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The Quotes in this section are related to the works of Lux Nova and his studies and analysis of the Works and Prophecies of Nostradamus. Lux Nova provides separate themed books of Nostradamus Prophecies, each of which can be accessed in the Secret Vault. This Quote or 'Extract' if you prefer, draws reference from the following books by Lux Nova:
Sardon Nemans si haut deborderont,
Qu'on cuidera Deucalion renaistre,
Dans le collosse la plus part fuyront,
Vesta sepulchre feu esteint apariostre.
Authors works consulted for variations in French: (a) John Hogue. (b) Henry C. Roberts. (c) Mario Reading. (page, 704.) (d) Edgar Leoni. Variations in spellings include, (b) has, 'Gardon' also adds, 'eaux' to first line. (a)(b)(c) have, 'desboreront' (a) has, 'cuydera.' (b) has, 'coidera.' (a)(b)(d) have, 'colosse' (a)(b)(c) have, 'estaint.' (d) has, 'fuiront' 'apparaitre' and 'sepulcre.' (a)(b)(c) have, 'apparoistre'.
Gardon, or Gard river, [sardon] right hand tributary of the Rhone river, in southern France. Nimes- [nymes, nismes, latin-Nemausus] southern France, capitol of the Gard department in the Occitanie region. Haut= High, tall; haughty, lofty; great, noble, honourable; chief, eminent, excellent; sumptuous, magnificent, most glorious; also, deep, secret, profound, weighty, of importance; also, lewd. Desborderont- Deborderont= Will overflow, break, surround as water; also, will riot, excessive, profusion. Cuidera= will think, deem, imagine, suppose, presume, have an opinion of, make a guess at. Renaistre= To be reborn; to rise, grow, spring forth or begin again. Colosse= A coliseum; Amphitheatre; also, a huge image, or statue. Fuyront= will flee, fly, escape, evade; shun, avoid; excuse, delay; loath. Estaint- Estainct= Extinguished, quenched, put out; spent, lost, abolished, utterly perished; consumed, come to nothing. Apparoistre, as Apparoir= To appear, appears seem, seem to be, or show itself, all of a sudden, without warning; also, to be apparent, manifest, plain, evident.
Deucalion. According to folk etymology, the name-word, comes from Deukos= sweet new wine, must, sweetness, and Halieus= sailor, seamen, or fisherman. Rather fitting, considering, seeing how, almost the first thing Noah did after leaving the ark was plant a vineyard. Deucalion, was the equivalent of, the Sumerian god Unapishtim, and the Biblical Noah.
Vesta. Roman goddess of hearth, home and family; daughter of Saturn and Ops. Vesta' priestess' were called Vestal Virgins, and they were the guardians of the eternal flame. Men were not allowed in the temples, and Vestals who went with men, were buried alive as punishment.
The Gard river will come to flood Nimes so high,
That they think Noah's flood reborn;
Into the amphitheatre, the greater part will flee,
The fire of Vesta' sepulchre appears to be extinguished.
During the Roman period, Nimes was the capitol of the Narbonne province. It has the 7th largest Amphitheatre of the Roman Empire and two temples, the Maison Carree, and temple of Diana. However, there are no reports of a tomb, nevertheless, most temples would have an inner sanctum, where the god or goddess was pretended to be. It maybe, that in the future the old Roman religion and its customs will re -emerge; according to Nostradamus this will certainly be the case.
For more details on the books considered by these authors, and others, see Nostradamus references.
For further insight into the French words, treated, or deemed unnecessary, consult the Secret Vault Dictionary on words used by Nostradamus.
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