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The ancient Greek Gods and Goddess contain a wealth of stories and legends, wrapped in Myths which typically provide a story with a morale code designed to influence the reader into behaviour as fitting Greek culture of the era.
In this article, we look at Ate and the myths and legends surrounding Ate, Ate relationship to and with other Greek Gods and Goddess and key events and stories which relate to ancient astrology and the changing seasons.
She was either a daughter of Zeus, through Eris, or simply a daughter or sister of Eris, born without a father. She was a goddess of, mischief, delusion, folly and ruin. The name can also be related to a foolish action taken by a great man or hero, without thinking of the outcome; as like, Phaeton did when he foolishly thought he could drive his father's sky chariot, and burned everything in his path, it usually brings death, or a great fall. Ate apparently at Hera's orders, tricks Zeus into making an oath, and swearing that any mortal child born that day from the lineage of Perseus would be crowned high king. Once done Hera delayed the birth of Heracles and speeded up the birth of Eurystheus. When Zeus found out he through Ate to earth and banned her from ever returning to Olympus or the heavens. The late Nonnus relates to us, the Ampelus a satyr loved by Dionysus was tricked by Ate to think he could ride a bull, one on it she sent a gadfly to sting it, and Ampelus was thrown to his death by the stampeding bull. The moral in all such tales is an old one, for even wise men makes mistakes, as even monkeys fall out of trees. They said Ate not wishing to tread on the earth roams about treading on the heads of men, for folly enters all men's heads one time or another.
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