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The verses herein directly relate to STAR (comets etc). Characters who are also connected to STAR (comets etc) are treated separately: see also Italy, France, Gt Gt Pontiff, Serpent, Persia. Additional verses will be added from time to time, and commentary as fitting based on the feedback received to Nostradamus on STAR (comets etc).
Yellow Text indicates a link to a supporting book, century or verse from Nostradamus
After great troubles for humanity, an even greater one is prepared,
The great mover renews the ages-cycle or centuries:
Rain, blood, milk, famine, steel and plague,
Fire seen in heaven, carrying a long spark (estincelle.)
A long- tailed comet, whose tail sparkles.
There will appear towards the north,
Not far from Cancer the bearded Star (estoile chevelue):
Susa, Siena, Boeotia, Eretria,
The great one of Rome will die, departing that night.
Mabus then soon dies, at the time will come
Of people and beasts, a horrible defeat,
Then all of a sudden one will see vengeance,
Hundred, hand, thirst, famine when the comet will run.
A burning torch will be seen in the night sky,
Close to the end and beginning of the Rhone:
Famine, blades: late will the help be seen,
As Persia turns to invade Macedonia (Greece.)
Introduction | Century & Verses
Prophecies | Biography
Myths | Locations
Four Riders | King Solomon | David & Goliath
Egypt | Leo | Virgo
Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius