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The verses herein directly relate to The BARBARIAN(S) Punic. Characters who are also connected to The BARBARIAN(S) Punic are treated separately: see also France, Italy, Cock, Lion and the Eagle, Mohammad, Spain, Portugal, Hungary. Additional verses will be added from time to time, and commentary as fitting based on the feedback received to Nostradamus on The BARBARIAN(S) Punic.
Yellow Text indicates a link to a supporting book, century or verse from Nostradamus
Angel of the Moon,
to whom the hordes do swarm,
to glorify the name of Venus,
and the great Whore to bring to doom.
With Diana's spear and bow
and Liberty to roam,
seven horns will rise,
each adorned
with a glowing crown of gold.
Very much before the plots (last part of history after the peace,
those of the East by virtue of the moon:
in the year 1700 they will carry of many great ones,
subjugating almost all the Northern Corner.
From Monaco, as far as and close to Sicily,
All of the coast will remain desolate:
There will be not one suburb, city nor town,
That the Barbarians not either pillaged or emptied.
The word I have rendered 'emptied' is given as 'volee', which generally signifies, flight, flying, fleeing, but the Barbarians will take prisoners, as slaves as well as loot. Some places maybe abandoned by the residents before they appear; either way the places will be emptied and desolate.
And this will be from Monaco, the Ligurian coast, the entire coast of Italy to near and as far as Sicily.
The two will not remain united for very long,
And within thirteen years of the great Barbarian rule,
The two factions will cause such loses,
That one will bless the Ship and its pope.
Consider, Century 10, Verse 38, Century 6, Verse 38, and Century 1, Verse 8, eBook 4. on Rome and Italy
Century 5, Verse 78 is related to at least one or more of Century 10, Verse 38, Century 6, Verse 38, and Century 1, Verse 8. There will be at some point an alliance between the Church and a Barbarian ruler. The last line refers to the habit of Catholics of signing the Cross on their chests as they begin or end their prayers; being given, 'Qu'un benira la Barque et la Cappe.'
The Barque, refers to the Egyptian barges- barques that carried the Sun god across the sky. The Cappe, refers to the hooded short white robe that the popes wear.
Saturn and Mars in Leo, Spain captive,
By the Libyan chief trapped in the conflict,
Near Malta, Herod taken alive,
And the Roman Sceptre will be struck down by the Cock.
Cornette, a little horn, or old fashion hood, somewhat like a hawk's hood, but a cornete, sig, a cup, or horn used in scarifying, or something like the cups used in Chinese treatments, where a heated cup is applied to the skin. I believe he is talking about something like a Fez, or perhaps headscarf that Arabs wear. After all, Ishmael is associated with the Arabs.
Dalmatia, is basically the ligurian coast, and Ranes, which I render France, is Merovingian France of the Franks, it included Provence, and thus Marseille. A promontory is a hill, which (elbow like), lies out in the sea. This may well be the area from Marseille, Toulon to Frejus, And Toulon itself is best fitted to the case.
From the East, will come one with a Punic heart,
To vex Adria (the Adriatic, Hadrie,) and the heirs of Romulus (Rome),
Accompanied by the Libyan fleet,
Malta trembling and the neighbouring isles empty.
Century 1, Verse 9, Line 4. By empty, Nostra really does mean it. While the odd person might have escaped, most will be killed, either in the initial conflicts or in the aftermath, those spared will have been removed, destined if they survive to slavery. Only dogs, cats, the odd few cattle, goats etc. and wildlife will remain. Villages, towns, ransacked, burned; temples, churches, history, destroyed.
Through fire from the sky the city almost burned to dust:
The Urn, (Aquarius) threatens of Noah's flood once more,
Sardinia vexed by the Punic fleet, or ships,
After which Libra lairra its Phaeton.
Lairra, same as Larron, basically, to steal, thieve etc. Phaeton, a sun god who by his actions burns the face of the earth: generally, the Sun - heat that brings about harvest. Thus, a change in the Balance of power.
The great Neptune from the deep of the sea,
With the Punic people mixed with French blood:
To bleed the Isles, because of tardy rowing,
More harm it will do to them (or him?) than the ill- concealed secret.
Line 2. No doubt a people who once were a French colonial possession.
The isles are bleed, because those who should have taken action, dithered and argued. The islands, could be those of the Med, or Adriatic, or even the British Iles, the word is capitalised in the Original, and at one point or another they have and will be bleed.
Line 4, can be taken as the secret evil concealed?
Ships full of captives of every age,
Good times for bad, sweet for bitter,
Far too rash, they will suddenly become easy prey to the barbarians.
Cupide de voir plaindre au vent la plume.
Considering how badly the Authors translate and interpret other verses they are bound to fall on this one.
Lines one and two are easy enough, 3 is tricky and 4 is a minefield.
M.R, seems to have missed this one, or at least I could not find it; lucky for him and us.
EL. & JH. render 4 as 'anxious (greedy) to see the feather [plume of smoke] wail in the wind.
It makes no logical sense? We must consider the words very carefully.
Cupide. No doubt in most people's minds, when we think of Cupid, we think of that handsome young fellow who fires his arrows of love into people's hearts. Which just goes to show how much damage time and poets can do. Cupid was in fact a very mischievous character.
For we must ask ourselves what is love?
When a beautiful young woman marries an old rich man, is it true love. While one might kid oneself that it can happen, it is extremely rare.
Throughout history, even ancient history marriages and love have been tools for uniting families, tribes, countries, and Empires.
When a man in Britain fails in love, he seeks a bride abroad, he wants an unquestioning wife and lover, a cook and a cleaner, and she wants security, freedom from poverty, both want what they do not have: and he gets a nagging wife, who soon goes to seed, and she gets an ignorant ugly husband no other woman wanted, because true love never had anything to do with it.
Cupid fires his arrows, where people seek to find them, they are not arrows of love, but of lust, of need, and history in its words knows and remembers this: the French word,
Cupide. Covetous, greedy, lusting after, wanton affection, dishonest love, desirous of, unjust, or, ill -seasoned, desiring.
Plaindre. To bewail, bemoan, to blame, accuse, find fault with, to harbour a grudge.
Thus, we come to the last word that needs explaining.
Vent. I don't doubt that in most people's minds, wind, comes to forefront of their thinking. Whether it be as air-vents, ventilation; a ventriloquist is but a bag of wind, as spoken words are but hot air. But we vent our anger on others, and wind is sometimes good and sometimes bad.
Vent thus also signifies, a brute, rumour, noise, report.
Alas, poor Yorick,
words upon the wind declare,
that grievous men will vent
their anger in the whirlpool of despair.
Yet, tis but, a bad wind
that bellows, not favours on someone,
So! hark upon this breeze
that blows so faire,
that the doldrums
will not fill their sails with air,
and that I like Cupid
will rise into the clouds,
and rain my arrows
on their breathless prow.
for fortune speeds, not well for long,
as calm is destined to bring a storm.
So, it seems we have a people, who are not happy with their situation and life at that time. A people who just don't realise perhaps how well off they are. And in seeking to see an end to the situation they wishing the dissatisfaction to be known act without thinking and put themselves in an even worse situation. From the frying pan into the fire as we say.
We might consider that the leader who wears a feather in his headdress or helmet, and rules in a way they perceive is unjust, is whom they are complaining of, and either by removing him, or by trying to escape his realm they become prey to the barbarians, to whom they pretended was better; how wrong can one be?
The king will order the great Pilot to leave his command of the fleet for a higher position,
Seven years later he will act illegally,
Venice put to terror,
by the Barbarian fleet.
Naples, Palermo, and all of Scilly,
Through Barbarian power will be uninhabited;
In Corsica, Salerno, and the Isle of Sardinia,
Famine, plague, war, end of evils proposed.
Century 6, Verse 65: A foolish error by the king, a bit like ordering Drake to play another bowls match as the Spanish Armada approached, or putting Nelson in charge of the home guard before Trafalgar.
The marine tower captured and recaptured three times,
By Spaniards, Barbarians, and Ligurians:
Marseilles and Aix, Arles by those of Pisa.
Devastation, fire, sword, Avignon pillaged by those of Turin.
De Barcelona, de Genoa and Venice,
De la Sicily peste Monet unis,
Against the Barbarian fleet they will take vise,
The Barbarians pushed back as far as Tunis.
There is a good reason why I have left the original words in green; but first let us consider the views of the Authors.
EL. & JH. Consider Monet to signify Monaco. But none of the translations they give for line two make sense.
EL. From Sicily pestilence Monaco joined.
JH. From Sicily, pestilence allied with Monaco.
MR. considers Monet as signifying money and renders the line. In Sicily plague and money unite?
Considering that you cannot take Monet from French, I can only assume, the Noel Reading with his vast trough of knowledge has taken Monet from the Latin, Monet-a-ae, as Juno Moneta, in whose temple on the Capitoline Hill, money was coined. But how on earth to money and plague unite?
On the other hand, there is no reason why EL. & JH. Should take Monet as Monaco.
The closest in French is Monettes, sig. warning, admonishing by women. And oddly enough if I relate it to Latin, Mon-eo-ere-itus, to call to mind, remind, advise, point out; to warn, to foretell; to teach; to inform; is more on course.
Thus, we come to 'vise', as poetry requires vise, maybe 'vis', face, or 'visee', would be, a levelling, or aiming at with the eye, aim taken, set their sights on, we might say.
It may well be that Barcelona, Genoa and Venice have decided their aim is to drive the Barbarian fleet past Sicily and as far as Turin.
There is more to this verse than meets the eye, we need assistance from other verses in the puzzle. I suspect a plague or pestilence may be, being used as a weapon? Or it just could be that Monet, is a person, in which case we might read.
[people] From Barcelona, from Genoa and Venice,
By the pestilent Monet of Sicily united.
[pest-pestilent, annoying, troublesome, persistent, deadly, person.]
The phrasing of Century 3, Verse 59, makes it difficult to grasp what's going on? My inclination is to think that the 3rd one is one of four brothers- or the like; and that having killed off his elder brothers, he for a time spares his younger brother; but in his old age decides to kill him also, to make sure the bloodline ends with him?
I am reminded that Nostra speaks of 3 Nero's, who hold power, perhaps there was a 4th, whom the 3rd has killed for the reason already suggested.
When the lunar ones will be close to failure,
No great distance from one another,
Cold, dryness, danger towards the frontiers,
Even where the oracle had its beginning.
The origin of the oracle could be France if Nostra means his own works?
Punic faith broken in the East,
Great Jud(ea), and Rhone, Loire, and Tag(us) will change;
When the hunger of the mulet will be satisfied,
Fleet saved, bloody bodies floating in the water.
Mulet, while it does signify a great mule, there is no mention of a character by such a description, in any other verse: but it also signifies 'a bastard', of which, several are referenced.
EL. & MR have, Ganges, start of Century 2, Verse 60 line 2. But I see, Grand Iud, in original, which JH, renders 'great Jordan'??? see Century 3, Verse 60.
Mendosus will soon come to his high reign,
Putting behind a little les Norlaris:
The Red One blesme, le masle a` l'interregne,
The young one fearful, and the barbarians terrified.
Oddly, EL. JH, & MR. Do not explain what 'interregne'-interregnum means to the reader. Some will know but many would not without referring to a dictionary. It signifies the interval, void, or period between the death or deposition of one king or prince, to the crowning, selection, or election of another.
Blesme. Pale, bleak, off or dead coloured, whitish, as white as a ghost, as we sometimes say.
Masle. A male or he creature, masculine.
Norlaris. EL. Says it is an anagram of Lorraine? Which it almost is, apart from, es? JH. Says it is a cryptogram for Lorraine; but it is hardly a code?
MR. takes the prize though, he thinks it signifies the 'Northern, or European Larch; which is utter nonsense. But setting this word aside for a few moments let us consider,
MENDOSUS. {JH, has mandosus in his French version, but Mendosus in his translation?} MR. thinks Mendosus is the Duke of Lorraine?
The crazy thing is, all three Authors know and acknowledge that Mendosus is a Latin word, that signifies, full of physical defects, full of faults, faulty, incorrect, erroneous; blundering; it is Mendeux in O- French.
Considering Nostra apparent liking for naming future characters with the names of Caesars, one might wonder if this is not a reference to Emperor Claudius, or perhaps the faults were more of mind, in which case it might be Caligula or Nero?
And considering we have in the verses a particularly evil Nero, it might be the same character.
Now then back to the word,
Norlaris. The line reads, putting behind a little, as perhaps a man might put aside past events, actions.
From the French, lorron etc. a thief, felon, robber, embezzler, pilferer, etc.
The madman will soon enough come to his high reign,
Setting himself aloof just a little from his felonies, the man in the interval, the Red One pale,
The young one fearful and terrifying to the Barbarians.
There will not ever be a single one left to ask,
How the great Mendosus obtained his Empire:
Far from the court they will countermand him,
Piedmont, Picardy, Paris, the tyranny or tyrants the worst.
Century 9, Verse 45 may be read, 'far from court he changes his mind, changes or reverses his orders, his tyranny the worst in those areas. But it does not seem quite right. It is quite obviously the same person as in Century 9, Verse 50: and that he has purged, done away with anyone who may have known how he came to power. I only placed these verses in this file because of the mention of the barbarians in 9-50.
This king is most likely a Roman ruler, but he could be French or Spanish, it will become obvious sooner or later.
From within Spain will arise a thrice powerful king,
By land and sea conquering the South,
This evil one will cause, a setback to the Crescent,
Clipping the wings of those of Friday.
Oh! dear, oh dear. The Authors EL. JH.
& MR, what possesses their wit I know not?
The first line begins, 'dans les Espaignes', EL, has to the Spains? Are there two? JH, has into Spain, and MR, has from Spain. Dans, signifies, within; and I cannot find justification to render it as, in, or into? In deed as Espaignes, is plural, it would be better to render it as, from amongst the Spaniard's. The line ends, 'Roi tres puissant', which each author renders, a very powerful king, this maybe so but that is not what it says, tres=thrice. I am not nit picking, Nostra uses words as an artist uses colours, yet
'il en parlecomme un aveugle de colours.'
(they) he, speaks of it like a blind man speaks of colours.
We are dealing with a puzzle, in which the colours are words, if you change the words, to the wrong colour, you will never finish the puzzle.
I have already previously stated Spain sooner or later will become very powerful, but not necessarily for the greater good of mankind?
There is no question as to those whom Friday is the holy day, the Sabbath; Islam.
One last point, both JH. & MR. use the word 'gold' in their translation of line 2, JH. 'By sea and land subjugating [the golden] South.' MR. by sea and land he will subjugate the gold of the south.' Yet there is no mention, of, or reason for it? The French is 'par mer et terre subjuguant le Midy.'?
An unknown and different law to occupy new lands,
Towards Syria, Judea, and Palestine:
The great Barbarian Empire shattered,
Before the Moon complete its cycle.
The word I have rendered shattered, is 'correur', EL. Believes it is from the Catalan, corroer, to decay: JH, quotes L, thus obviously knows no better. NR. ignores it-gives decay, as EL: JH. Gives crumble.
It is in fact Latin, 'corruere' to shatter, wreck, ruin; to fall down, sink, to fail.
The views of JH. On this verse are way off, but the views of NR. are pathetic rubbish.
The word I like EL, render Moon, is Phebes, in the original. Both JH. & NR. take it as Pheobus, (male of Phoebe). Phoebe is to Apollo as Isis is to Horus, or as Mary is to Jesus. And it is the Moon, as Venus, who is the Angel of the Barbarians.
Anyway, the first line of this verse is worthy of note.
We find Nouvelle law, and land neuve: all three of the Authors give, new law-s, new land-s [only NR, makes it plural.]
Neuve is as neuf, = new.
Nouvelle, is, novel (different), news, tidings; an (unexpected) message; strange report, or, tale unheard of before.
Thus, there is a difference, the implication being that a law, religious practice or way is different from those previously known. Otherwise Nostra could have used the same word twice as our Authors have.
Sooner or later you will see great changes made,
Extreme horrors and vengeances,
When the Moon is led by its angel,
The heavens approach the great fold.
For some reason, JH. & NR. think Gabriel is the angel indicated? Whether it matters or not, who knows? I am inclined to Venus under her name Diana.
Anyway, the word I have rendered great fold is 'inclinations' in the French, although it means the same in English, bend, lean, slope, bow, towards: like most of our best French and English words it has its obvious root in Latin.
Nostra is referring to the great tapestry of History, which as he tells us has only half revealed itself to us as yet.
Betta, Vienna, Emorte, Sopron,
They will want to deliver the Hungarians to the barbarians;
Enormous violence through spikes and fire,
The conspirators discovered by a matron.
In line 1 we may have names of people or places, or both. I see Sacarbance in line 1, Latin Scarbantia, Slovene = Sopron?
The Roman Belgic king in a great rage,
Will want to assault the Barbarian horde,
Furious clashes, in chasing the Libyans,
From the Austrian-Hungarian borders as far as the shores of Hercules, (Greece).
Several points on this one. EL. JH. NR. all render 'Hercules la hare' as the 'pillars of Hercules'. This makes no sense at all; the Pillars of Hercules are at the bottom of Spain opposite Morocco. Both EL. & JH. Take 'hare' as the Latin, Ara, which chiefly signifies an Altar, altar tomb, or sanctuary, they give monument, and, Altar monument respectively. But that is pushing it, there are still a set of Star called the constellation of Ara, they lie beneath the Scorpion's tail. Rightly it is a 'fire altar'.
However, I find it via Latin, har-en-a-ae, sand, seashore, beach, as harenos-us-a -um, sandy. Its root is remembered in 'harbour', a safe shore, etc. and Hercules is merely the Greek Herakles.
Further, the words I render 'furious clashes', is written, 'fureur grinsant' in the original, but JH. & NR, have 'grinsseant?' to my knowledge there is no such word. EL. Has 'grincant' with a tiny squiggle under the c, which changes the c sound to s, thus 'grinsant', as grinsser= to crackle, or clash. Both EL. & NR, render pannons as pannonias-pannonia, respectively, while JH, gives Hungarians. Anciently Pannonia would have included parts of modern Austria and Slovenia as well as most of Hungry.
Most certainly we have verses that state Hungary will succumb to Arab rule, and religion.
As furious and powerful as this king of Belgium maybe, it would be pointless to chasse the Arab-Barbarian league to the pillars of Hercules. The shores of Greece maybe.
A Barbarian soldier will strike the great king,
Unjustly and not far from death,
The envious mother will be the cause of the deed,
The conspirator and realm in deep regret.
The great Royal of gold, increased by brass,
To break the agreement, war started by the young one,
People in remorse, afflicted because of having lost their leader,
Barbarian blood will cover the land.
Upon the battle of the great light horses,
They will proclaim the great Crescent fallen:
By night slain in the mountains, dressed as shepherds,
Reds drowned in the deep pits.
Depending on the Eagle and the Cock at Savona,
They will be united with those of the Eastern Sea and Hungary,/a>,
The army at Naples, Palermo and the March of Ancona,
At Rome and Venice, though the Barbarians terrible cries.
War, thunder, many camps deserted,
Terror and noise, assaults on the frontier:
The greatest fails, pardon to the exiles,
Germans, Spanish, by sea banners of the Barbarians.
The times purged, pestilent tempest,
Barbarian offensive, fury, invasion:
For this month, infinite evils prepared for us,
And the even greater ones, at least two, of derision.
Through pestilence and fire the fruits of trees will perish,
No lack of oil, Father Denis (rain) not scarce:
Some great ones to die, but few foreigners will attack,
Assaults, Barbarians on the sea, and dangers on the borders.
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