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The verses herein directly relate to Switzerland. Characters who are also connected to Switzerland are treated separately: see also France, Italy, Germany. Additional verses will be added from time to time, and commentary as fitting based on the feedback received to Nostradamus on Switzerland.
Yellow Text indicates a link to a supporting book, century or verse from Nostradamus
Of Lake Geneva and those of Macon (brannovices- Celtic tribe of the area.),
All, assembled against those of Aquitaine:
Many Germans and even more swiss (Souisses),
They will be defeated along with those of the Human sect.
A great stench, will emitted from Lausanne,
Which one will not know the source of the deed,
They will drive out all the foreign people,
Fire seen in the sky, foreign people defeated.
Lausanne: Switzerland, situated on the shores of Lake Geneva, capitol of the Canton of Vaud.
Through the Swiss (Suevi) and neighbouring places,
They will be at war over the cause of the clouds:
Camp of marine locusts and gnats? Or kinfolk,
By the faults of Leman (Geneva, or Lake Geneva) they will be thoroughly stripped naked.
A very trying verse, which has certainly not been correctly understood by the Authors.
I suspect the marine locusts are either pirates or perhaps prisoners, amongst whom there maybe some of their own people. The war over clouds, may well imply they are fighting over foolish things.
The chief of the army in the middle of the crowd,
Will be wounded by an arrow shot in the thighs,
When those of Geneva in tears and distress will be betrayed by Lausanne and the Swiss.
Geneva, Langres (F) by those of Chartres (F) and Dole (F), and through Grenoble (F), captured at Montelimar (F),
Seyssel (F), Lausanne (Swiss), through fraudulent deceit,
They will betray them for 60 marks of gold.
The people of Geneva (Genevois) drying up with thirst and hunger,
Hope of help nearby will come to fail:
On the point of trembling will be the law of Geneva (Gebenoise- one of the Latin variations of Geneva),
Fleet at the great port cannot be received, or cannot reach or strike.
See Century 1, Verse 61
The republic miserable and unhappy,
Will be ruined by a new magistrate:
Their great accumulation of exiled malefactors,
Will cause the Swiss to tear up their great contract.
The Geneva convention? [human rights.]
To near Lake Geneva it will be led,
By a foreign whore wishing to betray the city:
Before its murder at Augsburg the great following,
And those of the Rhine will come to assault them.
The sermons from Lake Geneva (UN) vexed,
From days, they will grow into weeks,
Then months, then years, then all will fail,
The magistrates will damn their useless laws.
Leave, leave, of Geneva not a single person sparred,
Saturn will be changed from gold to iron,
RAYPOZ will exterminate all those against him,
Before the event the skies or heavens signs will show.
JH. & MR. Have 'avant l' a ruent' EL. Has 'avant l'avent' at the beginning of line 4? I see 'Avant l' Advent' in original. Neither aruent, or, ruent, is not a French word to my knowledge. Avent and Advent are the same, signifying the time of Advent, thus we might render line 4 as '(just) before Christmas the heavens will show signs.'
John Hogue, devotes 2 pages of garbage to trying to explain this verse, centring around Saddam Hussein? Utter nonsense.
But Mario Reading, defies the logic of even a madmen, he renders 'Le contre Raypoz', as, the about face Raypoz? He then in his explanation follows JH, in pretending Raypoz is somehow anagram of Zopyrus, and that c9 v 44, indicates the year 1544? We must be thankful he has not been given the task of translating the Bible, he would probably turn it into a cookery book.
Close to Lake Geneva the terror will be great,
Because of the advice, that cannot fail;
The new king to make ready his troops,
The young (or young one?) will die of famine, fear will cause failure.
[see how closely this presage ties in with, Century 12, Verse 59?]
Savoy (eiovas) near to banishment from Lake Geneva,
Very great preparations made, in coming back, confusion,
Far from the nephews of the late great Supelman,
And all their train (suite),
Supelman is definitely an anagram, but has been bastardised to rhyme with leman, end of line 1. It comes to mind from the waters that Nostra' first changed it to sup leman, then further changed it to supelman;
S U P E L M A N.
This goes against the crude rules of poetry that he generally uses to confuse the translators: I suspect he is referring to the character he has nicknamed Soliman, see book by that name.
S A V O I E,
Which is how Nostra' spells Savoy.
Of the place elected the Shaven heads will not be content,
From Lake Geneva they will conspire undetected,
They will cause the old times to be renewed,
frightening, how well the plot covered.
[ESPEUILLERA? The contriving so greatly plotted? Nostradamus's French is tricky in this verse.]
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