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The verses herein directly relate to PERSIAN. Characters who are also connected to PERSIAN are treated separately: see also France, Mohammad, Egypt, Arab, Byzantium. Additional verses will be added from time to time, and commentary as fitting based on the feedback received to Nostradamus on PERSIAN.
Yellow Text indicates a link to a supporting book, century or verse from Nostradamus
A burning torch will be seen in the night sky,
near the end and beginning of the Rhone:
Famine, sword: the relief slow in coming,
The Persian turns in invade Macedonia.
Rain, famine, war in Persia not ceased,
Too greater faith will betray the monarch,
To finish there, begun in France:
secret augury for the one being too settled.
The great Satyr and Tiger of Hyrcania,
Gift presented to those of the Ocean:
One fleets chief will set out from Carmania,
Who will take land at Tyrren phocean.
Hyrcania, modern Iran.
The chief of Escosse, with 6 Germans,
Captured by the eastern seamen:
they will pass Gibraltar (Calpre) and Spain,
Present in Persia for the feared new king.
Through fire and arms not far from the Black Sea,
he will come from Persia to occupy Trebizond;
Pharos, Methelin to tremble, the Sun happy,
The Adriatic covered in Arab blood.
[I see Hadrie, or Ario? In different originals?]
Through the 2 heads and 3 arms separated,
The great city will be vexed through water (or lack of it),
Some of the great ones amongst them led astray in exile,
Through the head of Persia, Byzantium hard pressed.
Introduction | Century & Verses
Prophecies | Biography
Myths | Locations
Four Riders | King Solomon | David & Goliath
Egypt | Leo | Virgo
Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius