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If you were born between the 21st June - 22nd July, then you were born under the star sign Cancer. In this page we examine the image associated with Cancer, current and hostroic names for Cancer, look at historic figures born under Cancer and share interesting facts about the Cancer star sign.
Payni- Egyptian, Der Krebs- German, Le Cancre or Ecrevisse of the French, Il Cancro, or Granchio of the Italians, allutu- Babylonian,
Khepri- Egyptian, Dumuzu- Babylonian, Tammuz- Hebrew,
Green and russet
The moon
Stomach and breast
It has been depicted by many animal forms throughout history, we know it best as the Crab, pretended to be of Greek origin, but that seems to be an error of time, for when the Greek historian Herodotus questioned the Egyptian priests as to why they had a Scarab in that sign, he, although knowing the Greeks had a crab there, did not understand what they told him, which means he did not understand why the crab was there either, which can only mean he was ignorant about astrology, or that the Greeks adopted the crab from a previous culture without fully understanding why it should be there. And this is very possibly the case, as in reality the Greeks appear rather late in ancient history, and as the Romans would later make the Greek gods their own, so the Greeks had taken and adapted the gods of others to suit their own use.
Anyway, that is not important here, we have this foolish notion that the crab of Cancer was attacking or at least annoying Leo, the Lion, under his guise as Samson or Herakles, but this is utterly wrong, the crab was merely defending itself, or more importantly it’s womb, see my books on the ‘Descendants of Adam’, and ‘Herakles, the birth and other myths.’
The Old Testament, Issachar, one of the twelve sons of Jacob. Mathew the tax collector and Apostle, disciple of Jesus. Alexander the Great. Julius Caesar of Rome. Henry VIII of England and the reformation.
Crib, manger, womb, stalls,
Willow, trees rich in sap; under the influence of the moon; banana, coconut, mango, mountain ash
Tortoise, turtle, scarab beetle, crab, lobster, crayfish, polyp, ibis, asses,
Leo, the hydra’ head, Procyon (dog-Canis minor), Gemini, Ursa Major
India, Aethopia (which basically is the bottom two thirds of Africa),
Scotland, Holland, Burgundy, Zealand (an island that is part of Denmark) Africa in general but especially Algiers, Tripoli and Tunis and the cities of New York, and Constantinople now known as Istanbul.
Insight, wisdom,
The Chaldean priests, believed Cancer was the ‘Gate of Men’ whereby souls descended from heaven into human bodies, the Great Pyramid builders believed the same, that is why it contains the Queen’s chamber, which is a personification of a womb.