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The verses herein directly relate to The COCK, LION(S) and the EAGLE. Characters who are also connected to The COCK, LION(S) and the EAGLE are treated separately: see also Italy, France, Castulon, 3 Brothers, Celt(s), Red One(s), Spain, Barbarians, Germany.. Additional verses will be added from time to time, and commentary as fitting based on the feedback received to Nostradamus on The COCK, LION(S) and the EAGLE.
Yellow Text indicates a link to a supporting book, century or verse from Nostradamus
The young Lion will defeat the older one,
On the field of war, in a single battle;
Within a cage of gold, he will pluck out his eyes,
Two fleets joined, then to die a cruel death.
[see eBook 2, for discussion and translation of the above verse, which has nothing to do with Henry the 2nd king of France, husband of Queen Medici.]
Near the great bridge of the spacious plain,
The great Lion, with Caesar-ian forces,
Will utterly defeat another outside the harsh city,
Through terror of him the gates will be closed.
[J.H. for some reason renders line 4, as saying 'because of fear, the gates opened to him? But there is no word in the French line that signifies 'to open'; indeed, the last word is 'reserrees', which signifies, closed, shut up, reinforced, pressed or thrust together.]
Undoubtedly, the forces this Lion commands are Roman, but that does not guarantee that he is Roman by birth.
After the victory of the Lion over the Lion,
Beyond the Jura mountains a second tombe;
Deluges and Brodes a seventh of a milLion [dead]
Lion and Ulme at-of Mansol dead and buried.
I think this verses puts the final nail in the coffin of the Authors who insisted C 1 v 35 was about Henry the 2nd?
For so many years in France the wars persist,
Way beyond the reign of the monarch Castulon;
Uncertain victory crowns three great ones,
The Eagle, the Cock, moon, the Lion, the Sun in its tent.
The 3 great ones are the Eagle, Cock and the Lion. One of them worships the Moon, and those of the Sun remain in their place. This is not the only verse that refers to the figure of Castulon. I doubt whether he is yet a historical figure, or a line of Monarchs as previous Authors suggest.
I do not wish to go too far at this stage, for every verse is part of a puzzle, and each piece of the puzzle has a connection to another piece.
Pol mensolee will die 3 leagues from Rosne,
Of the 3, 2 will flee close by (via) Tarascon, [or the pair will flee from 3]
Because the war will make an even more evil throne,
Of Cock and the Eagle of France 3 Brothers.
Oddly JH. & NR. Translate the end of line 2, as 'oppressed tarascan monster,' and 'oppressive Tarasc monster' respectively. But the Astrological -agricultural myth of the area has nothing to do with it.
The myth itself comes from the weather that it generally experiences. It suffers from mild dry winters to hot dry summers, and is subject to the Mistral winds that blow from North and North- west. It blows strongly from 66 to 115 mph, for a 100days a year on average and less strongly for another 80 odd, and can cause sudden and violent storms. Thus, the myth is that of storm god or dragon, who caused serious problems for the river traffic, and no doubt the crops that were their main source of income. The dragon was thus considered a water Serpent, with the body of an ox, with a turtle shell on its back; the head of a Lion and a scaly tail that ended with a scorpion stinger. Thus, we have Leo, the Lions head, the body of Taurus as an ox, the six feet of the bear were also of Taurus, Ursin Major and Minor and Orion, the tail of Scorpio, and it was a water Serpent, and thus Aquarius.
The myth pretends Martha from Bethany in Judea, came there, tamed the un- killable dragon, only for the locals to slaughter it. But of course, the dragon rises every year to create havoc, before it is killed again.
As wonderfully childish as it is it has nothing at all to do with the verse.
And furthermore, there is no way you can derive the word 'oppressed' from 'Prochains' or any other word in the French original.
The Celtic army vexed in Italy,
On all sides conflict and great loses,
The Romans fled, oh Gaul repulsed,
Near to Thesin, battle Rubicon river uncertain.
All Authors render Thesin as the river Ticino? The two rivers are a long way apart. And I can find no link between the word Thesin and Ticino? And no town or city by that name. I can only suspect it to be the name of a person.
The Cock, dogs and cats will be well satisfied,
By the blood from the wounds of the tyrant found dead:
At the bed of another legs and arms broken,
For him, who had no fear of dying a cruel death.
JH. Finds this one too obscure, and refers us to EL. MR. takes 'rompus' as split, and has line referring to some short of gay sex session?
But in reality, the Cock is a man, who is well pleased to find out one of his adversaries is dead.
The dogs and cats are probably the householder's pets, but who knows why the tyrant should be found dead in someone else's bedroom?
The Prince without power aggrieved by complaints and quarrels,
Ravaged and pillaged, by Cocks and by Libyans,
Great it is on land and on the sea, countless sails.
Italy alone will be chasing the Celts.
Milan, Ferrara, Turin and Aquileia,
Capua, Brindisi, vexed by the Celts,
By the Lion and his phalanx of Eagles,
When Rome will have the old British chief.
This is an all-out invasion; Turin, Milan, down towards the Adriatic coast to Ferrara, to the other side of Venice, Aquileia. Then down to Brindisi on the heel, and across to Capua in Campania. In a verse coming up soon we will learn of the Lion, [3-52] seemingly crushing the Eagles wing in Apulia and Campania. It seems the Great Cock, will be taking note of events, and may sooner or later step in on the side of the Eagle. We must not allow the mention of the Lion's Eagles to distract us, the Eagle, is not on the same side.
Fact it seems is most definitely stranger than fiction. It is difficult to see how Rome could have a British leader.
But you may recall in book 1. The March of the Antichrists, I discussed two verses that had been previously linked to Napoleon, Wellington and Waterloo. And how I made out that Wellington might indeed have been the prophesied Arthur, who saved England's bacon in its gravest hour. Well it seems in the myths of King Arthur, he leaves England and fights against forces in France and Europe and ends up in Rome, where he rules for some time; it's all in the 'Mort de Arthur', read it and wonder.
When they will come to see the great king and kinsman,
Before he has completely given up the ghost,
The same one who will come to mourn him least,
By the Lion, Eagles, Cross and crown sold.
There are a few points to note on this one. EL. Wrongly takes 'parenter' last word 1st line, as the Latin, 'parentare', which he states means, to give the last rights to the dead. This is not correct, Parent-o-are, etc. is to hold a memorial service in honour of the dead parents, or relatives, or, to offer sacrifices to the dead: they are hardly the same thing. The French, parenter, is a kinsman, cousin, ally, and parente, is, parentage. Linage, blood, stock, family, kindred. JH. Takes it the same way as EL. And NR, goes voodoo?
This great king may well be the father of those who come to pay their last respects, or a kinsman or ally at the least. In the last line, it has Lion, with capitol, the rest without, implying that it is the Lion, who laments the king's passing least, and that it is him that sells or betrays, the Eagles, the crown and the Cross. (the Eagles-standards, the crown what it is and the Cross the church?)
Before the great one at Rome has given up the ghost,
Great terror to the foreign army,
Through squadrons ambushed close to Parma,
The two Red Ones together will celebrate.
Let us consider these three kings: who at times seem to be against each other, while at other times form alliances.
The first two lines of Century 3, Verse 52 throw the previous Authors into confusion.
As we have already seen, Nostra likes to play on the word, champ and camp; as already discussed in C 1 v 35 and C 2 v 24.
J.H. E.L. N.R. and the original give 'campaigne,' in the first line. And thus, translate as follows, E.L. has, in Campania, J.H. has, in the campaign; and N.R. has, in the Campania.
The 3 translations are different; from E.L. we understand 'in Campania, part of Italy; from J.H. we understand, during the campaign; and from N.R. he goes either way, for what is? In the Campania, for it is neither, in Campania, or during the campaign? And Champagne, is the old French for Campania.
The second line is at first equally baffling, reading, 'and in Pouille si great drought',
E.L. & J.H. render Pouille as Apulia, on the Adriatic side of Italy, opposite Campania, while N.R. renders it by its older name of Puglia.
Yet none of them explain how they get Apulia-Puglia from Pouille?
Poulle, as poule-t, = hen, chicken, and in Latin, Pul-la-us, signifies a chicken, and Pullar-ius, is a keeper of sacred chickens.
Puglia, is undoubtedly from the Latin, Pugil, signifying a boxer.
Puglia, Apulia, was established by the Mycenean Greeks, Taranto esp' by the Spartans, and Castor and Polydeuces, [Pollux of the Romans] as the Dioscuri, were highly worshiped, by the Greeks. Castor was a master horseman and Polydeuces the best boxer in Greece. Both were said be born from eggs. The Greeks pretended it was a Swan, the Egyptians a Goose, and no doubt the Romans, preferred the chicken, from the constellation of Pleiades, which amongst other descriptions was known as the chickens with her chicks, in Taurus. And as Taurus can be said to be the father of Gemini, the twins; at least, poetically we might see why. The twins were affiliated with the twins Remus and Romulus by the Romans. And in French I find 'pugnitif', warlike, contentious, quarrelsome, and Remus and Romulus certainly fitted that bill.
Castor and Pollux-Poldeuces were often depicted and described, as riding white horses, carrying spears or lances, with helmets that resembled half an Eggshell on their heads as helmets. They were seen as great war gods, the Romans believing they fought with their legions. They were also seen as good omens at sea; St Paul, travelled on ship with the twins at its head, on the safe part of his journey to Rome.
The father of Alexander the Great, Philip the 2nd, fell in love with Polyxena, when they were both initiated into the Cabeiri (Dioscuri) cult, on the island of Samothrace.
Thus, it seems only sensible that we should read, c 3 v 52, as
In Campania, it will do nothing but rain continuously,
And in Apulia there will be a great drought,
The Cock will see the Eagle, his wing {flank} evilly finished,
Who by the Lion will be brought to the brink {of destruction].
During the appearance of a comet,
The three great Princes will become enemies:
Struck from the heavens, the peace on earth trembles,
Pau, tymbre undans, Serpent upon the bord placed.
The first word up for discussion is 'Pau', now there certainly is a place by this name in France, not too far from the Pyrenees Mountains between France and Spain. This may not seem to be a problem, indeed, EL, renders it so without question in 4-70. However, in this verse, he translates 'Po, Tiber overflowing.'?
JH. Also, takes the Pau, in 4-70 as the Pau in France and relates the verse to Wellington crossing the Pyrenees into France.
Yet in 2-43, he gives 'The Po [or Pau], the winding Tiber?'
M,R. bless his cotton socks, renders the French as, 'Po, Timbre undants, serpant sus le bort mis?'
And despite miscopying 5 words in one sentence, gives, 'both Tiber and Po will overflow, and a Serpent will be placed on their banks.
Question: Are there two Serpents, does this man realise how far apart the Po and Tiber are? It would have to be one hell of a length to lie on both riverbanks at once.
In 2005 water from the Po was found to contain staggering amounts of Benzoylecgonine, which is secreted by cocaine users in urine. Have you been drinking Po water Mr Reading? It certainly Reads that way.
ABORT, Abort, the Po,
and the Tiber,
overflowing with UNDerpANTS,
Seriously though we must ask how all three can translate 'tymbre' as the Tiber?
None them explain how they came to give such a translation, neither at any time do they explain why in one verse they render Pau as Pau, while in numerous others they render Pau as Po?
The Po river was never in history called the Pau, not even anciently. [see, Nostra Extra, under, Pau, tymbre and Rosne; for an important discussion on these and other names.]
Anyway, I am bored with their follies, let us consider the truth behind it.
Tymbre, is the French, 'timbre,'
As you often see a coat or shield of arms with a knight's helmet on the top, adorned with feathers or the like, also the insignia that may be below it, on the forehead. Or in irony,
'cerveau mal timbre',
An idle, ignorant or ill-furnished brain, a wit that lacks fit, or due ornament; a loggerhead, wooden top, or as we said in my youth, as thick as two short planks.
Undans. Nothing at all to do with overflowing, or even water, just a simply play by Nostra, to confuse the confused.
It is 'un dans' one within..
Thus, we should read,.
'the crested one within (the town- city of) Pau,'
(when) the Serpent is placed on the shores (puts his foot on the land,
in Daniel and Revelations the beast always has one foot in the sea
the other on the seashore.)
The Eagle pushed back around his tents,
Will be pursued by other birds on all sides,
When the noise of cymbres, tubes, and Sonnaillons,
Will restore the senses of the senseless lady.
This verse is connected to the previous by word play.
Tymbre and cymbre-s; cymbale, or cimbale, is the correct French, and is a cymbal in English.
A tymbre, as timbre, can signify a small bell as previously stated, and Sonnaillons, should be sonnailles, little bells, especially of the type hung around cow's necks etc.
Tubes, sig. a conduit, a pipe, but not a trumpet, as stated by EL. JH. & NR.
We should read,
When the noise of cymbals, pipes and bells.
We might wonder what crest or insignia, is meant, and whether it relates to the Eagle, who appears from the verses we have looked at to be connected with Rome; the Medusine sign, perhaps? The senseless lady, may be France, for that is where the action is taking place.
Palace, the birds, by a bird chased out,
Very soon after the prince has arrived,
The enemy repelled far beyond the river,
The traitor seized outside who had been by the Bird.
Near to Linterne within the tunnels enclosed,
Chivaz will conspire for the Eagle,
The elected one chasses him, his people locked up,
Within Turin wife ravished and led away.
JH. Has 'l'interne,' which technically would be from the Latin, 'mer internum,' the Med Sea? But the orig. has Linterne, which would be the Latin 'Linternum', modern day Lago Patria, which is where Scipio Africanus lived and died after retiring from Rome. the word I have rendered 'tunnels' is tonnes, which can sig. arbours or tunnels; however, JH & NR, seem to have taken it from tonneau, wine caskets or barrels. Which would seem an odd place to plot a conspiracy. [Linternum-Lago Patria is not known for its tunnels or caves or wine?]
If Chivaz, is a place it might be Chivasso, which is not that far from Turin, but it may be the name of the ringleader of the plot.
It is not clear whether the Elected One is being chased or chasing, or thus whose wife is violated. Either way Linternum in Campania is a long way from Turin. More information is required, but in which verse will it be found? [NR. also, recognised the link between Linternum and Scipio, (wonders will never cease it seems?) but what he relates about it is nonsense. The wife in line 4, is definitely ravished, but he relates it to the story of Scipio being offered a very beautiful woman as part of his war prize. But on finding she was betrothed sent her back to her family with money; there is no comparison to be made. And the mention of Napoleon and his Eagles, is even greater nonsense. I swear this man could make a dead ass, fart.]
Within the Danube and the Rhine will come to drink,
The great Camel, not regretting it:
Rhone to tremble, and even more so those of Loire,
Close to the Alps the Cock will destroy him.
I was a bit baffled when first reading this verse and how J.H. N.R. & E.L. had translated it. [see web page for more details.]
While the Eagle and the Cock at Savona will be allied,
Sea, rising and Angry,
The army at Naples, Palermo [Palerme in orig.] Marquis of Ancona,
Rome, Venice, by the Barbarian horrible cries.
In Century 8, Verse 9 & Century 1, Verse 75, we find French, translations by the Authors as follows
Ref. | Author | French | English |
Century 8, Verse 9 | EL. | Marque d'Acone. | March of Ancona. |
JH. | Marque d'Ancone. | Marshes of Ancona. | |
MR. | Marque d'Ancone. | Mark of Acona. | |
Century 1, Verse 75 | EL. | Marche d'Ancone. | March of Ancona. |
JH. | Marque d'Aconne. | Standard of Ancona. | |
MR. | marque d'Ancone. | Mark of Ancona. |
The original has (Century 8, Verse 9) 'Marque d' Ancone; (Century 1, Verse 75) marque d'Ancone.
The Marches of Ancona is part of the Papal states, in Italy, opposite side to Rome, with Ancona itself being on the Adriatic coast.
The French word 'marque' cannot signify a marsh, or March as the area is named.
Marque. Signifies, a mark, badge, emblem, sign, token, print, stamp; Also, Marquis-dome, or Marquis (as our English Marquis, or Earl; although it is not recognised as such in modern French.) let us consider what Nostra' tells us in Century 1, Verse 75:
The tyrant of Sienna will occupy Savona,
The fort gained he will hold the marine fleet;
The two armies through the Marquis (or marhes)of Ancona,
Through terror, the chief will question his own actions (motives).
Siena is in Tuscany, but Savona is on the Lugarian coast, approx. 50 miles from Genoa towards France. Whoever this tyrant is he is a long way from Siena and even further from the Marshes of Ancona. Why we must ask, would the tyrant of Siena, have two armies marching under the standard or mark of Ancona as the Authors seem to suggest, for they all render line 3, roughly the same, 'two armies by or for the March (marsh) of Ancona. Things will become clearer when we come across more verses about either the tyrant of Siena, or the Marquis or standard of Ancona.
The old plain beard (barbe) under severe law (statute),
At Lyons made over the Celtic Eagle:
The little great one (child) pushes much too far,
Warfare in the sky, Ligurian sea red with blood.
[ The sea area, called 'Sinus Ligusticus' by the Romans, later the Gulf of Genoa. The Med Sea above Corsica.]
Dazzling lighting at Lyon to be seen clearly,
Suddenly in the spring Malta annihilated,
Sardon, and Mauris traitorous and deceiving,
Genoise in London, pretending to betray the Cock.
This is the strangest verse I have come across. The previous Authors, translations of this verse make no sense at all; (and I mean every single one that has attempted to translate and decipher this verse.)
For once I am not surprised, even I was seriously baffled by it at first.
All the previous Authors render the French original the same, apart from the odd leaving out of the occasional 'u' in a certain word, and the changing of a 'y' to a 'q' in another.
Thus, on this occasion it is necessary for me to quote in full the original verse as I believe was rendered to the printers by Nostradamus. [it may not exactly match the originals the various Authors worked from.]
Apparoistre temple luisant orner`,
La lampe & cierge a` Borne & Bretueil,
Pour la Lucerne le canto(n) destourner,
Quand on verra grand Coy au cercueil.
E.L & J.H. render the translation of the verse basically the same, the sentences are just reordered, and the odd word carrying the same meaning are used, thus E.L. gives line 1 & 2 as,
'a glittering [J.H. gleaming.] ornate temple will appear,
The lamp and candle at Borne [J.H. adds 'river' in brackets?]and Breteuil. [J.H. E.L. & N.R. change 'bretueil' in translation to 'breteuil'?]
J.H. gives lines 3 & 4 as,
For the Canton of Lucerne turned aside,
When one will see the great Cock in his coffin. [E.L. tomb.]
N.R. & J-C. Fontbrune's translation are mere garbage. In fact, all 4 Authors are way off the truth, both in translation and what the verse is about.
Nostradamus warned people of this nature to leave his works alone, the damage they have done to some people's minds is as bad as the words of the lying ignorant priests who have infested this world.
Nostradamus has played a great game in many of his verses. He has not lied, for if he is proven false, in one verse, how can he be trusted in any? These Authors pretend they can translate, that they know of the events Nostra is talking about; as if any of them were great and knowledgeable in historical matters.
Not one of them admits to using any of the methods Nostra describes, as being useful or necessary to see the future.
Neither by the Great Creator, or by the Living Spirit, or the dark arts have they ascertained anything. We are expected to believe that by their own wit, their great self-given intellect, they have worked it all out.
What a great pity, for according to them they have almost assigned every verse to past events that happened or failed to happen.
Yet history will go on, but apparently, nothing much will happen, for according to them there are only a few verses left to be fore-filled.
The version of Century 8, Verse 5, that I rendered, is from the format in which Nostra' presented to the printers after he had encoded the original verse.
In his own original 'lucerne' was luisarner, = to glow, glisten, shed light on.
Canton. A corner- Cross roads, Cross way, or like a shire, county, or a Swiss canton. But this makes no sense, it originally must have been as the Latin Canto, etc. to sing, to sing of, chant, keep repeating, a chorus, etc.
Nostradamus rendered borne and bretueil without capitols, but by giving them capitols in the printed version he has easily mislead all Authors to consider them as place names, when they are merely words.
borne, signifies, a boundary, limit, at the end of; or, the furthest compass or point of.
And bretueil, the iron piece called a fowler. And fowl, is a Cock or hen-chicken. If my memory serves me well, and it does, fowl is akin to a foul, generally an attack on the lower legs, as snare does.
This is a masterful play on words. A Fowler is historically a bird catcher, or hunter of wild birds, and considering apparently that the last line informs us that a Cock, will be seen in its tomb or grave, it is most appropriate.
Destourne [oddly, J.H. N.R. & J-C. F. have written 'destorne' only E.L. gives it correctly. It signifies, turned, diverted, altered from, changed etc. [I think, it was originally destourner, but there is not great difference between the words. Nostra removed the 'r' s from orner and destourner, for the sake of poetic licence, to make 'destourne' sound like destiny.
The word the Authors render Coq, in French and Cock in English was 'Coy', in the original; yet another great play on words, for we should take it as decoy, yet another word connected with the catching of birds.
While so many Authors tell us that the verses are governed by the rules of Poetry, they rarely if ever expose it.
One rule that Nostra constantly uses to his advantage is that the 1st and 3rd, and the 2nd and 4th should give a similar end sound, thus
Line 1 and 3 ends either,
1. Orne. 3. Dest- orne, or
1. Orner. 3. or dest-orner.
2. bret-ueil. 4 cerc-ueil.
Thus, I render Century 8, Verse 5, As.
An ornate shinning temple will appear,
The Lamp and great Candle snared and to end;
For the enlightened one, praises to change,
When one will see the great Cock in his coffin.
But before his war ends the Cock, will make his mark in many intrigues.
It seems, the Lion and the Cock may sooner or later form an alliance, but who or what is it that is driving them together?
Is Castulon a Celt(S)" href="https://www.secret-vault.com/nostradamus/books/33-celts.html">Celt? Either way it would seem as both are subdued at that point, it may not be them that the Lion and Cock are rallying against.
The great Monarch who will join company,
With two kings united in friendship:
O what a sigh the great household will cause,
What a pity for the children around Narbon.
Before assault speech made,
Deceived and ambushed, Milan is captured by the Eagle,
Ancient walls breached by cannon fire,
Through fire and blood, few will be pardoned.
[Milan, top of Italy's boot, ACF, approx. 80 miles from Turin & Genoa.]
The Bird of Prey flying to the left.
Before the battle given, the French make ready;
One will take it as good sign, the other as sinister and dubious,
The weaker party to take it as a positive sign.
There are only two birds of prey mentioned by Nostra, one a hawk, who appears in only a couple of verses, the other is the Eagle.
Now, according to other verses it seems the Lion and the Cock, will at some point become allies; and the Lion definitely seems to against the Eagle, and the Cock is most definitely French.
And in this verse, we have the French preparing, either to defend or attack, or considering Nostra uses the word 'pareure, same as parure, decking, tricking, trimming; also, array, apparel, attire. They are at least making it appear they are making ready. However, it could be that there are two factions, within the French camp. The weaker faction, sees, reads the actions of the Bird of prey as a good sign. Perhaps he appears to be turning away, moving in or behaving as if his intentions or objectives lie in another direction.
While the stronger and more sceptic faction, views the Bird of Preys moves, as a feint, dubious, a distraction from his true intent.
In battle this is often a fatal blow, the attackers, suddenly break and make it look as if they are beaten and retreating; the defending force follows without thinking, then finds itself hit on three sides as the flanks draw round and in. William the Conqueror used it to defeat king Harold, Hannibal used this tactic to destroy the Roman armies, Scipio used it to defeat Hannibal; the Zulu's called it the head of the buffalo. Ideally, it works like this, the whole army forms as three columns one behind the other, the first and head of the column attacks head on. Once the enemy is fully engaged the first column begins to retreat, and the enemy follows, while the two columns behind via to the left and right forming the horns. The enemy thus drawn in the retreat halts, and the horns draw in from the sides, pretty deadly old boy, as the Boar said.
At the new city weary of condemnation,
The Bird of Prey offers itself to heaven:
After victory the captives pardoned,
Cremona and Mantua [in Italy] having suffered great evils.
Cremona, below Milan, on the Po river. Mantua, on the Minico river, which flows from Lake Garda into the Po.
We must take a few moments to consider the translations and thoughts on this verse of, JH. & NR.
JH. His thoughts on this verse are confused or at least confusing? He seems to go along with two previous Authors views that it is about Mussolini. What is odder is his translation of the first two lines; where he implies someone from a small rural place climbs to a very high position, and then tyrannises over a vault of finance?
I was baffled, but when I saw how Noel Reading had translated the verse, and what he believes the verse is about, I nearly wet myself.
He states the verse is about the birth of the 3rd Antichrist, what!
I cannot let this go without rendering the French, and then his translations.
'Du mont Royal naistra d'une casane,
Qui cave, & compte viendra tyranniser,
Dresser copie de la marche Milane,
Fave, Florence d'or & gens espuiser.'
Mario Reading's translation.
"Though born in poverty, he will take supreme power
He will tyrannize and bankrupt his people
Raising a thousand- year army
He will seem lucky, though he costs both lives and money."
Oh, my dear friend Nostra it's a wonder you haven't fallen out of your grave.
It seems Cotgrave was right,
'A fol avantureux n'est mestier
D'avoir sens.'
An enterprising fool
needs little wit.
Explanation of a few words.
As Moult, sig. much, greatly, passing, exceedingly; also, 'du mont a val.' From high to bottom, or, du mont a bas, from high to low; as, high, above, upward.
From casanier, a home grown sluggard, one that never ventures beyond his own doors, a house dove.
A cave, cellar, vault, a hollow, or empty place.
Reckoned, numbered, counted, calculated, accounted for.
To straighten, set right; also, to raise, erect, advance; also to direct, instruct, order, train up, to fashion, frame, build, make. Etc.
A region, area, frontier, border, coast.
Milan, e added to rhyme with Casane.
Faenza, not far from Florence.
Exhausted of, emptied, drain, drawn dry; also, wasted, withered, consumed.
Thus, I read Century 7, Verse 32, as,
From the great Royal, will be born one who hides away,
Soulless and calculating, he will come to tyrannize,
Raising an army from the region of Milan,
To drain Faenza and Florence of gold and men.
A tyrant he may turn out to be, but an Antichrist of high degree not.
In a free place, he will pitch his tent,
And will not wish to lodge within the cities:
In Aix, Carpentras, the isle, Volce mountains, (Vaucluse mt.) and Cavaillon,
Throughout these places, he will abolish his tracks.
All the places mentioned are inland above Marseille roughly.
Milan, Ferrara, Turin, and Aquileia,
Capua, Brindisi vexed by the Celtic people:
By the Lion and the Eagles phalanx,
When Rome is ruled by the old British chief.
The Sun and the Eagle will appear to the victor,
The defeated is reassured with a false answer,
Neither bugle nor cries will stop or hold them from revenge,
Peace through death is achieved on time (on the hour).
Aroused by the Lion, the Loin nearly supplanted,
Taken, held captive, pacified by a woman,
He will not hold so much as they will argue,
Placed not passed, to deprive by rage the Soul.
The wandering herald turns from the dog to the Lion,
Fire will burn a town, pillage, new captive:
Ships discovered, Princes captured, they return,
Spy captured in France, the great one allied to the virgin.
Because of the crystal the enterprise broken,
Games and feasts, the Lion to more at ease:
No longer will he take his meal near the great ones,
Sudden catarrh, bathed with blessed water.
The Lion flees, not prepared for conflict,
Sad enterprise, the air pestilent, hideous:
From all sides, the great ones will be afflicted,
And 10 and 7 to assail 20 and 2.
From the Lion, they will come to incite and provoke,
Pointless discovery against infinite people:
Known by none the evil of the endeavour,
In the kitchen found dead and finished.
He will not be placed, the new ones chased out,
Black one of the Lion and the great one will hold on strongly:
Rearming, the Exiles chassed even more,
To sing of victory, consoled but not free.
Depending on the Eagle and the Cock at Savona,
They will be united with those of the Eastern Sea and Hungary,/a>,
The army at Naples, Palermo and the March of Ancona,
At Rome and Venice, though the Barbarians terrible cries.
The Arab Prince of Mars (war) Sun, and Venus, the Lion,
Through the seas will destroy the power and reign of the Church:
Towards Persia nearly a million men,
The true Serpent will invade Byzantium and Egypt.
Introduction | Century & Verses
Prophecies | Biography
Myths | Locations
Four Riders | King Solomon | David & Goliath
Egypt | Leo | Virgo
Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius