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O Asari, "Bestower of planting," "[Founder of sowing], creator of grain and plants," "who caused [the green herb to spring up]!" O Asaru-alim, "who is revered in the house of counsel," "[who abounds in counsel]," The gods paid homage, fear [took hold upon them]! O Asaru-alim-nuna, "the mighty one," "the Light of [the father who begat him]," Who directs the decrees of Anu, Bel, [and Ea]!" He was their patron, he ordained [their ...]; He, whose provision is abundance, goes forth [...]! Tutu [is] "He who created them anew;" Should their wants be pure, then are they [satisfied]; Should he make an incantation, then are the gods [appeased]; should they attack him in anger, he withstands [their onslaught]! Let him therefore be exalted, and in the assembly of the gods [let him ...]; none among the gods can [rival him]! Tutu is Zi-ukkina, "the Life of the host [of the gods]," Who established for the gods the bright heavens. He set them on their way, and ordained [their path (?)] Never shall his [...] deeds be forgotten among men. Tutu as Zi-azag thirdly they named, "the Bringer of Purification," "The God of the Favouring Breeze," "the Lord of Hearing and Mercy," "The Creator of Fulness and Abundance," "the Founder of Plenteousness," "Who increases all that is small." "In sore distress we felt his favouring breeze," Let them say, let them pay reverence, let them bow in humility before him! Tutu as Aga-azag may mankind fourthly magnify! "The Lord of the Pure Incantation," "the Quickener of the Dead," "Who had mercy upon the captive gods," "Who removed the yoke from upon the gods his enemies," "For their forgiveness did he create mankind," "The Merciful One, with whom it is to bestow life!" May his deeds endure, may they never be forgotten in the mouth of mankind, whom his hands have made! Tutu as Mu-azag, fifthly, his "Pure Incantation" may their mouth proclaim, who through his Pure Incantation hath destroyed all the evil ones! Shag-zu, "who knows the heart of the gods," "who sees through the innermost part! The evil-doer he hath not caused to go forth with him! Founder of the assembly of the gods," "[who ...] their heart! Subduer of the disobedient," "[...]!" Who rebellion and [...]! Tutu as Zi-si, "the [...], "Who put an end to anger," "[who ...]!" Tutu as Suh-kur, thirdly, "the [Destroyer of the foe], Who put their plans to confusion, ..., Who destroyed all the wicked, ..., ... let them ...! [...] ... [...] [The following lines are taken from the fragment K. 12,830, but their position in the text is uncertain.] [He named the four quarters (of the world)], mankind [he created], [And upon] him understanding [...] [...] ... [...] [...] Tiamat [...] [...] ... [...] [...] distant [...] [...] may [...]. [The following lines are taken from the fragment K. 13,761.] [...] (10) 1 [...] "The mighty one [...]!" ... Agi [l ...], The Creator of [the earth ...]! Zulummu ... [...], The Giver of counsel and of whatsoever [...]! Mummu, "the Creator [of ...]! Mulil, the heavens [...], "Who for ... [...]!" Gishkul, let [...], Who brought the gods to naught[...]! Lugal-ab-[...], "Who in [ ... ...]! Pap-[...], "Who in [...]!" [...] [The following lines are taken from the fragment K. 8,519 and its duplicate K. 13,337; this portion of the text was not separated by much from that preserved by K. 13,761.] [...]. [...] ... [... the Chief (?) of] all lords," [... supreme] is his might!
[Lugal-durmah, "the King] 1 of the band of the gods," "the Lord of rulers," Who is exalted in a royal habitation," "[Who] among the gods is gloriously supreme!" [Adu-nuna], "the Counsellor of Ea," who created the gods his fathers, unto the path of whose majesty [No] god can ever attain! [... in] Dul-azag he made it known, [...] pure is his dwelling! [... the ...] of those without understanding is Lugal-dul-azaga! [...] supreme is his might! [...] their [...] in the midst of Tiamat, [...] ... of the battle!
[The numbering of the following lines is based on the marginal numbers upon No. 91,139. + 93,073.]
105. [...] ... [...] him, 106. [...] ... the star, which [shined in the heavens]. May he hold the Beginning and the Future, may they 2 pay homage unto him, Saying, "He who forced his way through the midst of Tiamat [without resting], Let his name be Nibiru, 'the Seizer of the Midst'! For the stars of heaven, he upheld the paths, He shepherded all the gods like sheep! He conquered Tiamat, he troubled and ended her life, in the future of mankind, when the days grow old, may this be heard without ceasing, may it hold sway for ever! Since he created the realm (of heaven) and fashioned the firm earth, The Lord of the World," the father Bêl hath called his name. (This) title, which all the Spirits of Heaven proclaimed, Did Ea hear, and his spirit was rejoiced, (and he said): He whose name his fathers have made glorious, shall be even as I, his name shall be Ea! The binding of all my decrees shall he control, all my commands shall he make known! by the name of "Fifty" did the great gods proclaim his fifty names, they made his path pre-eminent." Epilogue
125. Let them 2 be held in remembrance and let the first man proclaim them; let the wise and the understanding consider them together! Let the father repeat them and teach them to his son; let them be in the ears of the pastor and the shepherd! Let a man rejoice in Marduk, the Lord of the gods, that he may cause his land to be fruitful, and that he himself may have prosperity! His word stands fast, his command is unaltered; the utterance of his mouth hath no god ever annulled. He gazed in his anger, he turned not his neck; when he is wrath, no god can withstand his indignation. Wide is his heart, broad is his compassion; the sinner and evil-doer in his presence [...]. They received instruction, they spoke before him, [...] unto [...].
139. [...] of Marduk may the gods [...]. [May] they [... his] name [...]! ... they took and [...]; 142. [...]!
93:1 The title Tutu is there explained as ba-a-nu, " creator," while its two component parts (TU + TU) occur in the Sumerian version of the line as the equivalents of la-nu-u and e-di-shu.
97:1 The text of the commentary read mu-kin, i.e. "the Founder of Purification"; for other variant readings in the line, see Appendix I.
99:1 Literally, "the black-headed ones."
103:1 In the margin of the fragment K. 13,761 every tenth line is indicated by the figure "10."
105:1 The word durmahu was employed as a Babylonian priestly title. It may here be rendered by some such general phrase as "ruler," unless it is to be taken as a proper name.
107:1 ... The expression rêshu-arkât, literally "the beginning—the future," may be taken as implying Marduk's complete control over the world, both at its creation and during its subsequent existence. It is possible that s'u-nu is the pronominal suffix and should be attached to the preceding word, i.e. rêsh-arkâtu-shu-nu, "their beginning and future," that is, "the beginning and future of mankind."
107:2 I.e., mankind.
111:1 From the commentary R. 366, etc., and the explanatory text S. 747, it may be concluded that the Seventh Tablet, in its original form, ended at 1. 124. It is probable that ll. 125-142 were added as an epilogue at the time when the composition was incorporated in the Creation Series (see Appendix I).
111:2 I.e., the names of Marduk.
115:1 This is probably the last line of the tablet. It may here be noted that, for the text of the Seventh Tablet given in the preceding pages, only those fragments have been used which are proved by the commentaries to contain missing portions of the text. Several other fragments, which from their contents and style of writing may possibly belong to copies of the text, have not been. included. The text of one such fragment (S. 2,013) is of peculiar interest and is given in Appendix II; in l. 10 f. it refers to Ti-amat e-li-ti and Ti-amat shap-li-ti, "The Ocean (Tiamat) which is above" and "The Ocean (Tiamat) which is beneath," a close parallel to "the waters which were above the firmament" and "the waters which were under the firmament" of Gen. I, 7; see the Introduction.
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