern of occurence thought Nostradmus works as his focus changes.
The collection of verses below are those identified within Century 3 where wars and/or conflicts are suggested, each has a link to the supporting verse in French and English Translation by Lux Nova
- Century 3, Verse 3: Deep in Asia atomic war When the gods of India fall out [C3, V3 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 8: France attacks Spain, great devastation, great loss [C3, V8 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 9: War, the English, those of Brittany and Holland to attack in France [C3, V9 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 11: Air battles over Italy, long and bloody [C3, V11 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 12: War in France [C3, V12 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 13: Submarine warfare [C3, V13 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 15: Infant to rule France, English not happy [C3, V15 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 17: Civil unrest in Italy, Rome put to fire [C3, V17 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 19: War, plague, famine in Italy [C3, V19 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 20: War between Spain and those of Mohammad [C3, V20 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 23: War, by sea, between France and those of Mohammad [C3, V23 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 24: France fleet utterly defeated, by sea and Mohammad [C3, V24 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 25: The alliance of Naples, Leon, Sicily; that will attack Rome, read in conjunction with c1 v11 [C3, V25 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 29: Two warmongers [C3, V29 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 31: Great conflict in the east near the Araxes river This is the area where the final conflict between the east and the west will take place; the very one spoken of in Revelations [C3, V31 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 32: France forces destroyed in Tuscany (Italy) Conflict in part of Germany [C3, V32 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 33: War in France, or Italy? It's never a good idea to open the door to a wolf [C3, V33 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 37: war in Piedmont Italy, struck by the Eagle [C3, V37 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 38: France people and a foreign nation destroyed in Italy [C3, V38 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 39: War in Italy [C3, V39 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 43: France army destroyed near Rome and the Marche of Ancona [C3, V43 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 49: France overthrown, loss of empire [C3, V49 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 51: Civil strife in France [C3, V51 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 52: War in Italy between the Cock, Lion and the Eagle, 3 brothers of the Lily [C3, V52 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 53: Conflict between Germany, Belgian and France [C3, V53 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 54: War in Spain [C3, V54 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 56: war in France [C3, V56 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 60: Internal strife, in the East, great devastation on the people of Islam, through their own [C3, V60 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 61: Great conflict in Mesopotamia, crusaders [C3, V61 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 62: Invasion of France via the Pyrenees, but not by the Spanish [C3, V62 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 64: Great conflict in the waters between Greece and Turkey, between the Persian and those of Mohammad [C3, V64 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 68: Destruction of people from Spain and Italy, within Spain [C3, V68 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 69: War in France [C3, V69 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 70: War between Britain and Italy [C3, V70 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 71: The British Isles besieged for a long time, vexed by Italy, it will rise from the dust, and the sandstorm it unleashes will make a desert of its enemies [C3, V71 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 75: Italy attacked, foreign attackers to bring devastating plague with them [C3, V75 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 77: conflict in the regions of Persia and Egypt [C3, V77 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 79: Attack on Marseille, France [C3, V79 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 82: Attack on Frances Med Coast [C3, V82 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 83: Attack on France by Germany [C3, V83 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 84: War, Paris, or Rome? [C3, V84 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 85: War in France [C3, V85 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 86: Italy to Spain, via Marseille? [C3, V86 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 87: France fleet destroyed in the Med [C3, V87 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 88: Spain to attack France, capturing Marseille [C3, V88 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 89: Conflict near and in Cyprus [C3, V89 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 93: Paris desolated, by war, no people, more rats than dogs and cats [C3, V93 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 97: Barbarian empire desolated, smashed to pieces in Syria, Judea, and Palestine, New Law, before Venus meets its end [C3, V97 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 98: Civil War in France between two brothers [C3, V98 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 99: War in France, attacked by those of Mesopotamia [C3, V99 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 3, Verse 100: One of France will defeat the enemy of all mankind [C3, V100 French to English by Lux Nova ]
Wars and Conflicts Prophesised by Nostradamus in Century 4
Nostradamus identifies 41 wars and/or conflicts in Century 4. If we look at the occurence of these conflicts as they are listed in each century we can see the pattern of occurence thought Nostradmus works as his focus changes.
The collection of verses below are those identified within Century 4 where wars and/or conflicts are suggested, each has a link to the supporting verse in French and English Translation by Lux Nova
- Century 4, Verse 2: war between France and Spain, France victorious [C4, V2 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 4, Verse 3: War in France between the France and Spanish [C4, V3 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 4, Verse 4: War between those from Africa, France, Italy, and Germany [C4, V4 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 4, Verse 5: Spain and France allied, about to take on the world [C4, V5 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 4, Verse 8: Conflict in France [C4, V8 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 4, Verse 9: Bitter conflict in Swiss regions [C4, V9 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 4, Verse 12: Barbarian army defeated and chased out of France [C4, V12 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 4, Verse 19: Italy at war in France, Belgium misled, and ravaged [C4, V19 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 4, Verse 23: Conflict along the Ligurian coast and Monaco [C4, V23 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 4, Verse 27: Conflict in France [C4, V27 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 4, Verse 34: Wars in Italy, top, Piedmont region [C4, V34 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 4, Verse 35: Conflict at Etruria and Corsica [C4, V35 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 4, Verse 36: France victory, Italian forces defeated, Rome and Spain trembling [C4, V36 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 4, Verse 37: France to attack Italy via the Alps, to occupy Piedmont, Lombardy, but Genoa and Monaco will drive back the Red Fleet [C4, V37 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 4, Verse 39: Conflict in the islands and sea between Greece and Turkey [C4, V39 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 4, Verse 42: Conflict in France, through Swiss and France alliances [C4, V42 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 4, Verse 44: Internal conflict in France [C4, V44 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 4, Verse 46: Conflict in France, those of London allied with those of Nantes, defence at Reims, Tours soon broken [C4, V46 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 4, Verse 58: Tuscany in Italy attacked by the Barbarians [C4, V58 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 4, Verse 63: The Celts attacking the mountaineers of Spain, ambushed by the whistling of birds [C4, V63 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 4, Verse 66: Wells and fountains poisoned by enemy spies in Italy, in and around the Piedmont area, cannibals in Genoa [C4, V66 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 4, Verse 68: Asia and Africa, sending forces and fleets into the Med, Ligurian coast and Malta, targeted [C4, V68 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 4, Verse 69: Civil unrest in Italy [C4, V69 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 4, Verse 70: War on both sides of the Pyrenees, the Eagle chased [C4, V70 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 4, Verse 72: Civil war in France [C4, V72 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 4, Verse 73: Duke at war in Italy [C4, V73 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 4, Verse 74: The Germans and Swiss in mortal conflict with the France from Nouvelle Aquitaine [C4, V74 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 4, Verse 74: Defeated army retreating through snow covered lands [C4, V74 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 4, Verse 76: Civil war in France [C4, V76 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 4, Verse 78: Civil war in Italy [C4, V78 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 4, Verse 79: War near the Pyrenees in France, especially in the regions of Aquitaine [C4, V79 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 4, Verse 80: Conflict around and in the city of Rome [C4, V80 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 4, Verse 81: War in Belgium and Brussels [C4, V81 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 4, Verse 82: Army from Slavonia to attack and burn Rome [C4, V82 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 4, Verse 86: King anointed at Reims goes out to conquer [C4, V86 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 4, Verse 90: Armies, conflict, top left of Italy [C4, V90 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 4, Verse 94: War in Spain, defeat of one, near the Pyrenees, another chased far, conflict along the Rhone Germans defeated at Lake Geneva [C4, V94 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 4, Verse 95: Civil war in France, stirred up between two brothers [C4, V95 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 4, Verse 98: The Albanois to cause bloody conflict in Rome [C4, V98 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 4, Verse 99: War to drive back the Celts, rockets fired deep into the West (or, Spain) [C4, V99 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 4, Verse 100: bloodthirsty war in France for 7 months [C4, V100 French to English by Lux Nova ]
Wars and Conflicts Prophesised by Nostradamus in Century 5
Nostradamus identifies 44 wars and/or conflicts in Century 5. If we look at the occurence of these conflicts as they are listed in each century we can see the pattern of occurence thought Nostradmus works as his focus changes.
The collection of verses below are those identified within Century 5 where wars and/or conflicts are suggested, each has a link to the supporting verse in French and English Translation by Lux Nova
- Century 5, Verse 3: France in Florence (Italy) [C5, V3 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 10: Celts attacked [C5, V10 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 12: Conflict as Germans from along the Rhine attack near Lake Geneva [C5, V12 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 13: King to attack the Barbarians, chasing them out of Hungry, and beyond [C5, V13 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 14: Spain overthrown by Barbarians, the Cock to strike Rome [C5, V14 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 16: Brutal combat in and around the Greek Isles as far as Rhodes [C5, V16 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 18: A powerful Queen defeats her enemy, death in celebration [C5, V18 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 19: A young royal starts a war, land tainted with Libyan-Barbarian blood [C5, V19 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 20: Army passing over the Alps into Italy [C5, V20 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 22: Army ambushed and routed near Parma in Italy [C5, V22 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 25: Persia invades Byzantium and Egypt [C5, V25 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 27: The Persian army attacks and occupies the Turkish city of Trabzon (Trebizond), the Greek islands tremble, the Adriatic Sea red [C5, V27 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 29: Venice assaulted by the Barbarian Hister [C5, V29 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 30: Soldiers camped around Paris, to attack at Rome's command [C5, V30 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 33: Rebellion in Nantes (France) [C5, V33 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 34: Fleet from Blois to enter the Gironde Estuary, internal conflict in that part of France? [C5, V34 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 42: War between France and the region of Lombardy in Italy, they will be repulsed, great terror [C5, V42 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 43: Civil conflict, if France, Italy and Germany [C5, V43 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 45: An Empire (France) desolated, transferred into the Ardennes region [C5, V45 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 46: Rome assaulted by those of Alba [C5, V46 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 47: War in the Aegean between Greeks, Arabs, and Hungarians Sea tainted with Arab blood [C5, V47 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 48: Hungarians attack by Barbarian fleet, terrible battles on sea and land [C5, V48 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 50: Alliance to attack Armenia [C5, V50 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 51: A Western alliance to make war on the Spanish and Italy [C5, V51 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 54: From the Black sea and Crimea, a king will come to conquer France, he will strike the Ukraine, Armenia and Byzantium on the way [C5, V54 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 55: A great Arab, will come to trouble Spain, conquer Grenada, and devastate the Italian Ligurian coast [C5, V55 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 62: War near Orgon France, evils at Rome, Fleet destroyed [C5, V62 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 64: Civil conflict in Italy, in the regions containing Genoa and Nice [C5, V64 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 68: Deadly conflict along the Danube and the Rhine through the great camel (Arab), those along the Rhone and Loire rivers quake, but the Cock attack near the Alps [C5, V68 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 69: Africa attacked and utterly devastated, by the great one who sleeps [C5, V69 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 70: Great war in the mountains by those of the balance, Byzantium captured [C5, V70 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 71: Murder of nobles of France [C5, V71 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 73: Arabs and Poles allied together to attack Europe, especially the people and churches of God [C5, V73 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 74: German to rise high in power, will chase out the Arabs from Germany [C5, V74 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 80: War at Byzantium to drive out the Barbarians, by ogmois, see Chyren [C5, V80 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 81: Rome to fall [C5, V81 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 82: War in NE France, Jura mts [C5, V82 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 84: King at war in France [C5, V84 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 85: In and around Switzerland war [C5, V85 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 86: Byzantium attacked by Persia [C5, V86 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 89: Within Hungary, through Bohemia and Navarre (Spain) sedition, to go against Orleans in France [C5, V89 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 91: Europe and Greece attacked by Albanois [C5, V91 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 94: The Duke of Armenia, to absorb most of Belgium and Boulogne into his growing German empire, then to attack Vienna and Cologne [C5, V94 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 5, Verse 99: The Celts to attack Italy, Lion and Eagle [C5, V99 French to English by Lux Nova ]
Wars and Conflicts Prophesised by Nostradamus in Century 6
Nostradamus identifies 25 wars and/or conflicts in Century 6. If we look at the occurence of these conflicts as they are listed in each century we can see the pattern of occurence thought Nostradmus works as his focus changes.
The collection of verses below are those identified within Century 6 where wars and/or conflicts are suggested, each has a link to the supporting verse in French and English Translation by Lux Nova
- Century 6, Verse 1: War in France, Rome to fear [C6, V1 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 6, Verse 12: Great allied alliance to make war against France and Italy [C6, V12 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 6, Verse 19: War in Spain [C6, V19 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 6, Verse 21: Those of arctic pole allied, will make war against the East, the slaughter of Barbarians all over the Aegean [C6, V21 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 6, Verse 25: Italy weakened by war, power usurped by an evil one, double jeopardy [C6, V25 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 6, Verse 30: Civil strife in Belgium [C6, V30 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 6, Verse 35: war in Italy [C6, V35 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 6, Verse 38: Italy conquered control given over to the evil black one [C6, V38 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 6, Verse 47: Conflict in Brussels, and Dole with those of Langres (France) [C6, V47 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 6, Verse 48: Civil War in Italy [C6, V48 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 6, Verse 49: The great Pontiff (of Rome) to conquer the areas around the Danube river, pursing the Crosses [take my advice, take your weapons, but leave your gold and silver where their greedy eyes can see it, the devil's eyes are blinded by gold: run, run, run away, live to fight another day] [C6, V49 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 6, Verse 54: By the Arabs the king of Morocco captured [C6, V54 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 6, Verse 55: Duke, calm, feeling assured, duped, suddenly Arab fleet seen: duke captured, Black sea and Trabzon deserted [C6, V55 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 6, Verse 56: The dreaded army of Narbon, will greatly frighten the west, then Spain will enter the war [C6, V56 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 6, Verse 62: Conflict in France between British alliance and France In Savona, Albenga, Monaco, people killed for their beliefs [C6, V62 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 6, Verse 64: Peace treaty broken, Spain, Barcelona attacks a seizes a foreign fleet [C6, V64 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 6, Verse 68: Those of Alba attack Rome [C6, V68 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 6, Verse 75: Venice attacked by Barbarians [C6, V75 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 6, Verse 77: Germans rebel, forces of Italy in flight [C6, V77 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 6, Verse 79: France forces attacking in parts of Italy [C6, V79 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 6, Verse 80: Forces from Asia embarked from Morocco attacking Europe Blues, Persian and Crusaders in conflict [C6, V80 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 6, Verse 81: cruel war, running from Lake Geneva, through isles of med to Genoa in Italy, caused by the black one [C6, V81 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 6, Verse 85: The France aided by the Portuguese attack Turkey, destroy the city of Tarsus [C6, V85 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 6, Verse 96: Destruction of Paris [C6, V96 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 6, Verse 98: Terror and death in France, mainly in the Occitaine region, who's capital is Toulouse [C6, V98 French to English by Lux Nova ]
Wars and Conflicts Prophesised by Nostradamus in Century 7
Nostradamus identifies 16 wars and/or conflicts in Century 7. If we look at the occurence of these conflicts as they are listed in each century we can see the pattern of occurence thought Nostradmus works as his focus changes.
The collection of verses below are those identified within Century 7 where wars and/or conflicts are suggested, each has a link to the supporting verse in French and English Translation by Lux Nova
- Century 7, Verse 2: war in France [C7, V2 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 7, Verse 3: France naval victory over the Spanish [C7, V3 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 7, Verse 4: A duke to lead a France alliance against those of Ancona in Italy [C7, V4 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 7, Verse 6: Barbarians attack Naples and Sicily, all destroyed, Corsica and Sardinia have plague, famine, constant attacks, no end in sight [C7, V6 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 7, Verse 8: Terrifying civil war in Italy, sheer butchery, neither people or temples spared [C7, V8 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 7, Verse 10: Prince from near Le Mans France with a great army of Bretons and Normans, by land and sea to pass Gibraltar and Barcelona, presumably to attack Italy? [C7, V10 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 7, Verse 15: great siege in insubia, Milan probably [C7, V15 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 7, Verse 16: War between great Queen and army 3 Lions [C7, V16 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 7, Verse 19: Nice in France attacked and conquered [C7, V19 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 7, Verse 20: Tyrant driven out of Languedoc (France) and murdered [C7, V20 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 7, Verse 26: War Spain, fleet [C7, V26 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 7, Verse 27: war in Italy [C7, V27 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 7, Verse 30: Civil war Italy [C7, V30 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 7, Verse 31: War in France and lower Italy [C7, V31 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 7, Verse 36: Shaven heads attack Byzantium? [C7, V36 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 7, Verse 39: France attack on Italy [C7, V39 French to English by Lux Nova ]
Wars and Conflicts Prophesised by Nostradamus in Century 8
Nostradamus identifies 46 wars and/or conflicts in Century 8. If we look at the occurence of these conflicts as they are listed in each century we can see the pattern of occurence thought Nostradmus works as his focus changes.
The collection of verses below are those identified within Century 8 where wars and/or conflicts are suggested, each has a link to the supporting verse in French and English Translation by Lux Nova
- Century 8, Verse 2: War in France, not far from the Pyrenees, fire from sky [C8, V2 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 3: Insurrection in Italy, Moselle region of France and grief at Lyon [C8, V3 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 5: Death of the Cock [C8, V5 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 6: Disturbance around Lyon France, Malta captured [C8, V6 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 7: war in Italy [C8, V7 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 8: Sedition at Turin Italy [C8, V8 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 9: Extensive war in Italy and Sicily [C8, V9 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 10: Conflict in Switzerland, foreign people killed or expelled [C8, V10 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 11: Civil war top left Italy [C8, V11 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 12: Sedition Milan [C8, V12 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 15: War in north, all Europe, world threatened by a woman [C8, V15 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 16: Noah type flood in the regions Greece [C8, V16 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 17: Extensive Wars started by 3 brothers [C8, V17 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 19: Infighting amongst the Red Ones [C8, V19 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 21: France attacked by plague ridden ships, millions to die [C8, V21 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 22: Conflict in France along med coast [C8, V22 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 31: Cruel tyrant in Venice and around Many to die in horror [C8, V31 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 33: Further events from 31 [C8, V33 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 34: Slaughter in Jura mountains, spreading as far as Lyon [C8, V34 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 37: Sedition in England [C8, V37 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 38: Civil conflicts in France [C8, V38 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 42: Sedition in Orleans France [C8, V42 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 43: Conflict in and near Lectoure [C8, V43 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 44: War on Spanish France border, Navarre at Pau [C8, V44 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 47: Conflict at Lake Geneva, Germans slaughtered [C8, V47 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 48: Spain attacked on three fronts [C8, V48 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 49: war in France, between France and Barbarians [C8, V49 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 50: Plague and famine in Spain [C8, V50 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 52: Civil war in France [C8, V52 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 54: War in France with Spanish [C8, V54 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 57: Brave one attaining power turns on the church and priests [C8, V57 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 58: Civil strife in England [C8, V58 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 60: War in France, English, France and Italy involved [C8, V60 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 62: Plague and sedition in France [C8, V62 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 70: War in Mesopotamia [C8, V70 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 72: War in Italy [C8, V72 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 76: Evil deeds in England [C8, V76 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 81: Sicily causing conflict [C8, V81 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 83: Sea conflict near Byzantium [C8, V83 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 84: Plague in Sicily [C8, V84 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 85: War at France against the North [C8, V85 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 86: Spain attacks France [C8, V86 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 91: War in France with Barbarians, a great flood [C8, V91 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 92: Tyrant to plunder his own country [C8, V92 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 94: Around Lake Geneva, those of Spain and Alba Italy in mortal combat [C8, V94 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 8, Verse 98: Destruction of church people and priests [C8, V98 French to English by Lux Nova ]
Wars and Conflicts Prophesised by Nostradamus in Century 9
Nostradamus identifies 47 wars and/or conflicts in Century 9. If we look at the occurence of these conflicts as they are listed in each century we can see the pattern of occurence thought Nostradmus works as his focus changes.
The collection of verses below are those identified within Century 9 where wars and/or conflicts are suggested, each has a link to the supporting verse in French and English Translation by Lux Nova
- Century 9, Verse 2: Conflict in Italy, destruction of Red Ones [C9, V2 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 3: War in Italy, maybe civil [C9, V3 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 5: Civil conflict in Italy [C9, V5 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 8: Wolf driven out of Italy [C9, V8 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 9: Unrest in France [C9, V9 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 10: War in France [C9, V10 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 13: Civil conflict in Italt [C9, V13 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 16: Civil strife in Italy [C9, V16 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 20: Unrest in France [C9, V20 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 21: War in France [C9, V21 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 24: Kidnap of young royals in France [C9, V24 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 25: Spain attacking in France [C9, V25 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 28: France to attack Venice Italy, Sicily included [C9, V28 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 29: War in France [C9, V29 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 30: France fleet to perish in the Gulf of Kvarner (Quarnaro) aid from Spain Cadiz [C9, V30 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 33: Conflict in Italy [C9, V33 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 35: Conflict between, France, Macedon, Greece [C9, V35 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 38: English attacking in France [C9, V38 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 39: Civil war in Italy [C9, V39 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 41: Conflict in France, Rome not happy 42 Spain, Italy attacking Barbarians [C9, V41 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 43: Sea and land battle Aegean [C9, V43 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 44: Slaughter in Switzerland [C9, V44 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 45: Conflict in Italy [C9, V45 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 46: Conflict in Toulouse France against Red ones [C9, V46 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 49: Civil conflict in Belgium and Brussels [C9, V49 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 51: War against Red ones [C9, V51 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 52: Absolute carnage in France [C9, V52 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 54: Portuguese attacking Italy [C9, V54 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 58: Civil in France [C9, V58 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 59: Civil conflict in France [C9, V59 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 60: War around Dalmatia [C9, V60 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 63: War in France [C9, V63 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 64: Macedon to attack France via Spain [C9, V64 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 67: War in France, between Italy and France [C9, V67 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 68: Conflict in France [C9, V68 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 72: Civil unrest in France [C9, V72 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 73: Persians against Barbarians in France [C9, V73 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 75: Battles around Greece, France involved [C9, V75 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 78: Conflict in Greece by Spain -ish [C9, V78 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 79: conflict on the sea [C9, V79 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 80: Conflict Italy, Barbarian assaults [C9, V80 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 84: Civil conflict in Italy [C9, V84 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 85: War in France [C9, V85 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 85: Civil conflict in France [C9, V85 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 88: war in France with Italy [C9, V88 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 91: Terrible plague throughout Greece 95 War in Italy around Milan [C9, V91 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 9, Verse 98: Civil strife France [C9, V98 French to English by Lux Nova ]
Wars and Conflicts Prophesised by Nostradamus in Century 10
Nostradamus identifies 30 wars and/or conflicts in Century 10. If we look at the occurence of these conflicts as they are listed in each century we can see the pattern of occurence thought Nostradmus works as his focus changes.
The collection of verses below are those identified within Century 10 where wars and/or conflicts are suggested, each has a link to the supporting verse in French and English Translation by Lux Nova
- Century 10, Verse 2: Sea battle [C10, V2 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 10, Verse 5: Conflict France, Portuguese involved [C10, V5 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 10, Verse 11: War in France [C10, V11 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 10, Verse 13: Conflict France Antibes [C10, V13 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 10, Verse 20: Conflict in Italy [C10, V20 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 10, Verse 23: Conflict France and Monaco [C10, V23 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 10, Verse 24: War in Italy then in France [C10, V24 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 10, Verse 29: Civil strife in France [C10, V29 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 10, Verse 33: Conflict in Italy [C10, V33 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 10, Verse 36: Unrest in England, coastal assaults, tyranny [C10, V36 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 10, Verse 37: civil conflict in France [C10, V37 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 10, Verse 48: Spain attacking Europe [C10, V48 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 10, Verse 51: Conflict between Germans and France 58 Queen to make war on Macedonian, France trembles, conflict, Marseille tested [C10, V51 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 10, Verse 60: Attacks on Italy, Monaco, Malta [C10, V60 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 10, Verse 61: War in Hungary, Barbarians [C10, V61 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 10, Verse 62: War in Hungary [C10, V62 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 10, Verse 64: Civil war and strife in top half of Italy [C10, V64 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 10, Verse 65: Barbarian attack on Italy, Rome and the Vatican [C10, V65 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 10, Verse 76: Civil strife in Italy [C10, V76 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 10, Verse 77: Conflict in Italy [C10, V77 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 10, Verse 78: Troubles in Rome, Italy, civil strife [C10, V78 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 10, Verse 82: Massacre in Belgium [C10, V82 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 10, Verse 83: Massacre in Belgium caused by Duke [C10, V83 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 10, Verse 86: Forces from Europe, the North to attack the king and those of Babylon [C10, V86 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 10, Verse 87: Barbarian defeat completed, great King returns to France, the pirates vanquished from the seas [C10, V87 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 10, Verse 88: War at Marseilles France [C10, V88 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 10, Verse 90: Tyrant in Italy finally killed, but still some unrest [C10, V90 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 10, Verse 92: Conflict in Switzerland [C10, V92 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 10, Verse 95: Ultra- powerful king will arise in Spain, to conquer the South, and diminish the power of the Barbarians [C10, V95 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 10, Verse 97: Barbarians to raid the coasts of the Med and Adriatic [C10, V97 French to English by Lux Nova ]
Wars and Conflicts Prophesised by Nostradamus in Century 11
Nostradamus identifies 2 wars and/or conflicts in Century 11. If we look at the occurence of these conflicts as they are listed in each century we can see the pattern of occurence thought Nostradmus works as his focus changes.
The collection of verses below are those identified within Century 11 where wars and/or conflicts are suggested, each has a link to the supporting verse in French and English Translation by Lux Nova
- Century 11, Verse 91: Conflict in France [C11, V91 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 11, Verse 92: Civil conflict in France [C11, V92 French to English by Lux Nova ]
Wars and Conflicts Prophesised by Nostradamus in Century 12
Nostradamus identifies 6 wars and/or conflicts in Century 12. If we look at the occurence of these conflicts as they are listed in each century we can see the pattern of occurence thought Nostradmus works as his focus changes.
The collection of verses below are those identified within Century 12 where wars and/or conflicts are suggested, each has a link to the supporting verse in French and English Translation by Lux Nova
- Century 12, Verse 24: War in France [C12, V24 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 12, Verse 36: Preparation for a vicious attack made in Cyprus, against the Barbarians, great slaughter in the Med, especially around the rock of Gibraltar [C12, V36 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 12, Verse 56: Devastating civil war in the whole of France [C12, V56 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 12, Verse 62: Conflict and quarrels in France [C12, V62 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 12, Verse 65: Terrifying civil conflict in France, even the bravest will tremble [C12, V65 French to English by Lux Nova ]
- Century 12, Verse 71: Renewed wars in France [C12, V71 French to English by Lux Nova ]