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The Roman god named Neptune is considered the equivalent of the Greek god Poseidon; but it would be better for the purpose of understanding, to say, that Neptune and Poseidon were names- titles, that represented certain aspects of nature, primarily water. Therefore, the god of the sea, is also a god of the rivers, winds, and storms, thus in some cultures, as in the Egyptian, where the primal sea goddess of the heavens was called Nun, and later Nut, an earthly sea god is not named specifically as a sea god alone, but both roles are played out by Sea come Storm god of Seth-Set. In the Biblical Old Testament, this god is in the first instance referred to as Cain, who in turn is replaced by Seth, who is exactly the same as the ancient Egyptian god Seth- Set. The roles are so connected that Storm and sea gods can change roles without raising eyebrows amongst those who wrote or read the myths: this happened very obviously in the stories concerning the Canaanite sea god Yam, who was at first the equivalent of the Egyptian goddess Nun, the sea queen of the primal waters before creation, which the Greeks called Chaos, later in his story he is cast down into the depths of the earthly sea where he has his palace, and rules the ocean the winds and storms. But as the Canaanites turn more towards agriculture the power over storms becomes the prerogative of Ba’al Hadad, and a mighty battle commences between them. (for greater understanding of this see the SV book on Yam.)
Between the ancient Egyptian myths and the writings of Moses the Author of Genesis, who are tied together, for Moses was educated by the Egyptians, the aspects of this god become clear.
In the Egyptian myths, Seth along with his wife, Nephthys were earthly gods and the first rulers of earth, whom the Egyptians called Geb. But they ruled in the days of darkness, before breathable atmosphere, they ruled over all the things and creatures that lived in the pools, puddles, lakes, sea, and anything that lived in the mud, indeed everything that lived beneath the surface of the earth and in its waters.
However, while the Egyptian myths of creation, are hypothetical, for how can they have had the scientific knowledge, gained through time, they are basically correct. For few would argue today that life did not first evolve in watery conditions. Whether it was in the great ocean, or in rock pools, life evolved long before anything like breathable atmosphere occurred. Life as we know it requires three basic ingredients, a concoction of minerals-raw materials, an energy source and moisture, in the simplest terms, the moisture-water allows the ingredients to mingle, the energy source allows them to interact.
Thus, life begins it long journey, and Seth-Set and Nephthys were king and queen of all life for a long time. but this was to change, the earth was growing, gradually breathable atmosphere replaced the deadly concoction of gases that surrounded the earth, and Mother nature wasted no time in taking advantage of it. In the Egyptian myths of creation, which are in reality no different to those spoken of by Moses in Genesis, this happens very quickly, but that is nothing odd, for even today we condense historical time.
Thus, according to the Egyptian myths, suddenly Osiris appears. Osiris is nothing more than representative of the first vegetation that began to appear, as mother nature, freed from her dark and watery prison into stepped into the light of day, and started to spread her green canopy over the naked landscape.
This pleased the Sun god Ra, Re, so much that he took the crown from Seth’s (set’s) head and crowned Osiris with it. (if you have not read my book on the Egyptian myths, please do it will certainly help you to understand, this and other books on various gods.) in short, Seth was seriously angered at losing his crown and plotted to kill the new king of Earth.
This section of our story is simplest and best summed up by Moses. It came to be, that after Eve had opened Adam’s eyes to the real world, that he laid with her and they had a son, who they named Cain, like Seth, he worked (with) the soil, (life, below, in the ground-soil.) Then soon after Eve had another child, whom they called Abel. Abel is the Biblical version of Osiris; in other words, he is vegetation, and while he, like Osiris represents all and every kind of plant life, he like so many other vegetations gods who had been before, and would arise after is portrayed primarily as a wheat, barley or corn god. Indeed, several statues of Osiris and later Horus were painted green. And just as Osiris was favoured above Seth, and given his crown by the sun god, so Abel was favoured above Cain, for Abel, kept, or in reality fed livestock, and with his vegetation, hid the naked earth from the Sun god’s eyes. Thus God, disdained the offerings of Cain, but favoured the otherings of Abel. This angered Cain, for he was the firstborn, the first to wear the crown. And he like Seth plotted against Abel-Osiris. So, when the time was ripe, the seed ready for harvest, Cain invited Abel to join him in the fields and killed him.
But, just as Seth did not regain his crown, Cain did not either. Cain, (Neptune, Poseidon), were elevated to Storm gods. And the Lord pronounced sentence upon him. ‘when you work the soil, it will no longer yield its crops to you. You will be a restless wanderer over the earth.’ Cain was banished in reality from the realms of Spring and Summer, from having been the only heir, thus king of the year, he was now restricted to the realms of Autumn and Winter, or as he primarily represents water, he wanders the earth as clouds, and becomes a storm god.
We can simplify this idea, by seeing Abel and Osiris as representing the crops growing at the debut of the first Spring and Summer, who are both killed-harvested, when ripe with seed. In the Egyptian myth, Osiris is replaced by Horus, but in Moses version he is replaced by Seth. For after Abel’s death, and Cain’s banishment, Adam again laid with Eve and she had another son whom they named Seth, saying ‘God has granted me another child in place of Abel, since Cain killed him.’
You may think there is a slight difference between the stories of the biblical, Cain, Abel, and Seth, and that of the Egyptian story of Seth, Osiris, and Horus. For it was pretended that Horus was the son of Osiris; but in reality, he was the result of a drunken union between Isis and Seth, which occurred after Seth had killed Osiris. So, let us strip away the veil, and understand what these stories are really about.
Each of our characters are twofold in nature, Osiris and Abel are on the one hand the wheat and so forth, and thus rise from the ground in Spring, and for a while they grow. Then they produce seed, and their task achieved they begin to die, and their lush green coat fades to golden brown. This action is linked to the Sun.
‘Iamais grain ne fructisier
sin premier ne se mortise.’
Seed never comes to fruition
until it has first mortified.
So, we can see it this way, Osiris and Abel also represent the effects of the Sun in Spring and Autumn, in its bringing to life vegetation. Also, Isis, and Eve, are twofold characters, both representing the Earth and the Moon, and Seth and Cain, represent the power and effects of the Sun, as Summer turns towards Autumn and Winter. All these effects are but representative of the annual year. As the wheat springs from the ground and starts to grow, we might say the Sun is in its Osiris, Abel phase, but as the wheat starts to die it might be said the Sun is in its Seth, Cain phase. In the Egyptian myth the seed harvested from Osiris is sown and rises as Horus. In the biblical myth the seed of Abel rises as Seth.
Now the Egyptian Seth, Cain are both gods of things below, all waters and storms, thus they are no different to the Roman Neptune, or the Greek Poseidon. Thus, we may glimpse the reason Neptune has a three-pronged spear, a trident, one point represented his power in the earth (earthquakes, volcanos, and so forth, Latin, Ennosigae. A title of Neptune = earth-shaker.) the second his power over on the surface of the earth and waters, the third his power in the sky, or heavens, over the winds, and Storms and so on. Neptune (Greek Poseidon) was the brother of Jupiter (the Greek Zeus) and Pluto (the Greek Hades;) the brothers presided over the realms of Heaven, the earthly world, and the Underworld. Neptune’s wife was called Salacia, from, Sal, Salis= salt, brine, sea; also, figuratively, good taste. For as he said,
Vegetables without salt,
are like men without the knowledge of God;
while both are still edible,
neither is desirable.
Like Poseidon, by the Greeks, Neptune was worshipped by the Romans as a god of horses, under the name Neptunus Equester, and was a patron of horse-racing. Neptune was considered the creator of horses, as it was said he accidentally created horses when he had an affair with Medusa, and also created a girl who roams the seas as a pirate past the pillars of Hercules. But in reality, horses were connected both to the sound of rolling thunder, and wind as they stampeded across the sky, and the reason Herules, Achilles, and Neptune have four horse chariots is to represent the four winds.
While many scholars argue over Neptune’s name and origin, they seem confused; they would do well to consider the Egyptian god Seth, for all life has connection to water and moisture, fresh or salty, whether spring, or well, pool, pond, lake or river, sea or ocean, cloud, mist, fog or rain, all are aspects under the influence of Neptune. Some relate his wife Salacia, with Salax, salacious as goddess of whores, and desire, and procreation; all such ideas are as true as they are wrong. For mother cannot become pregnant, or give birth, or nurture her children without water, and the things it gives rise to. Further Nephthys the Egyptian goddess, wife of Seth, was a personification of the Moon, and the Greeks and others believed the Moon was the source of all water, and Nephillim is the collective name of the giants who came from and lived in the primal waters, although we now call these giants, constellations, nep, gives us Nape, the back of the neck, and the waters of Eridanus flow into the lions of the great whale Cetus and come out of his blow-hole, in his neck as the rivers of Pisces. And Scorpio and Sagittarius work together to bring autumn storms and winds and Nepa-e is Latin for Scorpion; as hip-pot-amus, is a river horse, that comes forth from the water, and a pot is also a belly, so Nepotinus, is a little grandson, Nepotis, a descendant, and the Greek hero god Theseus, was reported to be a son of Poseidon, and was described as being Neptunis.
In reality in all mankind’s concocted religions and beliefs are based on only three gods, the Sun, the Earth and the Moon, all the other gods are but aspects of the trinity. For they turned their back on the Creator, and made his creations into gods.
But you may think old Neptune has had his day, but not according to Nostradamus see Secret Vaults book on Neptune and his Trident soldiers, or verses 1v77, 2v59, 2v78, 3v1, 3v64, 4v33, 5v62, 6v90, presages, 2, 12 and 39.
Nostradamus Centruy 2 Verse 59.
The French fleet with the support
of the great guard,
Of the great Neptune, and his trident soldiers;
Provence reddened to support the great troop,
>Even war at Narbonne,
through rockets and missiles.
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