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The verses herein directly relate to Africa. Several characters who are also connected to Africa are treated separately: see also, Egypt, Byzantium. Additional verses will be added from time to time, and commentary as fitting based on the feedback received to Nostradamus on Africa.
Yellow Text indicates a link to a supporting book, century or verse from Nostradamus
After the great affliction of the sceptre,
2 enemies will be defeated by them:
A fleet from Africa will appear before the Pannons (Hungarians),
By land and sea horrible deeds.
The 2 contented ones will assemble together,
When for the greater part, they will be allied to Mars:
The great one of Africa trembles in terror,
DUUMVIRAT by the fleet scattered-divided.
This verse is dealt with in eBook 2: the 'March of the Antichrists' for later publication.
From a place not far from Venus,
The greatest two from Asia and Africa,
From Ryn and Hister, and the font of venus, (they will say)
Cries, tears, in Malta and the Ligurian coast.
With great fury the Roman Belgian king,
Will want to vex the Barbarians with his phalanx:
With grinding fury, he will chase the African (Libyans)
From Hungary, as far as the shores of Greece. [see full explanation of verse in Barbarian.]
Very much before such conspiracies,
Those of the East by the virtue of the Moon:
In the year 1700 they will cause great ones to be carried off,
Subjugating almost all the northern corner, (of Europe).
Departing from Morocco, after setting the city on fire and putting the people to the sword,
they will reach those of Europe,
The great One of Asia by land and sea with a vast army,
That the Blues, Persians the Crusaders (cross) they will pursue to death.
Introduction | Century & Verses
Prophecies | Biography
Myths | Locations
Four Riders | King Solomon | David & Goliath
Egypt | Leo | Virgo
Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius