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The verses herein directly relate to Italy. Characters who are also connected to Italy are treated separately: see also France, Spain, Cock, Lion and the Eagle, Barbarian, Celts. Additional verses will be added from time to time, and commentary as fitting based on the feedback received to Nostradamus on Italy.
In this 3 part volume (view Italy">volume 2 or Italy">volume 3), we will look into verses that enlighten us on both aspects of Italy's future.
Yellow Text indicates a link to a supporting book, century or verse from Nostradamus
Nostradamus is fond of naming certain key figures in history after Roman Caesars. In this case, it is Hadrian. Nostra' varies the name as that of Hitler, Hister, Ister, Istra, etc. thus we get, Hadrian, as, Hardie, Hadrie, Adrie. Sometimes any of those spellings can apply to the Adriatic Sea; but in those cases, it is fairly obvious, just as it is generally obvious when he is speaking of Hadrian himself, whoever he might turn out to be.
What I find utterly astonishing is that the Authors never seem to realise that many characters have many verses allocated to them, albeit, that the verses are scattered throughout the centuries.
Hadrie, appears on the scene at a time when Italy and Rome have been somehow conquered, and made tributary to another nation. Let us see what Nostra has to tell us about him.
How many times will the City of the Sun be seized?
Forced to change to the laws barbarous and vain:
Thy evil approaches, even more enslaved,
The Great Hadrie (hardie) will revive your blood.
One gets the impression, that despite any hopes or advantages Hadrie might at first appear to offer, the reality will be; that the people are held in a greater bondage than before, tied to the will and whims, and demands of someone who is not what he seems, and may lead them to even greater catastrophes. [John Hogue makes a serious era, on this, by stating the city of the Sun always signifies Paris. MR, goes off into the land of nod, and relates it to the 'Puerta del Sol', in Madrid? As we can plainly perceive from the numerous verses that speak of Hadrie, the city of the Sun can only be Rome, for it is not who are the barbarians vexing, when they attack the heirs of Romulus and Hadrie? See c 1 v 9.
Sudden joy to sudden sadness,
For the graces embraced it will be;
Devil, cries, tears, lamentation, blood, exceeding joy,
Contrary {sects} -bands surprised and bound up.
The alliance disturbed, the siege set not far away,
The Barbarian Saint will supply the garrisons,
The bear (or, Urchin) Hadrie will make a bargain with the Gauls,
Through fear surrendering the army to the Greys.
The great one from heaven under cape will give help,
Hadrie makes an offer to the port:
He who can, will save himself from the dangers,
At night, the great one wounded pursing the chest (or Ark)
From the Orient, will come one with a punic heart, To vex Hadrie and the people of Italy (Rome),
Accompanied by the Libyan fleet,
The temples of Malta and neighbouring islands emptied.
It sounds like history is going repeat itself, as it so often does. The most famous Punic heart was that Hannibal. Hannibal was born in Carthage which was basically the capitol of the Phoenician- Punic Empire by that time. He and those before him certainly vexed the heirs of Romulus. The Phoenician Empire occupied most of the African coast of the Mediterranean, from the border of Egypt to the Pillars of Hercules, the Spanish coast and most of the islands, including Cyprus, Sardinia, Corsica, Crete and Scilly; and were almost constantly at war with Rome.
This verse may well be tied in with C 4 v 68. Which mentions the destruction of Malta and the Ligurian coast by the Hitlers of Asia and Africa. And both may tie in with at least one of the attacks and destruction of Marseille, which are tackled in the book of France. [yet Nostra cannot resist word games, read on.]
The great ruin of sacred things not far off,
Provence, Naples, Sicily, Sees and Ponts-(ponce):
In Germany, at the and Cologne,
Vexed to death by those of Persia (Magonce).
Naples, Palermo and all Scilly,
Through Barbarian power will be uninhabited:
Corsica, Salerno and Sardinia,
Famine, plague, war, end of evils attempted.
JH. MR. have 'intemptee,' last word line 4? I see 'intentee,' in orig. and EL.
But EL. Takes it from Latin? When it is French; Intent/e: m. /ee: f. attempted, tried, essayed, proved; also, intended, meant, proposed; also, commenced, begun etc.
Unfortunately, these type of errors, can make any rendering of a verse or its meaning nonsense. Not that it makes a blind bit of difference in MR's case.
EL, gives, end of evils remote.
JH. the end of extended evils.
MR. end of intemperate sins?
In reality those places maybe trying to negotiate a truce, or seeking outside help?
From little acorns, mighty oaks grow, from small errors, great disasters. From bad translation, foolish explanations.
Consider the next verse to the previous, Century 7, Verse 6.
The fire extinguished the virgins will betray,
The greater part of the new band,
Lightening in iron, lances, only the kings guarding,
In Tuscany and Corsica by night throats cut.
Naples, Palermo, Sicily, Syracuse,
New tyrants, lightning and fire from the heavens:
Force from Londres, Ghent, Brussels and Susa,
Great slaughter, triumph leads to festival.
Syracuse is a 2700year old city in Sicily, and was the capital of the province of Syracuse. After defeat by the Romans in 212BC, it became part of the Roman Republic-Empire, and later the Byzantium Empire, during this period Palermo overtook it in importance, as the Capital of the kingdom of Sicily; eventually the kingdom would be allied with the kingdom of Naples to form the 2 Sicily's, until the unification of Italy 1860-1. Syracuse was ruled by no less than 17 tyrants from its foundation in 734-733BC till the Roman conquest in 212BC, with very short periods of democracy. So, it seems history will repeat itself as it so often seems to do. JH, considers the verse to be about the Allied invasion of Italy and Sicily in WW2. It might fit except we have the problem of explaining why forces from Shush-Susa, Iran are part of such an alliance? Susa an ancient Elamite city, later part of the 1st Persian Empire, founded by Cyrus the Great, the city of Shush now occupies the site of Susa: [I also recall that the name of Cyrus, seems to be used, in the Sixtains, a group of 6 line verses, attributed to Nostra, but consider doubtful by many Authors. But Cyrus may well have a connection with the name Selin" href="https://www.secret-vault.com/nostradamus/books/34-chyren-Selin.html">Chyren, which is used by Nostra in quite a number of verses, see book, Selin" href="https://www.secret-vault.com/nostradamus/books/34-chyren-Selin.html">Chyren-Selin.] I also note that the patron St of Syracuse, is St Lucy, who was like Archimedes, was born there, {her feast day being the 13th December} I noted that Nostra mentions this Saint in another verse about events in France- there must be a connection?
Paterno (Sicily- slightly in land) will hear the cry from all Sicily,
In the Gulf of Trieste (NE Italy) all the preparations made,
The knowledge of which will go as far as the Sicilians (Trinacrie, Latin, adj. of Sicilian.)
From so many sails fleeing, fleeing the terrifying plague.
Very near the Tymbre (Tiber) la Lybitine, death presses,
A short while before the great flood,
The chief of the ship captured, placed in the sewer,
Castle and palace in flames.
EL. JH. MR. all render 'Tymbre' as signifying the Tiber River; but none of them give us a reason why? It is not Latin for the river, which would be 'Tiberis.' In French tymbre is also timbre, it is generally connected to the crest or plume on the top of a helmet, and has thus a connection to the wooded crest or top of a hill. The two sources of the Tiber are just over 32 feet apart on Mt Fumaiolo, which is covered by beech forest. The two sources are jointly called 'la Vene' being seen as the veins or life blood of Rome, but more properly connected to Venus. Mars had an affair with Venus, who was also the celebrated mother of the Trojan Hero, Aeneas, who had apparently founded Rome several generations before Romulus marked out its boundaries. Romulus and Remus were the twin sons of Rhea Silvia, from her affair with Mars; the myth that the twins argued and Romulus killed Remus, in effect, was to assert that Venus had left her lofty position in the heavens and come to lay down her roots as Rhea Silvia, as the mother of Rome, as the two sources of the river became one.
Rhea, signified ground -earth, as did her mother's name Gaia, but also signified, flow- discharge, thus springs.
Thus, I am inclined to think Nostra did signify the Tiber by the word Tymbre.
The Authors were slightly more forthcoming with the word Lybitina, who was indeed the Roman goddess of funerals and death.
If thus line one is correct, the chief of the ship, should be the then Pope, or chief of Rome, and the burning buildings that of 'Castel Sant' Angelo' and the Vatican Palace.
One who the infernal god of Annibal will cause to be reborn, terrifying to all humanity,
Never have days been worse or more horrifying,
in the past, than will come upon the Romans through Babel.
All the Authors I seen comment on this verse, believe 'D'Annibal' signifies Hannibal. While it can rightly be said that Hannibal was certainly a terror to Rome; he was not a major Antichrist. Hannibal was a devoted follower of Melqart, the Phoenician equivalent of Hercules.
However, we associate Babel, rightly or wrongly with Babylon, thus basically Assyria. Anciently Gilgamesh was probably the best known of their gods.
Somehow the gods of Hannibal or Babel do not fit the bill? Nostra as we will find out mentions this word 'annibal' in connection with France. And in France it becomes a widespread problem. [perhaps Nostra saw more of the future than we might expect, for Hannibal Lecter, could give you a lecture on this one.] consider this,
The great famine I sense approaching, will often make an appearance, then will become worldwide.
So, great and so long, that one will come to pull up roots of trees, and the infant from the breast.
for word explanations see web page. JH. & NR. opinions on this verse, are just juvenile and vague.
One year before the Italian conflict,
The Germans, French and Spanish for the fort:
The schoolhouse of the republic to fall,
Where, with a few exceptions, they will be suffocated to death.
Only two French words in this Century 2, Verse 39 might cause, the would-be translator slight problems, they are 'Cherra', from Cheoir, top fall or tumble down. Or 'hormis', saving, excepting, besides.
The school house in question is that of the government of Italy. It has nothing to do with WW11, or Mussolini, or the Spanish civil war.
And everything to do with a time when the Germany, France and Spain, will form 'fortress Europe,' in the face of a common threatening and expanding enemy. Unfortunately for Spain and Germany the French government at that time will be no better than the Italian had been.
Into Sardinia a Noble king will come,
He will not hold the kingdom for more than 3years,
He will ally himself with many colours,
He himself after thinking to rest will be afflicted by oars.
Nostra has ecome, instead of Escome, the broad or blade of an oar.
Through fire from the heavens the city well-nigh burned to dust,
While the skies threaten to repeat Noah's flood;
By the Punic ships, Sardinia is menaced,
After Libra, has taken the place of the Sun.
Century 2, Verse 81 warrants further explanation. The last word of the line 4 is Phaeton, which is a Greek word. It is generally understood by the Authors on such things, to signify, the son of the Sun, whom they called Helios, or Zeus. However, depending on whose accounts you may have received any knowledge of him-Phaeton, that is, you would take him primarily to be a form of- type of, Sun.
But Zeus was the supreme sun god of the Greeks. The Roman equivalent of Jupiter. In the Old Testament, the same god was known as Seth- and momentarily as Cain. By the ancient Egyptians he was Seth, or Set; all these gods were gods of storms and thunder.
Now Helios, the father of Phaeton, was the equivalent of the Egyptian god Osiris. Who was the god of Spring and Summer, during which time all things grew, and multiplied.
Now Phaeton, it was pretended was teased by his fellow playmates, who questioned whether he was really the son of the great sun god Helios, and if so, could he prove it?
So, Phaeton questioned his mother on the subject, and despite all her assurances, that he was, Phaeton still harboured some doubts.
As Moses said it is one thing to try the patience of man, but to test the patience of God, is deadly.
So, Phaeton went to his Helios his father and questioned him upon the matter. Yet even though Helios stated he was, Phaeton wanted absolute proof and asked Helios if he could drive his Father's famous chariot across the heavens.
After endless pestering Helios reluctantly agreed to let him drive his chariot.
Of course, Phaeton, gives us the English, FATE-ON, and as he took the reins and spurred the horses on, he had neither the knowledge or strength to control them. And as it says in the verse,
Line 1. The fire-heat, from the sky, very near burned the city to dust-ashes. Which is exactly what happened in the Greek myth, only worse, for Fate-on [Phaet-on], nearly burned everything on the face of the earth to Ashes.
Subsequently, because of the heat the sky did not release its water, thus the great Urn, filled up day by day, until it got to the point that as in Noah's flood, that if all that stored rainfall fell at once it would drown the Earth.
Century 2, Verse 81, line 2,
'L'Urne menace encore DeucaLion.'
The last line in French is,
'Apres que Libra lairra son Phaeton.'
Shortly afterwards, not (that it could be called) a long respite by any means,
By sea and land there will be great commotion,
The naval battles will be even greater,
Fire, and pestilent animals will merely add to the assault.
The problems, already manifest, will very much increase after Italy has fallen. Sea battles increasing, fires and pestilent beasts will add to the growing turmoil on land and sea.
Although I have not yet made any great reference to the Epistles: these being the letter introducing the first seven, and that introducing C 8 to 12. It is necessary to make a few remarks on the first at this point.
In the 1st letter he begins by addressing it to his son Caesar; a very appropriate name if you recall my insights to Nostra in the 1st book, the March of the Antichrists.
He basically tells his son to have nothing to do with the occult, and that he has ensured as much as he can; that anything he had that might tempt him down such a road he had destroyed. That even if he was drawn to such things he was neither capable at that time because of his age, and later by lack faculties able to prosper from them.
Then Nostra changes his attitude completely and starts talking as if the person he was addressing knew exactly what he was talking about. This is nothing new, several Authors historically have commented upon the apparent change of emphasis. The same sense occurs in several verses, in C8 v 76, he says, 'his time approaches so near that I sigh. In another he tells the 'priest of the rite', that it will make him laugh, and yet in another he says 'a secret message for one to be more discrete. And there are more as we will come across in time.
The Universal, worldwide famine has yet to occur, it shows it face in parts, but not yet in full.
To us in the West the idea of a global famine seems almost impossible, when the supermarket shelves are full to brimming with every kind of vegetable or fruit whatever the season.
But it will come, and the infernal god of Cannibalism will cause itself to be reborn.
During the conflict the great one of small worth,
At his end, will perform a miraculous deed:
Whilst Hadrie sees that which is required,
And stabs the Arrogant one during the feast.
Line one, is translated by E.H. as 'the weapons fight in the sky for a long time.'
E.L. says exactly the same, except he has 'arms', instead of weapons. [considering E.L. book was first published in 1961, the question of who relied on the other, is obvious. And to deny such a claim would be childish. To defend himself the author must plead that both are equally ignorant of understanding, thus equally worthless.
The word which causes the greatest problem to both Authors in line one is 'armes'. Arms, armes, in 16th century French, signifies, all things used in warfare. That is Armour worn, as well as swords, lances, bows, guns etc. but what Nostra intends is both planes as well as rockets. For a plane is merely a manned weapon, just as a spear is an unmanned weapon once it has been launched into the air.
Line 1, should translate as,
The armies battle in the skies for more than 3 months.
Line 2. Is straight forward.
The tree in the middle of city falls-fallen:
However, line 3 is a minefield to the translator.
The first word is Verbine, both E.L. & E.H. take it from the Latin, Verbena, sacred bough, [great minds think alike, LOL.] but N.R. has replaced the original word verbine, in his work with the word 'vermine?' [see, web pages, for more on N. Reading.]
Whenever one can, it is best to consider the root of any word, and in this case the root remains, in Latin, French and English, being 'Verb', word, from the Latin, verb-i-um, word, saying, expression, proverb, mere talk or words.
The 2nd word is in the original 'rogne' which E.L. gives as written, but E.H. & N.R. give, 'rongne', which in French signifies, pared, clipped, shred, cut away. And both Authors translate as if they read 'rongne', E.L. has clipped, E.H. cut. While N.R. renders it gnawing? But neither makes any sense, the word intended was 'rogue', Arrogant, proud, rude, surly.
The 3rd word is 'glaive' which E.L. Renders as 'steel', and E.H. renders blade; it actually signifies sword or lance.
The last 3 words are 'en face tison'. E.l. renders 'in the face of the firebrand', and Tison in French, signifies 'fire brand' or fire in general. E.H. & N.R. have Tyson in the French version. Yet E.H. has 'in front of tison'; but N.R. renders it as Typhon? [Tyson? one wonders whether both writers had watched one too many boxing matches?]
The verse translates, [Century 3, Verse 11.]
The armies battle in the skies for more than three months,
The tree falls in the middle of the city:
Proud words, sword, in the face of fire,
Then the monarch Hadrie succumbs (dies).
Hadrie is the tree that falls to death in the middle of the city, uttering arrogant words, sword in hand, as the city burns around him, and there he dies. All his proud words, mere talk, like all tyrants his time ends, and no one can save him.
Before the great one at Rome has given up the ghost,
Great terror to the foreign army;
Through squadrons ambushed close to Parma,
The two Red Ones together will celebrate.
Departing from Nice under the name of the Harsh of letters,
The great pope (Cappe) will present gifts, not his own;
Close to Vultry, with the walls of green capers,
After straightening (plombin,) the wind good and earnest.
All the friends of those who held power,
By the Harsh of letters, ransacked and put to death,
Public possessions through set rates sold for next to nothing,
Never at any time were the Roman people so outrageously robbed.
EL. JH. & MR, have a great one, annihilated or destroyed as part of line 3? But we have 'biens publiez par fixe grand neanty,' I fail to see how one can translate it to something like, 'public property up for sale at a fixed price, great one annihilated?' for Bien= goods, substance, wealth, possessions. Publiez, = divulged, published, set forth, manifested, made common. Par=through, by etc. fixe=fixed, set, settled, fastened, steady, unmovable. Grand= great, big, huge, large etc. neanty= nothing, nought.
Considering it is this Harsh One of Letters who has conquered Rome, and is doing these things, he is not dead. JH. & MR, thoughts on this verse are painful to say the least, JH, has them sacked, presumably from their jobs, before they are killed: and MR, seems to think the 'rude in Lettres-letters, are ignorant peasants: once again utter Pollux enters the arena. MR, usually brings some light relief, with his absurd translations and even sillier thoughts on the verses meaning, during the endless hours of dark meditation, but sometimes I just want to stir the still waters of his brain, not that there is anything to see. For,
'demander de la laine, a vn asne.'
To seek for a thing where it never was, is foolish indeed.
30 adherents of the order of Quirites,
exiled, their goods given to their adversaries;
all their good deeds will be seen as misdeeds,
the fleet scattered, delivered to the Corsairs-pirates.
The Quirites were Roman citizens, sons of Romulus. Original has 'espargie?', which I have taken as a mistake for Espars, -scattered, dismembered, cast here and there, divided, dissipated etc. but I also find, Spargere- Latin, scatter. Aspergere, from cast upon. Thus EL, may well be correct, the 'espagier' is 16th century French for, sprinkle, spill, disperse.
The Albanois passing within Rome,
With the help of Langres half hidden and wrapped under clothes:
Marquis and Duke will spare no man,
Fire, blood, smallpox, corn crop to fail through water at that time.
The last line is reminiscent of the hail and thunderstorm the Lord sent upon Egypt, which destroyed the barley and the flax.
It would seem the Albanois, those of Alba, in Italy, or, Albanians are trying to pass through Rome, hidden or disguised with clothes provided by Langres.
A great mass of people will approach from Slavonia,
L'Olestant the ancient city will ruin:
You will see Rome extremely desolated,
Then the great flame extinguished, not saved.
The last line is difficult to grasp, it is tempting to render it 'then he-they will not know how to extinguish the great flames' however the last word of the line is 'saura' which is bastardised from sauve, to rhyme with ruinera, end of line 2.
Sauve. Saved, secured, preserved, escaped, protected, or, delivered from danger; also, safe, sure, sound etc.
The great flame, may not having anything to do with burning buildings etc. but the eternal flame of Rome, or the sacred fire of the temple.
L'olestant. Which the Authors EL. & JH. pretend to take from Greek, rendering it, 'the old- the destroyer: apart from MR. who seems to take it from Latin, for olive tree- or fragrance thereof?? He also takes, 'amas' line 1, from Latin? Love, from, amo. Amass, amat, etc. I know not what is in his head, but whatever it is, it rolls around in a very vast and empty space. You have to read his translation, it is insane, but first,
Knowus Nothingus, having obtained a copy of MR's, book, rushes to his master of the Inquisition, Heritus Levitus.
Master, master! Look, I was right, all we had to do was make them think they could read and translate French, to stop anybody knowing the truth. Read what this Mario man has written?
'the lover approaches for the direction of Slavonia
The old and smelly one destroys the city,
You can see Romania from the ruined fort.'
Once Heritus has finished laughing, he congratulates Knowus Nothingus.
Well done, who would have thought that in less than half a century, you could bring to nothing 10,000 years of learning; surely, we will have the coolest seats in hell?
Nostra is playing, the old one, the old being, is the Ol-estant.
The sacred flame is extinguished, but Rome and Italy are not delivered from danger.
Beside the great river (Tiber), great holes, earth removed,
Into 15 parts will the water be divided-diverted:
Fire, bloodshed and cries, the city by conflict taken.
And the worst of the battle at the Colosseum.
Confusion reigns amongst the Authors, they take Collisee as collision, instead of French, Colisee- Colosseum, or colossus, a huge or gigantic thing, as the colossus of Pharos. The attackers will not dig, so much as use explosives to blow great holes close to the river, as the river water drains into the holes it will create temporary land bridges for the enemy to Cross, a little bit like Moses crossing the sea of reeds.
Roman power will be brought to nothing,
Making the same mistakes as its great neighbour, [France]
Hidden civil hate, and altercations,
Delaying the buffoons in their follies.
Just as France will not see the danger they are in, and will be conquered, so will those of Italy and Rome be so consumed with worthless and needless petty internal matters, they will find themselves surprised by enemy forces, coming from the very places they thought secure.
But do not blame your leader, blame your government and yourselves, you argue over pennies, when the entire wealth of Italy and Rome will be taken from you. Through the torrent which descends from Verona, its entry will be guided to the Po (Pau):
A great wreckage (as of ships), no less on the Garonne,
When those of Genoa (Gennes) march against their country (Italy).
Because of a foreign people far distant from Rome,
Their great city after water extremely troubled,
Daughter whose domain is in a similar state,
Chief captured by an armed robber the lock not having been secured.
I am inclined to think that Rome for several reasons is metaphorically the daughter of Rome. certainly, in faith Rome may said to be the father of France; just as Britain is seen as Frances sister. It was certainly the Romans that added to the Gallic or Gaulish parts and brought modern France into being.
I am also inclined to think that it is not lack of water, but perhaps after great flooding, a foreign nation will be attacking Rome, and thus the same people maybe attacking France. Whether the chief who is taken prisoner is Roman or French, is not obviously clear, apart from the fact that it is mentioned after the daughter. But the word used to describe the robber, is 'Riblee' which I cannot find any root for in Latin.
Venus the beautiful will enter into Florence,
The secret exiles will abandon the place:
Very many widows, death of great one lamented,
To remove (them) from the realm, the great, great one does not threaten.
8, 15, and 5 what disloyalty,
They will come to admit the evil spy,
Fire from the heavens, lightning, Papal terror,
The West trembles, pressed too hard the wine salty.
Vain rumour within the hierarchy,
Genoa to rebel: flights, assaults, sedition:
For the even greater king will fall the Monarchy,
Election, conflict, secrets, burials.
Sea closed, world open, city surrendered,
The great one to fail, new great lady elected in winter,
Florence exposed, army to enter, faith broken,
The white feather will make severe efforts.
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