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The verses herein directly relate to Adulterer(s). Characters who are also connected to Adulterer(s) are treated separately: see also, Mesopotamia. Additional verses will be added from time to time, and commentary as fitting based on the feedback received to Nostradamus on Adulterer(s).
Yellow Text indicates a link to a supporting book, century or verse from Nostradamus
When the Adulterer wounded without a blow
will have murdered his wife and child out of spite:
Woman struck down the infant strangled:
8 captives taken, choked to death without delay.
He will enter vile, wicked, infamous,
Tyrannizing over Mesopotamia:
And all the friends made by the Adulterous lady,
The land abominable surface darkened.
Introduction | Century & Verses
Prophecies | Biography
Myths | Locations
Four Riders | King Solomon | David & Goliath
Egypt | Leo | Virgo
Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius