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The verses herein directly relate to ANTHONY. Characters who are also connected to ANTHONY are treated separately: see also, France, Italy. Additional verses will be added from time to time, and commentary as fitting based on the feedback received to Nostradamus on ANTHONY.
Yellow Text indicates a link to a supporting book, century or verse from Nostradamus
Anthony (Antoine) by name great by deeds sordid,
Of Phtiriase (lowsy- ulcerated lungs, consumption?) to his end wasted:
One who will desire to be struck by lead,
Passing the port, he will be drowned by the elected one.
great by name, Anthony of Caesar and Cleopatra.
From Bourg-la- Reine they will come straight to Chartres,
And near the bridge of Anthony they will pause;
7 for the peace deceitfully come from Martres,
Into Paris enclosed by the army they will enter.
A horrible plague in Perynte (Preveza?) and Nicopolis ,
The Chersonese will hold and Marceloyne (macedon, mar-ce-lion-e),
It will devastate Thessaly (or Thessaloniki?) and Amphipolis,
Evil unknown (or not recognised) and the refusal of Anthony (Macedonia-n?) ).
consider Antonne, Century 5, Verse 64
Century 2, Verse 2 Antheve?
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Egypt | Leo | Virgo
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