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Nostradamus Quotes

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The Quotes in this section are related to the works of Lux Nova and his studies and analysis of the Works and Prophecies of Nostradamus. Lux Nova provides separate themed books of Nostradamus Prophecies, each of which can be accessed in the Secret Vault. This Quote or 'Extract' if you prefer, draws reference from the following books by Lux Nova:

Italy Spain The SERPENT(S) Trojan(s)

The Prophecies of Nostradamus: Quote of the Week

Lors que Serpens viendront circuer l'arc,
Le sang Troyen vexe par les Espaignes:
Par eux grand nombre en sera faicte tarc,
Chef fruict, cache aux mares dans les saignes.

Variations in rendered French

Authors works consulted for variations in French: (a) John Hogue. (b) Henry C. Roberts. (c) Mario Reading. (page, 446.) (d) Edgar Leoni.

All authors have, 'circuir,' and 'Tare.' (b) has, 'air,' 'troien,' and 'fuit.' (c) has, 'troien,' 'Hespaignes,'and 'fuict,'. (d) has, 'serpents,' 'faite,' and 'fuit'.

Meanings of the French words deemed appropriate

Serpens as Serpents. Troyen=Trojan. Circuir= to circuit, circle; environ, encompassed. spaignes=Spain. Tarc, as, tare= Loss, decay, impairment, corruption, lack, want, waste, in goods, or merchandise. Arc as Are=altar. Fuit ? org' has fruict=fruit, as of a man's loins. CW. Has fuit, as fuite= a flight, escape, slip or running away etc. Mare=a standing pool, or watering place for cattle, etc. Saignes=blooded, let blood?

Who misleads who? The authors, Jean-Charles de Fontbrune, Mario Reading, seem to feed off Edgar Leoni like two monkeys, believing a blind monkey that possesses a brail dictionary that some fool has used as a dart board.

All 3 authors have 'circuir l'are' at the end of line 1. Original has, 'circuer l'arc', it is sometimes difficult to discern whether it is an e or c, but it is definitely a c, in this case, as we shall see.

All 3 authors have 'faict-fait tare' at the end of line 3, but the original has faincte tarc.

Line 4 has, 'cache aux mares dans les saignes.' Edgar Leoni, gives, 'hidden in the marshes.' Jean-Charles de Fontbrune, gives, 'hidden in the swamp, within a swamp.' And Mario Reading. has, 'protected by the ponds in the marches.'???

It is little wonder that the works of Nostradamus have revealed nothing before.

Mare: f. a standing pool, a trough for cattle etc. to drink from, or a little fish pond. [ today we view fish ponds in the garden as a place for hobby fish, like goldfish or Koi Carp, but in days gone by they were more commonly used as places to store, hold fish, till they were required for eating, much as we still see living Lobsters sat in fish tanks in restaurants.]

Saignes. Generally, it signifies blood, blood- letting, but it also signifies dog, or couch, grass.

We may have something like the killing fields of Vietnam.

The Arc. An Arc is not an altar, but is generally a box, container of revered objects. The Arc of the Covenant only contained officially the tablets of the Law, nothing Edgar Leonise.

Now we must consider those of Trojan blood.

Nostradamus is not talking about the Greeks, but those who claim to be descended from Trojan blood, that is in fact the Romans themselves. For early tradition concerning the founding of Rome, records that after the fall and sacking of Troy, that the Trojan refugee Aeneas escaped to Italy and founded the line of Romans through his son Iulus, the namesake of the Julio-Claudian dynasty.

This verse is far more disturbing than it first seems.

Let us remind ourselves of the verse;

When the Serpents (evil ones) will come to encircle, (coil around) the Papacy, the Arc, the Romans will be vexed by the Spaniards: par eux grand nombre en sera faicte tarc.

The word is not Tare, as the previous authors render it, which signifies, loss, decay, impairment, lack or want of.

But Tarc, a kind of tar, with which sheep are marked, and (for some scabby diseases) anointed.

That thus, which I rendered corrupted, may well be termed the mark of the beast: for some will be marked upon the hand or arm, while others who have any kind of disease, or disability will be anointed with the mark upon their forehead.

Thus, we might translate

When the Serpents will come to circle the arc,
The Trojan blood will be vexed by the Spaniards:
Through them great numbers will be corrupted,
Chief escapes, hidden in the water troughs within the grasses.

Further Reading and resources on Nostradamus

For more details on the books considered by these authors, and others, see Nostradamus references.

Meanings of the French words used within Nostradamus Prophecies

For further insight into the French words, treated, or deemed unnecessary, consult the Secret Vault Dictionary on words used by Nostradamus.

Variations in rendered French

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