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The verses herein directly relate to The RED ONES. Characters who are also connected to The RED ONES are treated separately. Additional verses will be added from time to time, and commentary as fitting based on the feedback received to Nostradamus on The RED ONES.
Yellow Text indicates a link to a supporting book, century or verse from Nostradamus
Late arriving the execution completed,
The wind against, the letters seized on the way;
By 14 conspirators of one sect,
Through the red haiRed One, senez, the enterprise.
Senez. Of sen/e, synod, assembly of curates-priests.
Close to Parpan the Red Ones detained,
Those in the middle parfondres led far away,
3 cut to pieces, and 5 badly sustained,
For the Seigneur and prelate of bourgoing?
Coursan, Narbonne, through the salt to warn Tuchan,
The grace of Parpignan betrayed,
The red town will not want to consent to the deed,
Through high fleeing the grey clothed one life to fail.
After combat and naval victory,
The great Neptune in his highest belfry,
The RED adversary in fear will become pale,
Putting the great Ocean in dread.
Before the great one at Rome has given up the ghost,
Great terror to the foreign army;
Through squadrons ambushed close to Parma,
The 2 Red Ones will celebrate together.
He who was well advanced in the realm,
Having the Red chief near the hierarchy;
Harsh and cruel, he will make himself greatly feared,
Succeeding to the sacred monarchy.
The blood of the innocent widows and virgins,
So many evils committed by the order of the great Red:
Holy images soaked with burning wax,
Through horror and fear none seen or heard to speak. (or words to that sense.)
The conductor of the naval war,
Red One turned loose, harsh, horribly violent;
Captive escaped from the elder one in a bale:
When will be born to the great one a-grippe.
The last word, agrippe, has nothing to do with the Roman Agrippa? MR. has I joke of a translation and meaning thus of see, p 205 of his.] JH, has the captive escaping in a ball? One might think a ball big enough to hide a man in, rolling out of a prison, down the road might attract some attention? The word used by Nostra primarily signifies a 'bullet'?
Of the last line. I would take the idea that an extremely violent nasty piece of work was born, or brought about.
'grippe.' Seizing, grasped, grasping, taken by violence, covetous, cruel?
Against the Red Ones, the sects band together,
Fire, water, steel, rope the peace to undermine,
At the point of death those who will conspire,
Except one who upon all in the world will bring ruin.
Of the left- hand faction at the place of Vitry,
They will spot the 3 Red Ones of France,
The Reds struck down, but the Black One not murdered,
By the Bretons restored to safety.
[there are no less than 14 places in France, starting with the word Vitry, I would favour either, 'Vitry-sur-Loire,' or 'Vitry-sur-Seine,' Paris. Because of their proximity to Brittany, home of the Bretons.]
MENDODUS will soon come to his high realm,
Putting behind him a little of the Norlaris:
The pale Red One, the virile one fills the gap,
The youth fearful and terrified of the Barbarians.
Red Ones, vacate, flee from Toulouse,
Purging through sacrifice to be made,
The chef cause of evil hidden under the cloak of law- the judges,
Strangled, the executioner will interpret the dying throes.
From the top of Aventine hill a voice heard,
Be gone, be gone all of you on both sides;
By the blood of Red Ones will the anger be appeased,
From Rimini and Prato, the Column expelled.
Upon the conflict of the great light- horseman,
They will claim the great crescent fallen,
To kill at night in the mountains dressed as shepherds,
Reds thrown into the deep pits.
Their protests will be in vain, the failing ones trussed up,
The Shaven heads captured, the pempotan elected;
The 2 Reds and 4 true Crusaders of the cross to fail,
Rains a hindrance to the all-powerful Monarch.
Because of anger, nuptials, wedding songs,
Into 3 parts Red ones and Shaven heads separated:
For the young Black one, his soul restored by exposure to the fire,
Converted to the great Neptune Ogmois.
Ogmois is the name the Celtic god, the Romans called Hercules, and the Greeks called Herakles.
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Four Riders | King Solomon | David & Goliath
Egypt | Leo | Virgo
Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius