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To him that shall soon come.
Extracts from a French to English dictionary by, R Cotgrave. Published 1611.
'Ill n'est si petit crin ne porte
so ombtoe'.
The smallest hair,
has its shadow,
the least act
a circumstance,
the lowest word
a sound.
For he at the time:
'Le monde est tour detrave'.
The world is clean out of square.
Out of fashion.
Out of frame.
Out of order,
Off its hinges.
The days of Sodom are upon us; hence,
'Qui tient la paesle par la queue,
il la tourne la ou il vient'.
Those that command,
Or manage laws
Expound them how they wish.
'Les gros poissons mangentles petis'.
Justly applied to an unjust world,
The rich devour the poor
The strong the weak
The mighty the small.
A world where,
'Les oisons menet paistre les oyes'.
Said when;
Subjects govern their princes,
children their parents,
mean men the magistrates,
soldiers their officers,
servants their masters,
the young instruct the old.
Thus, the cart leads the horse;
[ Isaiah 3-4, And I will give children to be their princes, and babes shall rule over them. And the people shall be oppressed, everyone by another, and everyone by his neighbor: the child shall behave himself proudly against the ancient, and the base against the honourable.
3-12, as for my people, children are their oppressors, and woman will rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.]
'Quand von four est bien chaud
legueule s'en ressent'.
Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. [And was not Jesus given to say, it was not what enters a man's mouth, but what came out of it, which caused him to sin, or something like that]. [what the heart thinks, the mouth speaks]. [an ox is taken by the tail; a man is caught by the tongue]. [ from, 'The horrors and absurdities of religion'. 'No error is harmless: sooner or later it will bring misfortune to him who harbours it.]
'Le poisson commence a sentir
tousiours pa la teste'.
The head of a fish is ever tainted first.
The mind, brain,
is ever first to agree to sin!
O my body is a temple they cry out,
they worship the flesh, as they have worshipped stones and pollute them as they have the temples: mere players of games are made idols by them, the ignorant like gods.
'Qui peut, et n'empesche, peche'.
He sins that may, and will not hinder evil.
Yet. 'Ill est tout presche qui n'a cure
de bien faire'.
He that will not be saved
needs no preaching,
advice prevails not with such
as are careless
Of their own good; as like,
The sheep which will be lost
must not be looked for. Yet
'Tel cuide vanger sa honte
qui l' accroist'.
Some thinking to redeem their shame:
Redouble it.
but in the end,
'De mal est venu l'agneau
et a mal retoune la peau'.
To, naught it goes that came from
[ and in the end.]
'Vne sois saut compter a' l'hoste'.
Our account must be made,
Our reckoning paid;
(Our lives examined,
Our vices censured),
One time or other.
Yet in meantime.
'A la continue l'eau cave la pierre'.
At length, 0r, in great continuance of time, the water pierces stone. [no matter how slowly time passes, at length it conquers all]. [Time, is the enemy of all that is hidden, for in passing it unveils all things. It is rightly then said, man fears the Pyramids, but the Pyramids fear time],
but why should this worry you?
'il y en ce monde a qui ne chault'.
There be some in this world
that care not.
For some,
'Avoir les mains derriere le dos'.
To be lazy, idle, negligent, careless, not to care how the world goes, to sit with your hands firmly under the bum.
And others say,
'le ne charge de rien'.
I will take nothing upon me.
'Dequoy', adverb: where to, wherefore; to what end, means or purpose, what is the use of it, hence;
'Dequoy me sert cela?'.
what use do I have for that?
what purpose, or use is that-it, to me.
(it is neither fish nor flesh,
neither here nor there:
there is no reason or rhyme to it,
it is of no matter or
consequence to me.)
and thus, for a time, for some,
'C'est au four, et au moulin,
ou l'on scait des nouvelles'.
For a time, bread bakes,
and the corn grinds,
people have some leisure to tell
how the world goes;
'laisser passer les plus chargez'.
To take no thought, or care, to pass time merrily, to let the world slide by, time slip away; (while others pine away through cares;) or, {all the while} suffering others, too busy, charge, and torment themselves with woes.
{but a great calm portends a great storm,
a false one a disaster.]
'Le Monde va tousiours a l' empire'.
The World grows everyday worse
And more evil.
'Trois beaucoup, et trois peu
destruisent l'homme.'.
To speak much, and know but little,
To spend much, and have but little
To presume upon much,
And deserve but little.
[for that is our present world,
and who hasn't come across someone
who fits the bill?]
'Autant vaut celuy qui chasse,
rien ne prend, comme celuy qui
lit &
rien n' entend'.
He that hunts and catches nothing,
is much like him, that reads and conceives nothing. Or, as good hunt and catch nothing, as read and understand nothing;
[for you have not yet been given ears that you might listen, nor eyes that see, or minds that conceive].
[ If what you do gains you nothing,
it is not worth doing].
Yet, we should
'Mets raison en toy, ou elle s'y mettra'.
Harken to reason! Or she will be heard. 0r,
let reason rule, or it will overrule you.
Let reason's rudder steer the prow,
Least thou make wreck on
woes enough
'Qui voit enfant il voit neant'.
[the palmist says.]
Man, being weighed upon the balance,
Is lighter than nothing itself.
What then can a child be?
But the nought of nothing.
[ but it not the body that is weighed].
[ Proverbs 16-2. All the ways of a man
Are clean in his own eyes;
But the Lord weigheth the Spirit.]
'Nul n'a trop pour soy de sens,
d'argent, de soy'.
No person for his own use has an excess
of money, wisdom or faith.
[to have more than you need
is not a gain. but a burden].
[all evil carries weight, while
Innocence is Lighter than air. M.]
'Rien n'est nostre n'est que soir
en nous propre'.
Nothing can be said to be ours,
that is not born with us.
'Tout a estre a autruy,
et sera a autruy'.
All, came from and all will go to.
Or, where money and possessions
are concerned,
All, came from and all shall go
to others.
yet in time,
'Tou se trouve au rastelier de cuisine'.
All things are at length discovered,
or brought upon the stage.
apocryphal, noncanonical, books, scriptures; also, [most properly] an obscure place, a lurking hole, or corner, a secret thing. [But also, those books that should
and will be included in the future O.T. Such as Maccabees 1 & 2.]
'Bon droict a bon mestier d'aide'.
Good right has need of great help;
(so much ado men have,
in this unjust age,
to recover or keep, their own.)
'Vn meschant vaisseau
iamais ne tombe de le main,'.
The best things run more hazard than the worst, or, ill vessels never, while good ones often, fall. Or, honesty is rarely the best policy, or easiest road. As such, a good dog never lights upon a good bone; the worst bones ever fall to the best dog's share, an honest man hath still the worst luck, or, an unworthy fellow often lights upon a worthy fortune, the worst the knave the better the luck.
'Le feu plus couvert est le plus ardent'.
The fire that is covered most burns most (hottest;) 0r, the more a thing is hidden the hotter it burns: 0r, the more a fire is kept down, the more it burns; suppressed heat like truth works vehemently.
Or, it is as, 'silence like a cancer
grows'. S. G.
yet time will,
'Lever le masque'.
To unmask, to publish or lay open,
a thing that was hidden {closely
covered, carried or curried].
But how or Who?
'Il porta la flambeau en ces secrets'.
He divulged or discovered,
he led men to the knowledge
of these secrets.
Or. 'Il donna air a ses entreprises'.
He published, revealed,
divulged them:
gave passage or vent unto them.
but in these times, be careful.
'Ne croire a Dieu que sur nons gages'.
To trust no man further
than he sees him,
To believe no promise, nor protestation
Before the deed is done. We say, trust no Man further than we can throw him,
the Lord says best,
Trust no man.
'Toutte chair n'est pas venaison'.
All flesh is not venison,
Every man is not to be respected
Esteemed, trusted or used,
Every saying is not wise,
Every work not of worth.
'Il n'est pas tousiours saison
de brebis tondre'.
Sheep shearing is never in season,
silly people must have sometime
allowed them to thrive in,
so, their fleeces,
at length, will be worth clipping.
'Toutes heures ne sont pas meures'.
All times are not in season for all things.
Or, there is a time and place
for all things.
[ such was the wisdom
of Solomon.]
'Avec le temps, &
la paille lon meure
les mesles'.
Time &
nurtures a supple harvest.
[Adversity is a great school master].
'La bonne annee en peu de temps
s'en va, la petite se garde'.
Good harvests make a man prodigal,
Bad, provident.
[prodigal, =wasteful,]
[no child is born wise, the lessons of life, make a man wise, or a fool, but whether foolish or wise, life makes you suffer, affliction and torment are part of physical life, because while every mistake does not kill, it afflicts, but affliction is part of learning, {if life is learning, how come we do not prepare for death, for though we may excuse our lack preparation for birth, for birth is not guaranteed, death upon birth is certain. M.]
yet in time,
'A dure enclume Marteau de plume'.
By patience we quail, or quell all harsh attempts, and nowadays we see bags of wool, and walls of soft earth, opposed the fury of the cannon?
'Qui bien aime bien chastie'.
He that loves thoroughly, pays home
When he punishes.
[he that spares the bad,
injures the good].
[he that spares the rod,
spoils the child].
'Le mortier sent tousiours les aulx'.
The ill impressions made by nature.
or bad habits gained by custom,
Are seldom,
or never worn out.
'Gasteau, et mauvaire coustume
se doirent rompre'.
A (good) cake and an ill custom
should be broken.
For. 'Chascun mercier prese ses
aiguilles et so panier'.
To everyone his own seems fair,
[ Necessity never lacks reason,
as evil justifies itself without recourse
to conscience. M.]
'A rude asne rude asnier'.
A rude knave is to be awed
by a rough controller.
'A bon demandeur bon refuseur'.
A bold asker is best matched
with a resolute denier.
'Debonnaire mire fait playe puante'.
A tenderhearted surgeon makes
A wound stink.
Just as a weak father, or mother,
produce evil offspring.
For it is true,
'Les maladies viennent a cheval,
est s'en retournent a pied'.
Diseases {evils} come on horseback
and returns on foot.
'Tard medicine est apprestre
a maladie enracine'.
Sickness {evil} once rooted,
all medicine comes too late.
'Contre la mort
n'y a point de medecine'.
There is no medicine,
remedy for death.
[death, when it comes
will bear no denial].
'De grande maladie vient on bien
en grande sante'.
Sound health comes after sore diseases. Or, much comfort after many crosses, or,
long sickness often breeds
a lasting health.
'Perdu trouue cache de si long siecle'.
See Nostradanus Century 1 Verse 25,
[ 'perdu', -lost, perished, forlorn, past hope of recovery, cast away, forgone, omitted, over-slipped, etc.; 'Trouue Trouve', -found, devised, contrived, invented, had, gotten, gained, obtained; 'cache', -stashed, hidden, encased, stored; 'Long', -as long, or lengthy period of time, from something's beginning to its end; the duration of; all time is cyclic, as is all nature.]
[ Century 2 v 28, Diana-Dodi.]
'Apres beu Dodo'. After drink rest.
'Canars a la dodine'.
Served in with
French) onion sauce.
'Ieudy absolut'.
Maurdie Thursday,
Sheer Thursday. Diana's day.
'Anglois', an Englishman.
[ the words, Angel- Angle, and Anglois, are of the same origin, they stem from the same meaning as 'Damascus', which (I), astrologically signifies 'of the Angle' by which is signified the turning point of the Sun; it does not signify a corner, but may elude to the point and angle where 2 lines meet; as the place where and object turns and takes a new direction. and subsequently a change in direction, as in a change of mind, and as such, this can only be derived at by redirection, a change of course, thus as Saul was blinded and changed direction, he became an angel, a messenger. Nostra refers to England as the birth place, of several angels- messengers, and the prophet, of God.]
[Nimrod led his people from Egypt, from what we now know as Cairo, up the coast to Damascus, and then turned inland and settled in what we call Assyria. In technical terms, it's the Winter Solstice, when those walking in darkness turn around and walk towards the light. And is it not the truth that Sun low in those early months, is often given to blind us whenever we turn and move towards it. From the lessons of M.]
For he will cause;
'Scismatiser'. To raise, cause a schism, or breed division in the church.
'Scismatique'. Schismatic- schism=
disagreement, discord, division.
For those;
'Apres grande montee grande vallee'.
They that climb the highest,
the lowest fall.
'Apres grande vallee rude montee'.
After great rest, much toil;
after much ease, great pain.
'Destournement de pieces de procez'.
A concealing or suppressing
of books or evidences.
[Nostra. C 4, verse 57.
'Ignare envie au grand Roi support/ee, tiendra propos defender les escripts.'.
Nostra choses to use the Latin, 'ignar-us-a-um,' instead of the French 'ignorant,' which is the same in English. 'Tiendra,' is also originally of the Latin 'Ten-eo-ere, etc. to hold, grasp, comprehend, etc. 'Defendre,' to defend, saveguard, shield; also, to forbid a thing.
The rest of the words are obvious; envie-envy, grand-great, Roi-king, support/ee-supported, propos-propose, escripts-scripits, writings, letters.
The ignorant envy of the great supported,
will make a proposal to ban the writings.]
'Rien n'est nostre qui ne soit
en nous propre'.
Nothing, which is not our own
can be said ours.
Rich or poor,
great or small,
foolish or wise,
king or slave
carry but one thing
to the grave.
[ shrouds have no pockets.]
[ Ecclesiastes, 5-15.
As he came forth of his mother's womb,
Naked shall he return to go as he came,
And shall take nothing of his labour,
which he may carry away in his hand.
So, it is that;
'Envis meurt qui appris ne l' a'.
Unwillingly he dies,
that has not thought of death; or,
that has not learnt to die.
'Qui bien veut mourir bien viue'.
He that would die well,
needs live well.
'On s'avise tard en mourant'.
When death approaches,
had I known comes too late.
'On ne scait pour qui on amasse'.
Men know not who shall spend their,
gains; or, only God
knows who shall spend those heaps.
'C'est qui meurent laissent
leur place a ceux qui demeurent'.
They that die possessors
leave all to their successors.
For tis also true,
'Il commence bien a mourir qui
abandonne son defur'.
Who quits what he desires,
begins to die in earnest.
[ a man without purpose or reason,
is as good as dead;
he who loses faith, loses everything:
when your body stops growing
it begins to die,
so, it is of the mind
and soul. M.
'Envismeurt qui appres ne l'a'.
He that hath not learnt well,
Is loathed to die.
'En vieille beste n'y a point de ressource'.
Of an old beast, there is no recovering;
when an old man runs into errors,
or loses the vigour of his spirit,
there is no hope in him,
either of amendment
or of reinforcement.
'Fortune n'espargne ny derviteur
ny maistre elle donne et repend tel,
est son estre'.
Fortune spares no man, keeps no
covenants, observes no conditions.
[ for tide nor time wait for no man.]
[ While many live longer
than expected,
none live beyond their time;
as time waits for no man,
but all men await their time. M.]
[ today he shall be lifted up,
and tomorrow he shall not be found,
because he has returned to dust
and his thoughts
have come to nothing.]
'Renvoyer quel qu'un au devin,
cecy nous renvoit au devin'.
We know not, what this is, what it
Was; what to make or think of it.
We made no provision for it,
Never saw a need to consider it.
[it was foresworn in these times, the later point of Pisces, that the Earth would show signs both on the Earth and in the heavens of the unfolding times, yet whether it is global warming or crop circles, few see what the tapestry is revealing; indeed, true knowledge is long lost. The inability of those who hold the O.T. as truth, to make it make any sense, has led many to abandon it; is it history? Is it part fact and fable, or something deeper?
Those who have tried to prove it is historical have failed, because it never was a history book. Those who take it at face value are but ignorant fools, never did a man live to be 500 years old, let alone build a small ocean liner without help. They are like those that gaze upon the cartouche of the Giza Pyramid, and cannot read it].
yet most say,
'Dieu garde mal qui voit bien,
et n'oit goute'.
For my part, I am loath to conceive it,
or accept, or acknowledge it,
though I see it, well enough.
while Hathor spreads her wings,
'Contexte'. A context; a whole web, composition, work; or weaving together; also, the form, or style of process, book or discourse. [world web].
'C'est matiere de breviaire'.
Tis, Holy stuff I tell you.?
'Vn bon arbre ne desmentira
poinct so fruiet en se saison'.
A good tree will not deny its fruit;
or will not
Fail to yield its fruit
In due season.
[ Isaiah 10,
And in that day
There shall be a root of Jesse,
Which shall stand as an ensign of the people;
to it shall the Gentiles seek:
And his rest shall be glorious. [for knowledge and with a view to something Nostradamus writes of I find in the NIV,
'A shoot will come up
from the stump of Jesse,
from his roots, a branch
will bear fruit.']
'Vous en scaurez le tu autem'.
You shall know the point,
head, or knot of the matter; or,
you shall understand all the story,
the whole matter itself.
'Es petites boistes
met on les bons onguens'.
Men put in little boxes
precious ointments;
little men have many times
RARE gifts.
'Quarantine'. Lent, also a term of 40 days, during which prayers are in some places said for the dead. [ The number 40 is consistently used in the Old, and in the New Testaments, it is a Moon number. Nostradamus mentions this number, in connection with someone who apparently will be known well.
'C'est vne pierre iettee en son Jardin.'.
This thorn is thrust into his foot,
This bone is thrown for him to gnaw on; These words do touch, and tax him; - Are meant or directed unto him:
what others show-sow,
So ever they carry.
'Au cerf la biere,
au sanglier le barbier'.
The stag a coffin, the boar a barber needs, {the sense being, if thou are hurt by a stag, you'll require a coffin, but if by a wild boar, someone to clean and sew up your wounds. For those former beasts, being hard laid into, lay hard about them. 'Cerf,' a stag, red deer, a hart; 'biere', a coffin.
'Deleuce.' Instead of 'd'ellend,' of the
colour of an Elk.
Ellend: m; the Elk, the most fearful,
melancholic, strong, swift, short necked
and sharp hoofed, wild beast.
'Beste douce, ou sauve'.
A fallow deer, red deer, roe, goat,
any harmless Game. (Our huntsmen
call the, Ruck, Doe, Reindeer, Elk,
Bear, Otter, and many others {marion},
beasts of the chase of sweet foot, others
include, Stag, Hind, Buck, Wolf, Boar,
Fox, Swine pig.
Our huntsman call, Roe, Fox, Gray,
Fulmart, fitch, polecat, squirrel and
white rats, beasts of the chase of stinking
'Torneir.' Often to stagger,
or turn around, like a stag that is
drunk with browsing in May;
also, to beat up and down,
or fly around,
thereby to deceive
the dogs that pursue him.
To labour, or turn up ground; to dig or grub up weeds, the 2nd work done in a vineyard (especially in May when commonly the vines have just put forth.
'Turbin': m. the shellfish called whelk,
or winkle.
'Turbine': m. a tempest, whirlwind,
boisterous wind (or as a spinning top.)
'Gemini', a Gem,
-precious stone-jewels.
'Cornquaille'. Cornwall, one of the
shires of England,
also, a part of low Brittany.
'Cornu'. A kind of horned serpent.
'Cornuted', having horns, or crocked,
of haughty, horn like.
'Cornu'. The moon.
'Iumeau.' Gemeau, a twin; 'Iumelle,'.
a female twin, but also as
'barre Gemeau,' a son of Gemini.
'Gemeaux', the 2 muscles of equal size,
the one outward, the other inward, which,
Springing from the root of
the thighs 'condyles'.
and meeting in the middle of the leg,
Make one big gristle
that ends in the heel;
their office-
Function is to turn
the thigh around inwards.
'Grace de St Paul'.
A certain little stone that is good
against biting and stinging of venomous
beasts [as the cussner say that sell it.]
'Iar', jar, Gander.
[what is good for the goose
Is good for the gander: part
Of the mystery of the goose
That laid the golden egg, which,
Was known to the ancient
'Il venoit en vne sort
mauvaise conjuncture'.
He came when all things were clean off
the hinges, or quite out of joint.
'En petit eau souvent
en trouve grand bieurer'.
Great worth is often found
in things of small appearance.
'Et petit buisson trouve on grand lievre'.
A little body {often} harbours
a great heart; and a small head much wit.
'Et petit ventre grand coeur'.
A great heart in a little body;
great courage in a small corp {body.]
[Paul signifies something small.]
'Personne ne luy demanda es tu
chien es to loup'.
No man saluted, eyed, respected him;
No man asked him what,
Nor wither he would;
No man spoke to him,
No one took notice of him.
'Il porta la flambeau en ces secrets'.
He divulged or discovered, he led men
To the knowledge of these secrets.
Or. 'Il donna air ses entreprises.'.
He published, revealed,
divulged them,
gave passage or vent into them.
'On flaire cela'.
There is great doubt or suspicion
had thereof;
or, men begin to discover it, vent,
find it out.
'A despruveu'. At unawares, without thinking of, or looking for, or unthought on, unlooked for, caught napping, as Moses took his mare. [the word I render 'mare' is indistinct in book, due to the printing process, however it can only be mare, now his reference is to the Moses, of the O T. While 'Mare', in French, signifies, a standing pool, a water trough for livestock to drink from, or a small fish pond. {however, the sense should be 'as Moses took, his rest-false sleep, when he was unaware of his destiny, and came upon the burning bush. A period of 40 years, according the Old & New Testament and Nostradamus.]
'Lis.' a lily, lis blanc, the ordinary white
garden lily,
'lis celeste', the blue lily.
'Vivisier- vivisique.'.
To quicken- to give, quickening, giveth life.
'Beditin.' Water lily, water rose.
'Ephemere.' The herb liricum sancie,
or May lilies.
'Faire l'eschole buisoniere'.
To play the truant, when he should be at school. Lol.
'Pol:'m; Paule- Paul -pau.
Also, pastre, Pasteur. Pastor.
'Aiguille de pasteur'.
Shepherds needle- a, herb.
'Pasteur.' A pastor or shepherd, one
that governs or takes charge of a flock.
'Paulme' and 'palme.'.
both the palm of
the hand and the tree.
'Paulme de Christ'. Kicke, ricinus,
palma Christ,
a herb.
Paulme Dieu. The hand- servant of God.
'Sifflant en paulme je me rendray a` vous'.
I will be with you soon as ever you call, do but whistle, I am for you.
'Paulpieres.' the eye lids.
'Paume' as 'paulme'.
'teste de cerf, bien paume'.
A full paulmed stags head
'Espaule'. A shoulder,
'Espaule-ee.' Whose shoulder is burst,
or out of joint,
'Espaulee'. Fits, shoves, diverse
shoulderings, now and then,
with many pauses between.
'Espaulement'. A bursting, or
disjointing of the shoulder.
'Espauler.' To burst the shoulder,
to put a shoulder out of joint; also,
to shoulder a burden,
'Espaulier.' Belonging to,
supporting or serving the shoulder,
'Espaulu.' Broad shouldered.
'Celuy qui est sur les Espaules du geant
voit plus long celuy qui le porte'.
We, having aid of our ancestors
knowledge understand somewhat more than they did; or with all the accumulated knowledge of our ancestors surely, we should be better than them?
'Pierre de St Pol'.
A certain medicinal stone, found in a Maltese cave, {wherein they say, St Paul preached}
[ pieces of stone from the cave were supposed to cure the bite of serpents, snakes, as it was related that Paul, was bitten by a deadly snake, but was not harmed and through the snake into the fire. But originally it was meant to ease or cure Scorpion stings, much more common in ancient Malta than snake bites apparently? But in reality, the Scorpion- snake was Astrological.]
'Vegetable.' Fit or able to live, having
or likely to have such life, or increase
in growth as plants.
'Vegetal.' Having or giving a (plant
like) life, increase, budding, or rowing.
'Vegetatif.' vegetative, lively, quick,
fresh, growing, or giving life,
quickness, quickening,
growth, increase.
'Vegetation.' A giving of life, increase,
growth unto, a quickening,
a refreshing or comforting
or making strong.
'Pol.' A Pole, the end or point of the axle-trees whereon, upon {say astronomers} the heavens move, turn, spin; [set at 23.5 degrees, as mean measure, and perfectly. 'Pol Artique', the North or Pole star, the North pole. 'Pol:' m, a proper name Paul].
'Pluye de fevrier vaut
esgout de surnier'.
April showers bring May flowers; we say.
'Paulme de Christ'. [the herb kicke
Ricinus, palma Christ].
'Ciel.' Heaven, also the sky- welkin,
'Ciel por.' The starry Welkin,
the clear sky.
'Contre la mort
n'y a point de medecine'.
There is no medicine
or remedy for death.
[the road to hell is paved
with good intentions].
'Desbander l'are ne guerist pas la playe'.
The bows unbending
heals no wounds
that it made;
0r, the diffusing of a mischievous instrument is no amends for the hurt it hath done. [Things wrongly done, cannot be undone, no words excuse a murder].
'il n'est vie que de faire bonne chere,
mais la fin n'en vaut rien'.
whether you consider the stuff
it turns into, or the end it brings one to.)
'De chose perdue le conseil ne se remue'.
Advice is idle when a thing is lost;
or when things are lost
why should we take advice?
'Trop tard crie l'oiseau
quand il est prins'.
Too late cries the bird when she is taken; or too late comes repentance when we are sure of punishment; or, we repent us, too late of wrongs done, when we are paying for them.
No words or excuses
can defer Judgement Day
[as, time waits for no man,
but all men await their time. M.]
'Il se fait poissonnier la vigile de pasques'.
Too late he undertakes
that course of action.
'On s'advise tard en mourant'.
Too late one takes advice
when he must leave this world.
'Trop tard se repend
qui tout despend'.
When all consumed,
repentance comes too late,
or Repentance is never in season
with one that's ever a spendthrift.
'Mal sert qui ne parfert.'.
He serves but ill
that serves not thoroughly.
advice -priests or men?
'Quand vn chein se noye chascum
luy offre a boire'.
When a dog is drowning
everyone offers him a drink.
[as many priests
are full of good advice for the dying,
but none for the living.]
'En bonne maison l'on a tost appreste'.
All things are soon prepared
in a well-ordered house.
Because in the end,
'Chascun ira au moullin
avec son propre sac'.
Everyone shall bear his own burden;
or, answer for himself.
'Avoir bec. Ils n'ont que le bec'.
They are nothing but words'; or, the best thing in them is but a little tattle; or, they have no more of a man in them but face; outside, presence of.
'La fleur n'est qui cendre.'.
The best is but trash;
the fairest no better than a dead flourish.
For each there is a reckoning.
'Tel asne tel aguillon'.
Such is the ass his goad,
A carrot for an ass,
A crop for a horse,
A whip for a man.
'A grosse larron grosse corde.'.
A strong halter, for a strong thief.
[ Proverbs 26-3. A whip for a horse,
a halter for a donkey, and a rod
for the backs of fools.]
'On le voit par experience'.
Men see it, or, we see it,
by experience.
Yet, evil hangs on,
'Fy de science, & d'art,
qui en raison n'part'.
Faith in knowledge, and in art,
which in {true} reason
has no part.
As is
'Fy d'avoir qui n'a ioye,
et d'armours sans monnoye'.
Faith upon means without mirth,
and mischief.
'Toute chair n'est pas venaison'.
All flesh is not venison,
Everyman is not to be respected,
Esteemed, trusted or used,
Every saying is not wise,
Every work not of worth.
'Il n'est ny figue ny raisin'.
He is neither fish nor flesh,
hot nor cold; neither fig nor raisin,
there is nothing in him.
'Telle vie telle fin'.
Such as his life such was his end.
'Telle semence tel moisson.'.
Ill seed, ill weed; or, such as the seed,
such is the crop.
'Tous frappez a vn mesme coing.'.
All, made in one mould,
All, stamped with one finger,
All birds of a feather.
'Le feu est demie vie de l'homme'.
The Fire is half the life of a man
(and worth his whole life to him;
for without it (passion-fire) either
he cannot live, or shall do very little.
'Il ne peut sortir sac
que ce qu'il y a dedans'.
You can have no more of him
Than there is in him,
[ you cannot extract water from a stone,
nor wisdom from a fool,
a man without money
cannot produce a banquet,
an empty sack is what it is. M.]
'La sauce ne vaut pas mieux
que le poisson'.
The sauce is no better than the fish;
[ meant, the words are no better than the man. A man speaks, behaves as he is, no matter the sauce he covers himself with. A sweet or spicy sauce may fool your mouth but your stomach cannot lie, rotten meat still kills no matter how sweet it tastes. Sweet words, often leave a bitter taste, when fully digested. M.]
'Il n'est point de pite sourd
que celuy qui ne veut ouir'.
No man's more deaf, than one
who will not listen.
[or as, none so blind, that will not see].
'A lauer la teste d' un asne on ne
perd que le temps & la lexive'.
In vain one strives to make learned
a sottish, or make honest
a graceless person.
tis like,
'Souffer les fourmis
dans leurs fourmillieres'.
To blow ants into their holes; or, to strive against the stream, or draw on himself mischief by striving to expel it; (for the more one labours, by blowing, to get them in, the more he provokes them, and makes them come out.)
[Hercules, {Biblical Samson}, who upon cutting off one of the Hydra's heads, found two replaced it.]
concerning sin.
'Les mauvais musiciens
ne sont iamais en nuyeux a'eux mesmes'.
Few men grow weary of their own absurdity's; few men detest their own harsh imperfections.
[ Who dare judge himself, but innocent,
and one who confesses expects leniency
before confession,
for who can condemn himself?].
'Il n'est nuls petis ennemis'.
No enemy can be termed little;
the least enemy is too great for him
that loves peace.
'Tout ouir, tout voir, et rien dire,
merite en tout temps qu' on l'admire'.
Hear all, see all, but say nothing, so thou may still be admired; or, to hear, see, say nought, merits eternal admiration.
'Neu vent ne fait pour celuy
qui n'a point de port destine'.
No help serves him that runs
an uncertain course
(or he knows not when to end them).
'De gens de bien vient tout bien'.
From good men, comes all goodness.
'Bon sang ne peut mentir'.
A worthy nature cannot conceal itself.
'Bon coeur ne peut mentir'.
An honest heart will not,
a worthy heart cannot,
utter, or be the author of untruths.
'Beau parler n'escorche langue.'.
Fair words flay not the tongue;
tear no skin, break no bones.
'Les paroles ne puent point'.
(bare) words have no ill savour,
or, simple words have no bitter taste.
'Oncques bon cheval ne devint rosse'.
Seldom does a good horse turn bad; a worthy fellow will never prove a coward, or knave; age cannot weaken, no danger repells,
no pain afflicts, no offer infects or affects him.
'L'homme qui a de l'art possede sa part'.
He that has wit,
will have a share in everything.
'Assez a qui bon credita'.
A good name is sufficient credit; or,
a good report is sufficient portion.
'Baston porte paix quant et soy'.
A good bat makes peace where it comes.
'On doit dire du bien, le bien'.
Of good things, we must use good.
'Coeur content
et manteau sur l'espaule'.
In an honest estate, how small so ever,
there is great contentment to be found.
'Assez a qui se contente'.
We say, a contented mind
is a great treasure; or, is worth all.
'Bon charron tourne en petit lieu'.
A good charter turns in a narrow corner; A wise fellow quits himself well in time of extremity, or, shifts himself easily out of danger.
'Innocene porte sa defense'.
Innocence bears its own defense.
'A bon entend tu ne faut qu'un demy mot.'.
A good wit, is well informed by half a word.
'Ce qu'on donne luit
ce qu'on mange puit'.
True bounty consists rather in giving men means, rather than meat. [ actions not words, permanent not temporary fixes.
'Pardonne a tous mais a toy point'.
Pardon all men but thyself; or,
Pardon other men's offences;
but punish thine own.
'Qui veut bien parler,
bien doit pourpenser'.
Let him premeditate,
that means to speak well.
'Qui remue les pierres
ses doights casse'.
He that removes stones
crushes fingers;
he that puts them into hot,
or unto hard things,
burns or bruises them.
'Les vertus surmountent les signes'.
Worth exceeds wonders, example
prevails more than a sign
for the conversion of a sinner.
'Selon ta bourse governe ta bouche'.
Govern thy mouth by thy means;
measure thy appetite by thy ability.
'Semer des roses aux pourceau'.
To bestow excellent things upon
the vicious that will not,
or the ignorant that cannot,
make use of them.
'Par trop debatre la verile se perd'.
Too much debating makes truth be lost.
[anger and hate hinder good council]
'Grande dispute la verite rebute'.
Wrangling, contention is truths
[few words give truth, many, give lies].
'Meschantes parole iectee
va par tout a la volee.'.
A bad word quickly flies abroad,
A bad report set once set on foot,
Spreads far.
[bad news has wings].
Do not boast
About tomorrow,
For you do not know
What a day may bring forth.
Proverbs, 27.
'Boy le vin comme Roy,
boy l'eau comme taureau'.
Drink little wine, but much water.
[ wine makes kings and fools, water
Makes a man.]
one eyed
'Vn borgne est roy
au pais des aveugles'.
He who sees but little
overrules those who see nothing.
[amongst the blind,
a one-eyed man is king].
[an ordinary scholar is held a great
By the ignorant multitude.
A mere swaggerer,
A tall soldier by woman and boys.]
'Qui n'a qu' un oeil bien le garde'.
He that has but one eye, need make much of it, had best look after it; (be like, you have but one life, guard it well.)
'Tout ce que gist en peril
n'est pas perdu'.
All, is not lost that is in danger.
'Moyse': m. Holy Moses; whose
ordinary counterfeit having on either side of the head an eminence, or luster arising somewhat in the form of a horn, has emboldened a profane author, to style Cuckolds, 'Parents de Moses'.
[ referring to Moses parents as cuckoos- for having left the Egyptians to rear him and? Although the word cuckold, signifies, an unfaithful wife? It signified originally one who conceived by another, but pretended the child was her husband's issue, thus he was tricked into feeding and bringing up another man's child.]
And the shiftless man goes hungry.]
[Proverbs, 20-4. A sluggard
Does not plow in season;
So, at harvest time
He looks but finds nothing.]
[everyone's faults are not written
on their foreheads].
'C'est vn banquet de diables
ou il n'y a point de sel'.
A feast that lacks salt
is fit only for Devils.
Did they not give Jesus to say?
'Men without knowledge of God,
are like vegetables without salt,
while both are still edible,
neither is desirable'.
'Telle semence telle moisson'.
Look to how you sow,
for so shall thee reap.
'En cent livres de plaid
n'y pas vne maille d'amour'.
The more law, the less love;
there is no love,
between those who resort to the law.
'Tel est plain qui se plaind'.
Some, how soever full they be,
are never contented. [They eat,
but are ever hungry,
they drink, but ever thirst.
See but never perceive,
hear but never understand.
'Les vertus surmontent les signes'.
Worth exceeds wonders,
good example prevails more than a sign,
for the conversion of a sinner.
'Mieux vant servitude ex paix
que seigneurie en guerre'.
Better a vassal of peace,
than warfare's Marshal.
'Phylacteree.' A scroll of parchment, with the ten commandments written on them, worn by the Pharisees about their heads and arms. Both the Historian Josephus and Saul, who became Paul, studied for a time as Pharisees. But consider, 'Pharisien', hypocritical, Pharisee like? The Pharisees were the priests of pharaohs, guardian of his temples especially zealous over the observance of the law, who's religion is it anyway?
'A povre coeur petit souhait'.
Little things content low thoughts,
or a humble heart has humble desires.
'Bien dire fait rire, bien faire fait taire'.
Good words bring laughter,
good deeds admiration.
'Invention St Estienne.'.
A holy day, 3rd August; feast of
Stephen; also,
'Miches de St Estienne.'.
Stones of Saint Stephen; for it was Saul-
Paul, that witnessed the stoning of Stephen.
'Mal, ou Maladie, de St Jean,'.
the falling sickness,
'La Nativite de St Jean (John).'.
Midsummers day.
[To understand why, John the Baptist was said to be born then, one must understand the mystery of the Dance of the 7 veils and his beheading.
'Decollation St Jean' [John.]
The feast of the beheading of John the
Baptist, 29th of August.
Philip; a man's real name, they say it signifies, a lover of horses, deriving it from Phil=love, and Hippo=horse; but Philip to my understanding relates to the 4th sign, Taurus, it is the number of man, containing the stars of Orion. Philip was the 4th disciple; I will leave it there, for there is more to this than meets the eye.
'A midi estoille ne luit'.
Everything hath a season,
and he that looks for night at midday,
may as well be termed mad or blind.
[there are many answers to every question,
The right one and the wrong ones].
'En argent soit le capital de celuy
la qui te ueut mal'.
Let money be thy enemies whole stock.
'Ou rendre, ou prendre,
ou mort, d'enfer attendre.'.
The thief that restores not, or is not punished in this life, has good cause to expect damnation in the next; (enfer =Hell.)
'Bastir a` quelqu ` vn son rouler'.
To teach one before hand
what he shall say or do.
[he knows much who knows
when to hold his tongue].
'Semer des roses aux pourceaux'.
To bestow excellent things
upon the vicious, that will not,
or the ignorant that cannot,
make use of them.
To cast pearls before pigs.
'Truye ne songe qu` ordure,
tousiours truye songe bran'.
Base minds, have always base
beastly thoughts, their wishes;
projects, dreams are like themselves.
'Grande moisson l'obeissant reueille'.
Great is the harvest of the obedient,
they that can yield will thrive.
'Quand d'autruy parler tu voudras
regarde toy, &
e tairas'.
Let him that mean to tax or discredit
another, examine himself first,
then he will be silent.
Let him first see his own faults, before
complaining of the faults in others.
[he smells best,
who smells of nothing].
'Se mocque qui cloque'.
He mocks, that least may.
The greatest mockers have commonly
the most imperfections.
Or, he mocks that worst may;
some jest at other men's defects,
and yet are most defective.
[he jests at scars that never
felt a wound].
'Qui bien se cognoist peu se prise,
qui peu se prise Dieu l'avise'.
He who knows himself well,
despises himself,
he who despises himself God advises.
'Oracle.' An oracle, a sentence delivered, an answer (pretended to have been) given, by God or gods.
'Oraculeux- oraculeuse'; oracle like, as true as the Gospels; thus infallible.
But the words of the oracle
cannot be trusted.
'Iamais grain ne fructisie si premeir
ne se mortisie'.
Seed never comes to fruit
until it first hath motified, {died].
'Le plus sage se taist'.
The wisest says the least.
He who guardeth his mouth
And his tongue,
Keepeth himself from
Proverbs 21-23.
'Tour ce que gist en peril
n'est pas perdu'.
All, is not lost that is in some hazard.
'Iamais- a tout iamais'.
Forever &
a day, forever &
'Lambe be de Dieu'. The thigh of God.
'Celuy la est bon pere qui nourrit'.
He that maintains or keeps a man,
may well be termed his father. Or as Moses would rightly remind us, the true father of a child, is not his paternal parent,
but the one who teaches the child.
Chose accoustumee
n'est pes trop prisee'.
We prize not much the thing
we are used to.
'Chose bien dorinee
n'est iamais perdue'.
A thing discreetly given, is never lost,
when you do a good turn
let no one know of it.
'Le sainct de la ville n'est point ore'.
The towns particular saint is not prayed to, for help, for help that maybe at hand at home we care not for. A prophet is never?
'Il n'est miracle que de vieux &
We do not credit reports of miracles of a
fresh date, {in or near our times}
yet those of antiquity are revered
and of awful authority.
'Conversion sainct Paul,
xxii of January.
[ the 22nd, and thus under the sign
of Aquarius, 2nd day of, thus on
the cusp of Aquarius and Pisces. WHICH, is
date wise nonsense.]
'Des courir sainct pierre [Peter]
pour couvrir sainct Paul'.
To rob or borrow of one, therewith to enrich another. We say, rob Peter to pay Paul; And even more to rob one church to pay another, because Paul and Peter represent 2 opposing churches.
Since no man knows
the future,
Who can tell him
What is to come?
No man has power
over the wind
To contain it;
So, no one has power
Over the day of his death.
as no one is discharged
In time of war,
So, wickedness will not release
Those who practice it.]
Ecclesiastes, 8-7. Niv.
There is no man that hath power over the spirit to retain the spirit; neither hath he power in the day of death: and there is no discharge in that war; neither shall wickedness deliver those that are given to it.
'Les temps vient, va & passe,
fol qui ne le compasse'.
Time cometh, time goes,
and away does pass,
he that observes, or weighs it,
is not an ass.
The Lord detests all
The proud of heart.
Be sure of this:
They will not go unpunished.
Proverbs, 16-5.
'Vn iour iuge de l'autre,
et darnier iuge de tous'.
One day rules another
but the last overrules all; or,
the day judges all.
All, covet, all lose.
'Le tiers coup de Bastion'.
The 3rd and last knock of the Cryer's staff; as the town or city crier, hear ye, hear ye, hear ye, on this day, it is, etc.,
Hence, metaphorically the action, the effect, which absolutely carries a matter,
'The last word';
in truth, the last chance to hear
and understand it.
'L' hoste, & le poisson
passe trois iours puent'.
A guest, and fish
at 3days end grow musty.
'Tel veu tel supplice'.
Such is the crime,
such is the correction -
{of huict, huit} an 8th or no 8, also: {proportion of} 8 days; the sense coming from the advent and end of the 7th Day, and the 8th sphere which follows it and renews the ages, thus giving a full 7 days for the completion of present cycle. Nostradamus is the only writer I recall as having mentioned and given insight into the 8th sphere. Many have until it passed believed the year 2000 AD, was the 7th day, and thus the End of the World, hence the nonsense of those times. Since 2000 passed, other years have been targeted, especially 2012 and 2013, which have passed, and while the World is hardly at peace, Doomsday, still seems far from immanent, at the point of writing {July 13}.
However, the 7th day is said to be one of rest, and the World has not been at peace but for a few moments in the last 100 years.
'Toutes heures ne sont pas meure'.
All hours are not successive,
or seasonable.
'Le desonement du monde'.
The later end of the world.
'Fiens de chien, &
marc d'argent
seront tout vn au iour iugement'.
All, will be one
at the end of days.
'Tels sont luy qui demain ne verront pas'.
Today a man, tomorrow nothing.
[Proverbs, 16-4.
The Lord works out everything
For his own ends-
Even the wicked
For a day of disaster.]
After us the deluge.
'La fin fait tout'.
The End proves all, or
Is all in all.
Introduction | Century & Verses
Prophecies | Biography
Myths | Locations
Four Riders | King Solomon | David & Goliath
Egypt | Leo | Virgo
Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius