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The verses herein directly relate to Belgium. Characters who are also connected to Belgium are treated separately: see also, Duke, Germany, France, Italy. Additional verses will be added from time to time, and commentary as fitting based on the feedback received to Nostradamus on Belgium.
Yellow Text indicates a link to a supporting book, century or verse from Nostradamus
When those of Hainaut, Ghent and Brussels,
See the siege laid before Langres {France},
Behind their flanks there will be very cruel wars,
The old wound will cause more harm than the enemy.
Before Rouen the siege will be laid by the Insubians, (those of Lombardy),
By land and sea the passages blocked off;
By Hainaut, Flanders, Ghent and those of Liege,
Appeased by gifts, to ravage the shores.
Through the appearance of false holiness,
The (intended) siege betrayed to the enemies;
In the night when they believed it safe to sleep,
Close to Brabant those of Liege will march out.
Quickly one will make a bridge of boats,
For the army of the great Belgium Prince to pass over;
Deep into and not far from Brussels,
Passing over seven put to the sword.
In a great fury, the Roman Belgian king,
Will want to vex the Barbarian phalanx,
Furious clashes, to chase the Libyans,
From Hungry as far as the pillars of Hercules.
Mount Aventine (Rome) will be seen to burn at night,
The sky in an instant utterly darkened in Flanders:
When the monarch will chase his nephew,
The people of their church will commit great scandals.
At the place where Laye and Scelde to wed,
There will be a wedding prearranged long ago,
To the place in Anvers=Antwerp where the sea devil-toad, is conveyed,
Young old wife violated.
Anvers is the French word for Antwerp, capitol Belgium city of Antwerp province, in the region of Flanders.
Crappe = crapphaude = the sea toad, or sea Devil (an ugly ravenous fish.)
charient, bastardised to rhyme with marient, end line one, is charier, to cart, carry, convey, by cart. Entamee, (for which EL, has intaminee, which he takes from Latin? Undefiled? Which is completely the wrong sense.) entamee=cut, opened, broken up, (already) begun, or tasted of; also, to wound, hurt, spoil, violate.
A girl born in this world to a fertile concubine,
At 2 years of age raised high by sad news:
Amongst the enemies, she will be taken captive,
And brought to Malings (Malines=French for Mechelen), and Brussels.
The councillors of the first monopoly,
The conquerors seduced to Malta:
Rhodes and Byzantium exposing their pole for them,
On land will fail, the pursuers fleeing.
Introduction | Century & Verses
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Myths | Locations
Four Riders | King Solomon | David & Goliath
Egypt | Leo | Virgo
Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius