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The Quotes in this section are related to the works of Lux Nova and his studies and analysis of the Works and Prophecies of Nostradamus. Lux Nova provides separate themed books of Nostradamus Prophecies, each of which can be accessed in the Secret Vault. This Quote or 'Extract' if you prefer, draws reference from the following books by Lux Nova:
Yeux clos, ouverts d'antique fantasie,
S'habit des seuls seront mis a neant,
Le grand Monarque chastiera leur frenaisie,
Ravir des temples le thresor par devant.
Authors works consulted for variations in French: (a) John Hogue. (b) Henry C. Roberts. (c) Mario Reading. (page, 271.) (d) Edgar Leoni. All French the same except. (a) has, 'ouuerts.' (b) has, 'seules,' and 'chastira.' (d) has, 'closes' and 'chatiera.' (a)(c)(d) have, 'tresor.' (c)(d) have, 'frenesie.'
Yeux= eyes. Clos= Closed, enclosed; hedged in, shut up; also, barred, stopped; forestalled, prevented; also finished, fulfilled, perfected, accomplished. Ouverts= Overt; patently, evident, apparent; discovered, uncovered, plain, without colour; also, gapping, wide, broad, large; thus, opened, given sight unto. Antique= Ancient, antique, old, stale. Fantasie= The fancy, or fantasy; opinion, humour, imagination, conceit, affection, judgement; also, a vision, representation, or image of things conceived in the mind. Neant= Nothing, nought; (a word ever set down in the beginning, or end of an account which is not allowed.) Chastiera Will chastise, punish; correct. Frenaise= Frenzy, raving, lunacy. Ravir= To ravish, to snatch away hastily, pull away violently, bear away suddenly. Thresor= treasure.
The verses refer to a period in time, when the accepted truths behind many of mankind's religions are proven to be false, based on the ancient lies perpetuated by the Ancients to justify churches and governments and kings, and to keep poor people in a state of ignorance and obedience.
Eyes closed, to be opened to ancient fantasies,
The habits of the solitary ones will be proven meaningless,
The great monarch will chastise their frenzy,
Ravishing their treasures before the temples.
For more insights read Cotgrave, on the Church.
For more details on the books considered by these authors, and others, see Nostradamus references.
For further insight into the French words, treated, or deemed unnecessary, consult the Secret Vault Dictionary on words used by Nostradamus.
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