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The Quotes in this section are related to the works of Lux Nova and his studies and analysis of the Works and Prophecies of Nostradamus. Lux Nova provides separate themed books of Nostradamus Prophecies, each of which can be accessed in the Secret Vault. This Quote or 'Extract' if you prefer, draws reference from the following books by Lux Nova:
Prince libinique puissant en Occident,
Francois d' Arabe viendra tant enflammer:
Scavan aux lettres sera condescendent,
La Langue Arabe en Francois translater.
Authors works consulted for variations in French: (a) John Hogue. (b) Henry C. Roberts. (c) Mario Reading. (page, 572.) (d) Edgar Leoni. (e) Jean-Charles de Fontbrune (page 287.)
The French rendered the same except. (a) has, 'scauans.' (d)(e) have, 'scavant.' (b) has, 'Lybinique.' (c) has, 'Lybique.' (d) has, 'Libyque,' also, 'Fera,' instead of Sera, and 'Francais.'
Puissant= Mighty, powerful, strong, forceful, swaying where he comes. Occident= the west. Enflammer as Enflamber= To inflame, fire, set alight; blister with heat; incense, kindle; fill with ardour. Scavans, as Scavant= Knowledge, understanding, skill, cunning, learned, experienced. Condescendent as Condescendant= Condescending, will, grant, yield, agree. Libya, is a country in the Maghreb region of North Africa, bordered by the Mediterranean Sea to the north, Egypt to the east, Sudan to the southeast, Chad and Niger to the south and Algeria and Tunisia to the west.
A Libyan Prince powerful in the west,
Will come to inflame the French very much with Arabia,
Learned in letters he will agree,
To translate the Arabian language (and law) into French.
Now, one can hardly pretend this is a past or even near present situation; for as Edgar Leoni. points out, Arabic-French dictionaries have existed since at least 1505; and from time immoral, the Arabs have been great traders, thus there would have been those all over the west able to trade and understand Arabic. {immoral, is no mistake, for the slave trade is ancient, the Egyptian empire depended on it.] thus the events of this verse concern the future, after a time when people have become ignorant of learning.
For more details on the books considered by these authors, and others, see Nostradamus references.
For further insight into the French words, treated, or deemed unnecessary, consult the Secret Vault Dictionary on words used by Nostradamus.
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